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Detective sanchez traduction Portugais

197 traduction parallèle
Detective Sanchez, put those files back where they belong.
Detective Sanchez, volte a pôr isso no sítio.
And detective Sanchez, will you follow up on their list of no-admits?
Detective Sanchez, estude a lista de não admissões deles.
Detective Sanchez.
Detective Sanchez.
And detective Sanchez, if you could run these photos by Marta's family.
Detective Sanchez, pode mostrar estas fotos à família da Marta.
Detective Sanchez, sit down. Sit down.
Detective Sanchez, sente-se.
Detective Sanchez, sergeant Gabriel, if there's anything even remotely interesting in this house, i want it in the murder room.
Detective Sanchez, Sargento Gabriel, se houver aqui algo remotamente interessante, quero-a na sala do crime.
Detective Sanchez and detective Daniels, if you could join detective lieutenant Tao puttin'together a more complete picture of this guy.
Detectives Sanchez e Daniels, podem ajudar o detective Tao para termos uma imagem mais concreta deste tipo.
Detective Sanchez, how many sharpshooters did you see During your years on the gang intelligence team?
Detective Sanchez, quantos atiradores especiais viu quando esteve na Brigada de Gangues?
Yoohoo! Detective Sanchez!
Detective Sanchez?
Detective Sanchez, I'm gonna want to visit with the wife tomorrow.
Detective Sanchez, vou querer visitar a esposa amanhã.
Detective Sanchez, summation of statements.
Detective Sanchez, alegações finais.
Detective Sanchez, if you could start setting up interviews with her customers.
Detective Sanchez, marque entrevistas com os clientes.
I'm not looking to put them away for life, detective Sanchez.
- Não os quero em prisão perpétua.
This is Detective Sanchez with the L.A.P.D.
Este é o Detective Sanchez da Polícia de LA.
Detective Sanchez is with the K-9 Unit.
O detective Sanchez está com a unidade K-9.
Detective Sanchez, didn't the search team cover this area already?
Detective Sanchez, a equipa de buscas não passou já aqui?
Detective Sanchez, maybe he didn't hear us.
Detective Sanchez, talvez não tenha ouvido.
Well, thank you, Detective Sanchez, for keeping us up to date.
Obrigada, Detective Sanchez, por nos ter actualizado a informação.
- Detective Sanchez, - use your inside voice, please.
- Detective Sanchez, use a sua voz normal, por favor.
Detective Sanchez, may I see those death certificates again please?
Detective Sanchez, posso ver as certidões de óbito outra vez?
All right, Detective Sanchez, what do we have?
Muito bem, Detective Sanchez, o que temos?
So, Detective Sanchez, I need you to supervise round-the-clock surveillance for our new friend, Miguel.
Detective Sanchez, preciso de vigilância 24h por dia ao nosso novo amigo, o Miguel.
Yes, Detective Sanchez?
Sim, Detective Sanchez?
Now, just follow him, Detective Sanchez.
Limite-se a segui-lo, Detective Sanchez. Por favor.
What is it?
Sim, Detective Sanchez?
He may think he needs to go this route to find his cousin's killer. Listen, Detective Sanchez.
Ele pode achar que é assim que vai descobrir o assassino do primo.
Yes, Detective Sanchez.
Chefe, tem a certeza disto?
That's enough, Detective Sanchez.
Já chega, Detective Sanchez.
Detective Sanchez, Sergeant Gabriel, I'm gonna want some backup when we get to the marina.
Detective Sanchez, Sargento Gabriel, vou precisar de apoio quando chegarmos à marina.
Detective Sanchez, how are their language skills?
Detective Sanchez, o senhor sabe línguas?
Detective Sanchez...
Detective Sanchez...
And Detective Sanchez spoke to the task force in charge of dealing with the Mah Ching.
O Detective Sanchez falou com o grupo de intervenção encarregue de tratar dos Mah Ching.
Detective Sanchez is still doing a search of the perimeter of the crash site.
O Detective Sanchez ainda está a conduzir uma busca pelo perímetro.
- Detective Sanchez, you find anything?
- Detective, encontrou alguma coisa?
And, Detective Sanchez, I'd like you to move Maggie's rental car out of the print shed.
E, Detective Sanchez, quero que tire o carro da Maggie do laboratório.
This really isn't my business anymore, but, Detective Sanchez, do you know where these men might find Maggie's Prius?
Isso não me diz respeito, mas Detective Sanchez, sabe onde estes senhores podem encontrar o Prius da Maggie?
Detective Sanchez, where did you last see Special Agents Blackburn and Horlacher?
Detective Sanchez, onde estão os Agentes Blackburn e Horlacher?
Okay, Detective Sanchez, now that we've memorialized the body, let's pull this poor man out, please.
Detective Sanchez, agora que já gravamos imagens do corpo, vamos tirar o pobre homem da água, por favor.
Detective Sanchez, what did we learn from the neighbors?
Detective Sanchez, o que nos conseguimos dos vizinhos?
Thank you, Detective Sanchez.
Obrigada, Detective Sanchez.
And Detective Sanchez, check out those boats, please.
E Detective Sanchez, verifique os barcos, por favor.
Take Detective Sanchez with you.
Leve o Detective Sanchez consigo.
Detective Sanchez, Sergeant Gabriel, secure the church and have anyone who might have handled
Detective Sanchez, Sargento Gabriel, fechem a igreja e detenham as pessoas que tiveram acesso ao caixão de Ray Hodge.
Detective Sanchez, stop that bride!
Detective Sanchez, pare essa noiva!
I'm soul mates with detective Sancho. - Sanchez.
Sou a alma gémea do detective Sancho.
Detective Daniels and Sanchez, please take a peek at missing persons.
Detectives Daniels e Sanchez, por favor confirmem os desaparecidos.
Detective Sanchez?
Detective Sanchez?
And so is Detective Sanchez.
E o Detective Sanchez também.
We don't have a choice here.
Ouça, Detective Sanchez.
I'm sure.
Sim, Detective Sanchez.
Detective Julio Sanchez.
Detective Julio Sanchez.

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