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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ H ] / He knew everything

He knew everything traduction Portugais

201 traduction parallèle
That Gramps, he knew everything.
Aquele velho sabia de tudo.
But to her he was simply a son, about whom she knew everything from the day he was born to the day he left along this road for the front.
Mas para ela, ele era simplesmente um filho... sobre quem ela sabia tudo... desde o dia em que ele nasceu... até ao dia em que ele partiu ao longo desta estrada para a guerra.
As if he knew everything was over.
Como se soubesse que tudo estava acabado.
He knew everything.
Ele sabia tudo.
He knew everything under the sun except his Social Security number.
Ele sabia tudo, exceto o número do seguro social!
He knew everything about me and my films.
Chamava-lhe o "Sabichão".
He knew everything except where to begin : the name of the city.
Ele sabia tudo, excepto por onde começar : o nome da cidade.
He knew everything about me.
Ele sabia tudo sobre mim.
Bernard called me sport,'cause he knew everything.
O Bernard chamou-me parceiro, porque ele sabe tudo.
He knew everything about it.
Ele sabia tudo sobre o caso.
But even if Keldar didn't know the first thing about profit, he knew everything about family.
Mas apesar do Keldar não saber nada sobre lucros, sabia tudo sobre família.
No, that guy at the cemetery said he knew everything about Lauren.
O homem do cemitério disse que sabia tudo da Lauren.
In 5days he knew everything that was going on.
Sabia tudo o que se passava dois meses depois de voltar.
He knew everything, sir.
Ele sabia de tudo, Coronel.
Killed a guy because he thought he knew everything.
Matou a um porque acreditava que sabia tudo.
- He knew everything.
Ele sabia tudo.
He knew that, in spite of everything, Yes?
- Ele soube, que apesar de tudo, - Sim?
Ele me falava de tudo, que sabia sobre armas... falava até de como eu, era mais rápido do que ele.
Thelma knew that in golf, as in everything he would drive himself too hard.
Thelma sabia que tanto no golf, como em todas as outras coisas ele se esforçaria o máximo.
He was tortured before he died and probably told Chata everything he knew.
Foi torturado antes de morrer e provávelmente contou ao Chata tudo o que sabia.
And he was always bragging to me about a kid... that he'd learned everything he knew about guns to, and he knew a heap.
Ele sempre falava de um garoto. Ele aprendeu tudo o que sabia sobre armas. E ele sabia muito.
Everything he knew about decency and morality, he learned that day in December from Alan "the horse" Ameche.
Tudo o que sabia sobre decencia e moralidade, aprendeu naquele dia de Dezembro Desde Alan "o cavalo" Ameche.
He knew you were playing golf and everything.
Até sabia que estava a jogar golfe.
I told him I knew everything. But I knew he wanted me.
Disse-lhe que sabia de tudo... mas eu sabia que ele me desejava.
Then everything that he was... everything he knew... is lost.
Então tudo que ele era... tudo que ele sabia... está perdido.
He knew of everything for Dorcas.
Soube de tudo pela Dorcas.
" There was purpose in everything he did and I knew he wanted me to stay.
Tudo o que ele fazia tinha um objectivo : ele queria que eu ficasse.
Then he knew that the Master it had committed suicide and it was so awful what everything put out of my memory.
Depois soube que o Amo se tinha suicidado e foi tão horrível que tudo se apagou da minha memória.
He swears for everything that knew the Cust in the Royal George Hotel, in Eastbourne, in the night of 24 of August, what had dinner joined and played domino even after the midnight.
Ele jura por tudo que conheceu o Cust no Royal George Hotel, em Eastbourne, na noite de 24 de Agosto, que jantaram juntos e jogaram dominó até depois da meia-noite.
Before she knew it, he hit her, tied her and everything.
Quando deu por ela, já estava amordaçada e tudo.
Bubba told me everything he knew about shrimping, but you know what I found out?
O Bubba ensinou-me tudo o que sabia da pesca do camarão, mas sabem o que descobri?
