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I told her that traduction Portugais

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No. I told her that's just how you are.
Não, eu disse-lhe que é assim que tu és.
I told her that it was okay to ask you.
Disse-lhe que não havia problema em perguntar-te.
I told her that I would be your guardian.
E eu disse-lhe que seria a tua guardiã.
Well, when she came back, I-I told her that I moved on from the lifestyle that she was still in, but she didn't like that.
Bem, quando ela voltou, eu disse que tinha deixado o estilo de vida que ela ainda levava, mas ela não gostou disso.
She was going to see through your lie eventually, so I told her that you were lying to protect me.
Eventualmente, ela iria descobrir a nossa mentira, Então disse-lhe que estavas a mentir para me proteger.
Once, I told her that I saw my sister kissing the, uh, gardener behind the house.
Uma vez, disse-lhe que vi a minha irmã a beijar o jardineiro no quintal, lá atrás.
I met him at college and I fucked his brains out, and I told her that he didn't remember her and I'd had to remind him.
Conheci-o na faculdade e fiz amor com ele. Disse-lhe que ele não se lembrava dela, e tive que o ajudar.
I told her that... I won't be going back to therapy - - anymore.
Disse que não voltaria mais à terapia.
I told her that I agree with her, I don't think it's right.
Disse-lhe que ela tinha razão, que não era justo
Well, I don't particularly want to go into the details, but I told her that I needed some time for me.
Bem, eu particularmente não quero passar pelos detalhes mas... Sabes, eu disse-lhe que precisava de um tempo para mim.
Yeah, I told her that just so she wouldn't toss us out of here.
Sim, mas só lhe disse isso para ela não correr connosco daqui.
I told her that I doubted her.
Deus, eu disse que duvidava dela.
So if I told her that letting us study is symbolic of her trust in me, and that I'd like to build that trust, maybe in time I can earn the honor of having a date with you.
- Eu digo-lhe que deixar-nos estudar significa que ela confia em mim e quero que ela tenha mais confiança para, com o tempo, eu ter a honra de me encontrar contigo.
I told her that you were doing everything possible. I am.
Eu disse-lhe que estavas a fazer os possíveis.
Then when I told her that I was married and couldn't, she had me fired.
Então, eu disse-lhe que era casado e não podia, ela despediu-me.
Look, I told her that one day she's gonna come back to me.
Disse-lhe que uma dia destes ela ia voltar para mim.
Hey, I told her that would happen if she rushed the job.
Eu disse que isso aconteceria se ela apressasse o trabalho.
I told her that all the time.
Estava sempre a dizer-lhe isso.
I told her last week that I was finally getting ready to talk to him.
Eu disse-lhe, a semana passada, que ia falar com ele.
And that woman came in and I told her who I was and he said,
E então aquela mulher entrou e eu disse-lhe quem era e ele disse :
Remember, last year, when I told you that Sophie Kramer had gotten dumped by that guy, and he also had given her an STD, so she and I were going to check out that support group called Teen Girls Considering Celibacy in Eagle Rock?
Lembras-te no ano passado, quando eu te disse que a Sophie Kramer tinha levado com os pés de um rapaz, e que ele também lhe tinha passado uma doença sexualmente transmissível, por isso, ela e eu íamos dar uma olhadela naquele grupo de apoio, chamado "Raparigas Adolescentes a Considerar o Celibato" em Eagle Rock?
I've already told her that she looks better with brown eyes.
Já lhe disse que ficava melhor de olhos castanhos.
But I always told her that beneath all the name-calling and the dish-throwing, we really loved each other.
Sempre lhe disse que, apesar dos insultos e dos pratos partidos, nos amávamos.
I'm sure that's what you told her, and I'm sure she believed it... because she doesn't know you.
Tenho certeza que disse isso a ela, e que ela acreditou, porque ela não conhece você.
I have been told in confidence that she is of our faith and that the king loves her and means to marry her and that she means to restore Your Grace to the succession.
