Just gone traduction Portugais
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That whole mopey sheen was just gone.
A aura depressiva dele desapareceu.
You should have just gone into work.
- Devias mas é ter ido trabalhar.
You know, I'd have been way ahead of the game if I'd just gone ahead and built that house without ever asking for a permit.
Sabes, eu já estaria muito adiantado no jogo se tivesse logo ido em frente e tivesse contruído esta casa sem sequer pedir uma licença.
Or look into a kid's face that's just gone oh-for-four... and know if he's gonna be able to come back like nothing's happened.
Ou olhar na cara de um garoto que errou todas as batidas... e saber se virá para o próximo jogo como se nada tivesse acontecido.
She's just gone?
Então, ela simplesmente desapareceu?
Just gone half past the hour, Miss.
- Passa meia hora da hora, senhora.
My price has just gone up from nothing to something.
O meu preço acabou de subir do nada para alguma coisa.
I mean, the truth is it's just gone by too fast.
Quer dizer, a verdade é que... passou rápido demais.
He's just gone. No, okay, Mrs. Webber, I
- Foi-se embora e pronto.
I'd just gone to 4chan, just on pure happenstance and
Fui no 4chan, por casualidade e...
She was just gone for two hours.
Saiu durante duas horas.
You know, I hate to say this, but ever since Roman cashed in his chips the work ethic around here has just gone straight to hell.
Odeio dizer isto, mas desde que o Roman chegou, a ética de trabalho deste local foi diretamente para o inferno.
I know my money ain't just gone, and I believe you know where it is, and I believe you're gonna tell me where it is.
Sei que o meu dinheiro não desapareceu, e acredito que sabes onde está, acredito que vais dizer-me onde está.
I just want you gone.
Eu só quero que estejas bem longe.
Oh, well, just text him and tell him to hurry back so it's not all gone.
Oh, bem, envia-lhe uma mensagem e diz para se despachar. Assim não se perdeu tudo.
'Cause Billy's gone, and in just a short time, you will be, too.
Porque o Billy foi-se, e daqui a pouco, tu também irás.
Amanda Tanner is gone and that means my story is gone, but it also means your client is gone, so I thought I could just walk in here and talk to you.
Já que a tua cliente desapareceu, pensei que pudesse vir aqui falar contigo.
We want them to know that it's stolen, just after we're gone.
Queremos que eles saibam que foi roubada, mesmo depois de termos ido embora.
And part of me would give anything for you to just disappear, just be fucking... gone.
E parte de mim daria qualquer coisa para desapareceres, para que sumisses.
She just went back to see if you'd gone home.
Ela voltou agora, para ver se tinhas ido para casa.
I just realized that this will be the third time we've gone out this week.
Apercebi-me de que vai ser a terceira vez que saímos esta semana.
It was never gone, just on hold.
Nunca deixei de estar, estava só a guardar.
When I'm gone, they'll blame me for the break-in. So just let them.
Quando for embora vão culpar-me de ter partido por isso, deixa.
Yeah. So weird to have someone here, and then they're just... gone.
Muito estranho alguém estar aí, e então, sem mais, vai-se embora.
"Freedom" is just pretty way of saying that you've gone off the grid.
A "Liberdade" é apenas uma forma bonita para dizer que estás fora das "grades".
Gone to sleep already. just like her dad.
É parecida com o pai.
It's just my understanding that she's checked herself out after a couple of days of rehab and then gone home and started drinking again, so...
Sei que abandonou a clínica de reabilitação passados alguns dias, voltou para casa e recomeçou a beber...
I just walked toward her, and... she was already gone.
Avancei na direção dela, e era tarde demais.
She would've just gone harder at the case.
Ela ia com mais afinco no caso.
We must have gone to Vegas... and stole a car. We must have just partied too hard, and now...
Devemos ter ido a Vegas e roubámos um carro.
I waited about... ten more minutes or so, just to make sure they were gone.
Eu esperei uns... 10 minutos mais ou menos.
Dr. Altman, I-I'm sorry, but he's gone, and this is not gonna bring him back so please just stop. Please.