If he knew that I was your partner, he could have found out everything he knew about me - about my father...
Se ele soubesse que eu era tua parceira, ele poderia ter descoberto tudo o que ele sabia acerca de mim - sobre o meu pai... - Scully.
He had to know everything, this guy. He'd find out the kind of inside stuff nobody else knew... and that's what he'd put his money on.
Descobria coisas que ninguém sabia... e era nelas que apostava.
Finally he knew what he had... and everything he had to give up to keep it.
Finalmente ele sabia o que tinha. E tudo que ele teria que deixar para trás por isso.
I knew how it would be. I knew he would manage everything!
Eu sabia que ele trataria de tudo.
He never said it to me directly, but... I think he was in love with her, and then he found out that everything he knew about her was a lie.
Ele nunca disse isso para mim directamente, mas... eu acho que ele estava apaixonado por ela, e então ele descobriu que tudo que ele sabia sobre ela era mentira.
Besides Garber, he was the only person... that knew everything that was going on here.
Além do Garber, erao o unico que sabia o que se passava.
Xena knew that Titus would bet everything he had thinking he couldn't lose once Rafe was dead.
A Xena sabia que o Titus iria apostar tudo o que tinha, pensando que não poderia perder uma vez que o Rafe estava morto.
dropped his hand, and if it is a dog lick the hand he knew that everything was okay.
Ela baixa a mão e se o seu cão a lamber... sabe que está tudo bem.
Yeah, he was good at all that stuff He knew every thing about the woods everything about hunting everything about fishing, everything about cars
Yeah, ele era bom com todas estas coisas Ele sabia tudo sobre os bosques tudo sobre a caça tudo sobre a pesca, tudo sobre carros
And... he really wanted to strip you... of everything that you knew.
E ele queria que esquecêssemos tudo o que sabíamos.
He knew that money changed the intention of everything.
Ele sabia que o dinheiro mudava a intenção de tudo.
In an instant, everything he knew was just taken away.
Num segundo, tudo o que ele conhecia foi-lhe retirado.
So the kid should know everything Apophis knew when he...
O rapaz deve saber tudo o que Apophis sabia quando ele...
I- - I dreamt last night that Hal... found out everything... that he somehow just knew... that I was... blind... and that I had been blind from the beginning... and that I was directing the picture blind... with-with-with the translator's help and with your help, and I-I- -
Eu... eu sonheilesta noite que o Hal... tinha descoberto tudo... que ele de alguma maneira sabia... que eu estava... cego... que tinha estado cego desde o início... e que eu estava a dirigir o filme cego... com-com-com a ajuda do tradutor e com a tua ajuda, e eu-eu...
Before his death, he taught me everything he knew.
E antes da sua morte misteriosa, ensinou-me tudo o que sabia.
All I knew about Robert Burns for sure... was that he was a man who had lost everything.
Tudo o que sabia sobre Robert Burns... é que ele era um homem que tinha perdido tudo.
Jesus knew everything that was going to happen to him... so he stepped forward and asked them. : - Who is it you are looking for?
Jesus sabia tudo o que lhe iria acontecer... por isso deu um passo em frente e perguntou-lhes :
Jesus knew that by now everything had been completed... and in order to make the Scripture come true, he said. :
Jesus sabia que agora tudo estava pronto... e para tornar a escritura verdadeira, ele disse :
No, see, Alex and I talked about everything we plan to do and how he expected to dress and how I expected to dress, and we coordinated to the point where I knew each piece of clothing I had to bring, down to the Spice Girls necklace I plan to wear Saturday morning for breakfast because we agreed to keep it a little whimsical.
Eu e o Alex falámos sobre tudo o que planeávamos fazer, como nos queríamos vestir... e coordenámos tudo, pelo que sabia todas as peças que tinha de levar, incluindo o colar das Spice Girls, que tenciono usar no sábado, pois concordámos que seria extravagante.
Everything he knew.
Tudo o que sabia.

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