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Life was good traduction Portugais

266 traduction parallèle
Life was good to Mclver, too, and it was took from him.
Também era para o McIver. - E lha arrebataram.
Jen-Ai, life was good to bring us together, two people who thought they had to live without love.
Jen-Aì, a vida foi boa em ter-nos juntado, duas pessoas que pensavam que tinham de viver sem amor.
He made me see that life was good.
Fez-me ver que a vida era boa.
Just the first tiny mammals. Basically, life was good.
Apenas os primeiros mamíferos minúsculos.
Her life was good and happy.
Levava uma vida boa e feliz.
Life was good before you came along.
A vida era boa antes de chegares.
He was so good the law took a little slice out of his life.
Era tão bom que a lei tirou uma parte de sua vida.
One chance in a million. One chance in a million was all that chump ever had in his life, and he made it good.
Só que o tal pateta aproveitou a única hipótese que tinha.
Brings back the good old days when we was leadin'a healthy, normal life.
Recorda-me os velhos tempos quando levávamos uma vida normal.
"He was a good man, but had a wretched life."
Ele era um bom homem, mas teve uma vida miserável.
As I was about to say with our steady hands at the helm I am confident that the good ship Battledore will continue to buffet her way through storm and tempest providing a safe haven for those who are in peril on the sea of life.
Como estava prestes a dizer, com as nossas firmes mãos ao leme, estou confiante que o navio Battledore irá continuar a abrir caminho por entre tormentas e temporais, proporcionando um porto de abrigo a quem está em perigo no mar da vida.
It was my first good deed, and never thought I would loose my life!
Foi a minha primeira boa ação e nao pensei que me fosse custar a pele!
Well... I was content, I had a good life... and now look where I am.
Eu estava feliz tinha uma vida boa agora veja onde estou.
And I learned what the good life was.
E eu aprendi o que era a boa vida.
Wasn't the sort of life I'd choose for myself, but it was good for him.
Não é a vida que teria escolhido para mim, mas servia para ele.
I was living the good life, and now look at me,
Vivia uma boa vida, agora olhem pra mim.
|'d stake my life there was some good news in that letter.
Apostaria a minha vida em como há boas notícias nessa carta.
Oh, the sand was blowing and the walls were miles away, but... I think I've had a good life.
Havia uma tempestade de areia e as muralhas estavam a milhas, mas... acho que tive uma vida boa.
You know how many times somebody told me I was good in my life?
Sabe quantas vezes me disseram que sou bom na minha vida?
He was an old warrior, and nearly blind. He said that his life was almost over. For the common good, he would approach the raven to learn whether the god really would turn his people to stone.
Era um velho guerreiro quase cego, que disse que a sua vida estava quase no fim, e que para o bem de todos ele iria aproximar-se do corvo, para ver se o deus transformava realmente o seu povo em pedras.
Pandora's jar. It was filled with all the essences, both good and evil... of life itself.
A Jarra de Pandora com as essências da vida, as boas e as más.
I never said he was the great love of my life. He's got his good points, though.
Eu nunca disse que ele era o grande amor da minha vida.
Eu sempre soube que correr de manhã, era suposto ser bom para mim, mas... nunca imaginei que iria mudar a minha vida toda.
All we knew about Havana was the lights in the Prado never went out and you had a damned good chance of having the time of your life.
De Havana só sabíamos... que as luzes do Prado nunca se apagavam... e tínhamos grandes hipóteses de viver a oportunidade da nossa vida.
But if I was gonna be a good writer, I'd have to ignore the clichés and look at life through my own eyes.
Mas, se eu ia ser um bom escritor, teria que ignorar os clichés e ver a vida com meus próprios olhos.
I would not deny you, but by this good day, I yield upon great persuasion, and partly to save your life, for I was told you were in a consumption. Peace!
Não vos recuso, mas apenas porque a insistência foi muita e para vos salvar a vida, pois disseram-me que definháveis.
I was really looking forward to being a good city councilman and working hard to make sure that... every person in my district was ensured... life, liberty... and the purfuit of happineff.