Disseram-me confidencialmente que ela é da nossa fé e que o rei a ama e pretende casar com ela. E que ela pretende repor Vossa Mercê na linha de sucessão.
Her doctor, whom I trust completely told me that such a growth was consistent with the evidence of poisoning.
O médico dela, em quem confio totalmente, disse-me que tal excrescência era compatível com indícios de envenenamento.
I-i told her I love her, and she thinks I only said that
Eu disse-lhe que a amava... Ela acha que só o disse, porque pensei que ela estava grávida.
Even at midnight, I woke up my wife and told her that this... this is the best script I've ever read since I started producing films.
Á meia-noite, eu acordei a minha mulher e disse-lhe que este... este é o melhor guião que já li desde que comecei a produzir filmes.
I began to feel the personal human pressure on Rachel Armstrong, and I told her that I was there to represent her and not a principle.
e disse-lhe que estava aqui para a representar a ela e não a um princípio.
You were the one that told me I needed to buy her a coffee maker.
Foste tu quem me disse que eu tinha que lhe comprar uma máquina de café.
I told him that he'd driven her away.
Disse-lhe que a tinha feito ir embora.
It was what lay inside it... the curl of Helen's hair... that she cut from her own head, and told me I must keep, in the days when she said she loved me... before she buried that love... and married my brother'.
A não ser, o que representava. Cabelos da Helen. Que ela mesma cortou.
- That's what I told her.
- Foi o que eu lhe disse!
Now, Jenny Gahan told me that, and I believed her.
Jenny Gahan me contou isso e eu acreditei nela.
I can't say that I want this though, especially considering all the things you told me about her.
Não posso dizer que queria isso, ainda mais considerando tudo que você me contou sobre ela.
I told you that because I thought you'd never meet her.
Disse-te isso porque nunca pensei que a conhecesses.
She wanted extra time, I told her I couldn't, that I had an appointment with a...
Queria mais tempo. Disse que não podia, que tinha uma consulta... no urologista.
Before the op, I, uh, was talking to her mom who told me that she'd been asking for this operation since she was nine.
Antes da operação, falei com sua mãe, que me disse que ela queria ser operada desde os nove anos.
And she told me to open the door and pretend that I was her.
Ela pediu-me para abrir a porta e fingir que era ela.
I still get embarrassed when I think about it today, and... she told him that I was just checking out her dates for her and, that at it was all just a joke.
Aliás, ainda fico constrangida quando falo sobre isso. Ela disse que eu apenas estava a ver o encontro para ela e que era tudo uma brincadeira.
Well, I told her about half of that.
Disse-lhe algumas dessas coisas.
When I had told Sonali to get the papers from the clinic.. .. she didn't inform me that they will also be with her.
Quando eu pedi a Sonali para pegar os papéis da clínica ela não me informou que eles também estariam com ela.
and then I told the dude that answered that his daughter was in trouble. To come and get her.
Disse ao tipo que a filha estava em sarilhos e que fosse buscá-la.
I don't know why we told her it was okay that she could drive alone at night.
Não sei porque a deixámos conduzir à noite.
What'd you tell him? I told him that she sometimes hangs in the park with her friends.
Disse-lhe que ela costuma ir para o parque, com os amigos.
It Was Killing Kate That Nothing Was Working, And I Told Her,
O facto de nada estar a funcionar estava a matar a Kate, e eu disse-lhe,
I told her she could trust me, that I'd look out for her. And now she's dead.
Disse-lhe que podia confiar em mim, iria vigiá-la e agora está morta.
I told him that he'd driven her away.
Disse-lhe que ele a tinha afastado.
I told her guys don't wanna sit on their asses and drink milkshakes, because that's what they are, milkshakes at a gym.
Já lhe disse que os homens não querem ficar sentados a beber batidos, pois é isso mesmo que eles são : batidos num ginásio.
I told her not to worry about money, that I could pay for everything.
Eu disse-lhe para não se preocupar com o dinheiro, que eu podia pagar tudo.
I told her she shouldn't Have lied to you like that.
Eu disse-lhe que não lhe devia ter mentido.

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