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Greathouse traduction Portugais

31 traduction parallèle
Temos a Jane Greathouse, aqui.
Jane Greathouse... o povo proclama este lugar "o antro do diabo".
Plus Doug Greathouse and his wife, Tatti, are hosting.
Além disso, o Doug Greathouse e a esposa, a Tatti, são os anfitriões.
Doug Greathouse is an imbecile.
O Doug Greathouse é um idiota.
Oh, so that's why you're dragging me to this to suck up to Doug Greathouse so he'll offer me a job?
É por isso que estás a arrastar-me para isto, para engraxares o Doug Greathouse para ele me oferecer um emprego?
I'm Doug Greathouse, as you all know.
Chamo-me Doug Greathouse, como todos sabem.
It's just impossible to get a word in with Greathouse.
É impossível falar com o Greathouse.
I'll call Greathouse myself in the morning.
Eu ligo ao Greathouse amanhã de manhã.
I'm going because Tatti Greathouse was kind enough to include me in the Women's Auxiliary brunch this morning.
Vou porque a Tatti Greathouse teve a gentileza de me incluir no lanche da Women's Auxiliary desta manhã.
I told you I would call Doug Greathouse myself today.
Já te disse que eu próprio ligaria ao Doug Greathouse.
Tatti Greathouse is a friend and I am going.
A Tatti Greathouse é minha amiga e eu vou.
Doug Greathouse feels, uh, he's stuck his neck out far enough with the study.
O Doug Greathouse acha que já arriscou muito o pescoço com este estudo.
Well, I told Greathouse it's my study, I'll run it as I want with whom I want.
Disse ao Greathouse que o estudo é meu, que o giro como eu quiser e com quem eu quiser.
Who knows how long it will take before Greathouse comes around.
Quem sabe quanto tempo levará até o Greathouse se decidir.
Of course, Dr. Greathouse.
Com certeza, Dr. Greathouse.
Uh, Dr. Greathouse is waiting in your off- -
O Dr. Greathouse está à espera no seu...
Dr. Greathouse, you wanted me to remind you about your 9 : 30.
Dr. Greathouse, queria que o lembrasse do compromisso das 9 : 30.
Greathouse feels it may not be possible for you to come to Memorial.
O Greathouse acha que pode não ser possível que venhas para o Memorial.
I meant any response from Greathouse about my position in the study.
Queria dizer resposta do Greathouse sobre o meu lugar no estudo.
Dr Greathouse wants to know what time tonight's study is starting.
O Dr. Greathouse quer saber a que horas começa o estudo esta noite.
Tatti Greathouse gave me a recipe for osso buco.
A Tatti Greathouse deu-me uma receita de osso buco.
Tatti Greathouse just called.
A Tatti Greathouse acabou de ligar.
Tatti Greathouse just called.
A Tatti Greathouse ligou.
You... You talked to Doug Greathouse?
Falou com o Doug Greathouse?
Doug Greathouse is irrelevant to this story.
O Doug Greathouse é irrelevante para esta história.
Well, according to Greathouse and his band of idiots.
Bem, de acordo com o Greathouse e bando dele de idiotas.
Oh, before you go, remember that oddball that worked for the doc back at Memorial, the one that was, you know, bringing up the rear with Dr Greathouse?
Antes que vá, lembra-se daquela esquisita que trabalhou para o doutor no Memorial, a que dava o rabiosque ao Dr. Greathouse?
He hated Dr Greathouse, and Dr Greathouse at the time was my...
Odiava o Dr. Greathouse e o Dr. Greathouse, à época, era meu...
Um, Barbara, I thought that you and Dr Greathouse,
Achei que a Barbara e o Dr. Greathouse,
Barbara, I thought that you and Dr Greathouse, there was a sexual...
Achei que a Barbara e o Dr. Greathouse, - que havia relações...
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