Eu estava realmente ansioso de ser um bom Vereador e trabalhar muito para ter a certeza que todas as pessoas no meu Distrito estavam asseguradas vivas, com liberdade e em busca da felicidade.
From the day he left his cradle I undertook to show him all that was good in life
A partir do dia que ele deixou o seu berço Eu tomei conta dele para lhe mostrar tudo o que a vida tem de bom.
Mattie had a hard life but he was a good boy.
O Mattie teve uma vida dura, mas era um bom rapaz.
A good man once told me that life goes by... faster than summer vacation, and he was right, and one day you'll be old enough to understand that.
Um homem bom me disse que a vida passa mais às pressas que as férias. Ytenía razão. Quando for maior poderá entendê-lo.
Before Tom went off on the last jump... he told me how important it was for him to be a good father... to teach our son about life.
Antes de partir para o últimos salto, disse-me o quanto era importante para ele ser um bom pai, ensinar ao nosso filho a vida.
It was as good a material as any to build a life on.
Era um material tão bom como outro qualquer, para alicerçar uma vida.
Before Tom went off on the last jump... he told me how important it was for him to be a good father... to teach our son about life.
Antes de partir para o ultimos salto, disse-me o quanto era importante para ele ser um bom pai, ensinar ao noso filho a vida.
"... his idea of the good life was, " " a can of "Schlitz" and a "Jack Benny Special" on the tube "
A sua ideia de boa vida era uma lata de cerveja, e um programa de Jack Bennyna televisão.
I used to think the good life... was somewhere just outside the window of my father's car... but now I see it's on the inside.
Eu costumava pensar que a boa vida... estava em algum lugar do lado de fora a janela do carro do meu pai... mas agora Eu vejo que é por dentro.
Nora was the only good thing in my life, and they took her from me.
Nora foi a única coisa boa que tive na vida. E tiraram-ma...
Among the Norsemen, the swastika was a reminder of the arctic sun, worshipped throughout pagan lore as a bearer of life and good fortune.
Entre os Escandinavos, a suástica representava o sol árctico, adorada pela doutrina pagã como portadora de vida e de boa sorte.
That sandwich was the only good thing in my life!
Aquela sanduíche era a única coisa boa que tinha na vida!
My beloved girl my whole life I've thought... I was wrong a good-for-nothing.
Minha amada, toda minha vida achei que eu não valia pra nada.
Because it's the one thing in my life I remember with my father that was good.
Porque é a única coisa boa que associo ao meu pai.
He was really good to me at a time in my life when nobody else was.
Ele foi bom comigo num período da minha vida em que mais ninguém foi.
Ela sempre foi uma pessoa boa e foi isso o que conseguiu.
I never met a man who was bad in bed who was good at life.
Nenhum homem é mau na cama e bom na vida.
Suddenly it was like the good old days were back and television came to life.
De repente, foi como se os bons velhos tempos tivessem voltado e a televisão ganhasse vida.
It was right around this time that I swore to Marie I was getting out of the life for good.
Foi por essa altura que jurei á Marie que ia deixar aquela vida.
But he was very good at drawing, painting... handicrafts Though he was uneducated, he would've been successful in his life
Embora ele fosse ignorante, ele teria sido bem sucedido na sua vida
It was as good a place as any to re-evaluate my life after being asked to resign from the Council.
É um lugar tão bom como outro qualquer para reavaliar a minha vida, depois de ser convidado a abandonar o Concelho.
It's just that she was doing all these good things in her life, and then, all of a sudden, her own life goes to hell.
É só que ela estava a fazer montes de coisas boas, e, depois, de repente, a vida dela virou um inferno.
It was such a good life.
Tinha uma vida tão boa.
Isn't it enough that He was an exceptional man... who founded an exceptional way of life... that's good and compassionate and understanding? Right.
Isto é, não basta ele ter sido um homem excepcional, que fundou uma excepcional filosofia de vida, que foi bom, piedoso e compreensivo?
I knew that freedom was inside all life, good and bad.
Mas eu sabia que a liberdade estava dentro de todas as vidas, as boas e as más.

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