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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ I ] / I thought you would

I thought you would traduction Portugais

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I thought you would have dropped her off with some I-raths.
Achei que a terias deixado-a com alguns I-raths.
You figured it out faster than I thought you would.
Descobriste mais depressa do que imaginei.
Because I thought you would.
- Porque achei que faria.
- Yes. I thought you would have been doing cartwheels.
Pensei que estarias a comemorar.
I thought you would realize I was a classic literature teacher.
Pensei que te aperceberias que eu era professora de literatura clássica.
- No, no, no. I thought you would and I want to give you money.
Calculei que pediria, e quero dar-lho.
I thought you would be transferring it from his account, not yours.
Pensei que o ia transferir da conta dele, não da sua.
Uh, sorry to call so late, but I thought you would want to know the Rodriguez thing is taken care of.
Desculpe ligar a esta hora, queria avisá-lo que aquilo do Rodriguez está resolvido.
I know ; That's why I thought you would understand.
Eu sei, é por isso que pensei que ia perceber.
I'm thinking that, once, you would've jumped in without a second thought.
Estou a pensar que, noutro momento, terias saltado sem pensar. Certo?
Hm, I would've thought you of all people would understand that.
Pensei que, de todas as pessoas, tu entenderias.
You gotta know that I would never, ever have left if I thought you were alive.
Tens de saber que nunca partiria se pensasse que estavas viva.
I thought I would give you something I wore at my wedding.
Pensei que podia dar-te algo que usei no meu casamento.
I didn't put up any decorations for you or anything cos I just thought you would've had enough of all of it.
Não fiz nenhuma decoração por ti nem nada porque achei que irias ter o suficiente de tudo isso.
I should've told you about karai sooner, But I really thought there was a chance She would be good, and I guess I...
Devia ter-vos contado sobre a Karai, mas pensei que tinha uma hipótese de ela ser boa e acho que...
Yeah, I thought it would scare you.
Pensei que te assustaria.
I thought Alfred would buy one for Ivy, and I didn't want you to have nothing to open if he did.
Eu pensei que o Alfred iria comprar um para a Ivy, e não queria que não tivesses nada para abrir, se ele enviasse.
I have two tickets to the Sixers / Knicks game, and I thought I would pay you back for taking me to see the Flyers.
Tenho dois bilhetes para o jogo dos Sixers vs Knicks, e pensei retribuir-lhe por me ter levado a ver os Flyers jogar.
Well, I thought maybe if you went to her house and told her dad that you're sorry for whatever made him mad, then maybe he would forgive you, too.
Pensei que talvez se for a casa dela, e pedir desculpas ao pai por tudo que o magoou, talvez ele também te perdoe.
I thought I would give you something I wore at my wedding.
Pensei em dar-te algo que usei no meu casamento.
I suppose in my clot-filled brain I thought that, uh, after I got out of here I would come back, impress you with a gold medal, maybe invite you to dinner.
Acho que, no meu cérebro cheio de coágulos, pensei que, depois de sair daqui, ia voltar para a impressionar com uma medalha de ouro.
Never thought the day would come I'd hear that from you.
Nunca pensei que, um dia, me dirias isso.
- Yes, I just thought with the great and powerful Fitch back in town, the two of you would be... celebrating.
Sim, mas com o grande Fitch na cidade, julguei que vocês estivessem a... Celebrar.
Yeah, so I thought I would use that money to make some people that I love very happy. Thank you.
- Obrigada.
I thought he would have gutted you like a trout, but here you are.
Pensava que ele tinha acabado consigo, mas aqui estamos.
But I never thought you guys would meet.
Mas nunca pensei que se fossem conhecer.
I thought you said no one would miss me?
Pensei que tinhas tido que ninguém iria sentir a minha falta.
I thought maybe you would change your mind.
Com a maldição quebrada, pensei que tu... mudarias de ideias.
I don't know, he ran off. But he seemed a little upset, and I just thought that you would want to know, that's all.
Fugiu, mas parecia estar um pouco perturbado e... pensei que gostasse de saber, é só isso.
I thought you above all people would have known better than to test our resolve.
Eu pensei que tu, acima de todos terias sabido melhor do que testar a nossa determinação.
Why would you do that to me after I thought about feeding you?
Porque farias isso comigo depois de ter pensado em alimentá-los.
I'd imagine whoever planted that memo thought that you would bring it forward.
Imagino que quem quer que tenha fabricado aquele memorando, achou que você fosse apresentá-lo.
Look, Harvey didn't want my help, but I thought that maybe you would.
O Harvey não quis a minha ajuda, mas pensei que talvez você quisesse.
What, and you thought that meant I would try to...
Pensaste que tentaria...
I'm so sorry. I thought that you would call and I could tell you, but then you didn't, so...
Pensei que irias ligar e que te podia dizer mas não o fizeste, por isso...
And you deserve to get out- - Even if you don't take me with you, Which I never really thought you would anyway.
Tu mereces ir-te embora, mesmo que não me leves contigo.
I would never, ever have left if I thought you were alive.
Nunca teria partido se pensasse que estavas viva.
I would have thought you, of all people, would understand the necessity of war.
Pensei que tu, de entre todos, ias perceber o porquê da guerra.
You know, I never thought I would find mine at the end of a needle.
Nunca pensei que ia encontrar o meu no fundo de uma agulha.
I thought you would be pleased.
Pensei que ficava satisfeito.
I just got back a little while ago. And I was gonna call... but then I saw you on TV... so I thought that I would come and make sure you were safe.
- Voltei recentemente, e... ia telefonar-te, mas depois... vi-te na televisão, e... pensei em passar por aqui, para ver se estavas bem.
I never thought you would find me here.
Nunca pensei que me encontrasses aqui.
Of all my boys, you're the last one that I thought would come back to me.
De todos os meus rapazes és o último que pensei, que me viesses procurar.
I thought I would be going back to work when the kids got older, but it... it's not as easy as you might think.
Pensei que voltaria a trabalhar fora quando os filhos crescessem... mas não é tão fácil como se possa pensar.
The way my dad looked at me, you would have thought I'd worn a tube top in church.
O meu pai olhou para mim como se estivesse indecente na igreja.
You're taller than I would've thought.
Você é mais alto do que pensei.
I would have thought you'd attempt to shoot me in the back.
Achei que ias tentar atirar em mim pelas costas.
I thought about, you know, what I would have to do... if they came after me in the middle of the night.
Pensei no que teria de fazer se viessem atrás de mim a meio da noite.
I thought Ellie would have told you.
Pensei que a Ellie lhe tivesse contado.
I just thought you should know that he would really like to see you.
Achei que devia saber que ele gostaria muito de a ver.
I think he thought if he told you anything that they would come after you.
Ele deve ter pensado que se lhe contasse algo, viriam atrás de si a seguir.

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