Dra. Altman, lamento, mas ele morreu e isto não vai trazê-lo de volta, por isso, pare.
There are something which had gone completely extinct and so all that is known of them is just some herbaria specimens.
Algo que tenha sido completamente extinto e portanto tudo o que se conhece sobre isso é a existência de alguns espécimes em herbários.
I was just gonna come back up from Brazil, and then I figured I'd already gone that far, I might as well do Argentina.
Estava a voltar do Brasil e pensei que se já tinha chegado ali, mais valia passar pela Argentina.
- Negative. Better have it gone over just for old time's sake.
É melhor mandá-lo verificar pelo velhos tempos.
Yeah, he just didn't think somebody should have to make another bed because he messed it up or... ( Regan ) There was a time where I stayed in the house we were at and everyone else had gone out.
Achava que ninguém tinha de fazer uma cama por causa dele. Uma altura, fiquei na casa onde estávamos alojados, toda a gente tinha saído.
We'd be anchored in the middle of the river, and he would just be... gone.
Estávamos ancorados no meio do rio e ele simplesmente... desaparecia.
It's just so hard to believe he's gone.
É muito difícil acreditar que ele se foi.
Before you judge, just remember, if things had gone differently, this could have been McGee.
Antes de julgar lembre-se, que se tivesse sido diferente podia ter sido o McGee.
And then... and then you're just... you're gone.
Football was his life, and when he started getting noticed from the pros, well, you would have thought he just died and gone to heaven.
O futebol era a vida dele. Quando os profissionais repararam nele, parecia que morrera e que fora parar ao Paraíso.
Look, we just need to be happy the cancer is gone and look at the lymphedema as...
Temos de ficar contentes por o cancro estar curado e ver o linfedema como...
Bobby was onto something down here, and just because he's gone off track, no reason to turn your back on the whole thing.
O Bobby andava atrás de algo, e só porque se desviou do caminho, não é motivo para virar as costas a tudo.
I just feel like my life has gone off track and I gotta... - Dec, it's not about that at all.
- Dec, não é por isso.
I mean, I was just at his house and he's gone.
Estive agora em casa dele e ele desapareceu.
I just... It's gone now.
Mas já não tenho.
She was just gone.
Simplesmente desapareceu.
Yeah, we were just down there, but it looks like the office got cleaned out- - thought maybe you guys might know something about it, where he might have gone?
Sim, estivemos ali em baixo, mas parece que o escritório foi limpo, pensei que talvez soubessem alguma coisa sobre isso, onde ele possa ter ido?
But what if he's duped us all? With trickery or he paid people to help feign his death so that we all think he's gone but he's just biding his time, waiting to strike.
E se nos enganou a todos, com alguma astúcia, ou pagou para simular a morte dele, para pensarmos que morrera e está à espera de atacar?
With trickery, or he paid people to help feign his death so that we all think he's gone, but he's just biding his time waiting to strike.
E se fugiu da prisão, é porque foi algo muito grave. - Encontraram alguma coisa?
Okay, I'm thinking, this could just be a Cinderella story gone bad.
Acho que pode ser um conto de fadas que correu mal.
gone 1510
gone with the wind 52
gone forever 35
gone where 80
just come home 43
just eat it 38
just do it 1237
just so you know 1100
just be cool 104
just breathe 514
gone with the wind 52
gone forever 35
gone where 80
just come home 43
just eat it 38
just do it 1237
just so you know 1100
just be cool 104
just breathe 514
just relax 1151
just be yourself 145
just me 553
just go 1748
just talk to me 109
just let it be 17
just kidding 689
just bear with me 31
just be honest with me 16
just like that 1429
just be yourself 145
just me 553
just go 1748
just talk to me 109
just let it be 17
just kidding 689
just bear with me 31
just be honest with me 16
just like that 1429
just answer the questions 19
just a little 454
just be nice 17
just eat 44
just a man 25
just be patient 84
just a joke 49
just us 261
just beautiful 39
just be quiet 102
just a little 454
just be nice 17
just eat 44
just a man 25
just be patient 84
just a joke 49
just us 261
just beautiful 39
just be quiet 102