Maybe we don't traduction Portugais
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I don`t know if maybe we should exploit it. You think?
Acha que devemos explorar isto?
If you don't like that one... maybe you'll think it's really funny... when we kick your fuckin'ass out of the car.
Se não gostas dessa, talvez aches mais engraçado quando te expulsarmos do carro.
Anyway, if that's true, maybe we don't have to investigate at all.
Se é certo, talvez não seja coisa nossa.
Look, why don't we grab the weapons? Maybe Giles...
Vou buscar as armas, talvez o Giles...
Maybe we should let Brendan go. I mean, we don't really need him.
Devíamos deixar Brendan em paz.
Maybe we don't do things the way your family does.
Talvez não façamos as coisas como a tua família.
I know Fry's rich... but do we really have to wear these top hats? Maybe you don't understand just how rich he is.
Talvez não percebas o quão rico ele está.
I don't know, maybe we can work through it.
Não sei. Possivelmente possamos superá-lo juntos.
So maybe you can talk to her, so we don't let this whole situation get out of control.
Talvez pudesses falar com ela, para que esta situação não fique descontrolada.
Look, like I said, maybe I don't want to admit there's something wrong but if he's got this thing we'll deal with it.
Tal como eu disse, talvez eu não queira admitir que há um problema, mas se ele tem essa doença, lidaremos com isso.
I don't mean to push you, Tuvok, but maybe if we could... It's difficult for him, Captain.
Eu não pretendo pressionar você, Tuvok, mas talvez se nós pudéssemos... isto é difícil para ele, Capitão.
Don't you think that maybe this time it would be better if we told them?
Não seria melhor se, desta vez, lhes disséssemos?
- I don't know. Well, maybe we can help you find out.
Talvez possamos ajudar-te a descobrir.
If she filed a complaint, then maybe she knows something we don't.
Se ela fez queixa, talvez saiba algo que nós não sabemos.
So, maybe we can spin this a little, but I don't know what to tell people.
Talvez possamos tirar algum partido disso. Mas o que digo eu às pessoas?
Maybe we don't see ourselves the way we really are.
Talvez não nos vejamos como realmente somos.
I don't think we've seen one quite this bright for maybe 30 years.
Acho que há 30 anos que não vimos uma com um brilho tão intenso.
I almost don't wanna click off here like... maybe we won't get this back.
Quase que receio terminar aqui. Quem sabe se conseguimos voltar a falar.
And maybe... I don't know, maybe we'll learn to play this game like men.
Mas respeitar-se-ão mutuamente e talvez não sei, talvez possam aprender a disputar este jogo como homens.
Maybe he is. But what we do know is that my guy is still up there... and they don't know Kessler's out.
A única certeza é que o meu cliente ainda está lá.
- Maybe we just don't mention it, then.
- Talvez seja melhor não lhe dizermos.
Maybe that's because technically we don't really exist yet, so neither do our powers.
Talvez seja porque tecnicamente ainda não existimos, por isso, os nossos poderes também não.
I was thinking maybe, I don't know... ... we could try some new things, you know, for fun.
Estava a pensar... não sei podíamos tentar algo novo por piada.
I don't think we are going to have that problem... but maybe it's because I am not emotionally unavailable.
Acho que não vamos ter esse problema, mas talvez isso seja porque não estou emocionalmente indisponível.
Maybe we don't talk to him at all!
Vamos parar de falar com ele!
I don't know, maybe next week we can find some time.
Não sei, talvez nos encontremos na próxima semana.
Well, I don't know. Maybe the first stage failed, but like any worthwhile experiment, we need to try different methods till we figure out what works.
Não sei, possivelmente fracassou a primeira etapa, mas, como com qualquer experimento valioso, precisamos provar distintos métodos até determinar o que funciona.
Dude, maybe we don't have to rip a tooth out of Kenny's mouth. Yeah, we just have to get Butters'tooth.
O Eric Cartman vai ficar punido com duas semanas de detenção.
Maybe if we switched to a different carrier wave... lf there is somebody up there, they don't like us very much.
Talvez se mudássemos para uma onda portadora diferente... Se existe alguém lá em cima, talvez eles não gostem muito de nós.
Maybe one day she could increase productivity to the point where we don't even need workers.
Talvez um dia ela melhore a produtividade até ao ponto de não precisarmos de trabalhadores.
Maybe we can actually drive somewhere and maybe, I don't know, eat.
A gente pode ir pra algum lugar e, não sei, comer.
Maybe because we think that you Americans are just a little bit silly. don't you think?
Talvez pensemos que vocês, Americanos, sejam um bocadinho estúpidos, não achas?
I mean, maybe we don't.
Quero dizer, talvez não tenhamos.
We don't know what it maybe doing to her.
Não sabemos o que lhe pode estar a fazer.
Maybe we don't need so many.
Talvez não precisemos de tantos.
If we could maybe come down to this, uh... bar down here at the thing... and maybe just sit there... and have a nightcap or something like that. It's a little late, don't you think?
Se quiseres, podemos ir até um bar que há já ali ficamos um bocado, bebemos um copo, e vamos dormir.
Maybe you should be the one in therapy, then Mom and Dad can pay someone 200 hundred dollars to listen to all of your thoughts so we don't have to.
Se calhar tu é que devias ir ao psiquiatra. Assim a Mãe e o Pai podiam pagar a alguém para ouvir os teus pensamentos e nós ficávamos livres disso!
Now don't get mad, but... I think maybe we should borrow some money from my parents.
Não fique bravo, mas... devíamos pedir um empréstimo ao meu pai.
Maybe we don't deserve any better.
Talvez não mereçamos nada melhor.
It tore right off because we jumped at speeds of 1 50 miles an hour maybe even higher. I don't know.
Fiquei sem ele porque saltámos a uma velocidade de uns 225 Km / h talvez até mais elevada, não sei.
Or maybe we don't have to tell Dylan.
Ou talvez não tenhamos de contar a Dylan.
Well, we could... I don't know... maybe play a game?
Vou matar-te!
- Maybe so, but we don't have Driscoll.
- Talvez, mas não temos o Driscoll.
Maybe the guy dropped his gun. Either way, we still don't have the barrel.
Pode ser de uma ferramenta, ou a arma caiu.
Maybe we do ; we all make mistakes, but just to be sure why don't you give us a DNA sample and you'll be on your way.
- Talvez. Todos erramos. Para ter certeza, porque não nos dá uma amostra de ADN?
I don't know. Maybe we should go back to the Betsey Johnson, you know, the cool club-chick look as opposed to the classy club-owner look.
Se calhar, devíamos voltar ao Betsey Johnson, ao visual da miúda de bar fixe em vez do clássico de proprietária.
Oh, I don't know, we like to talk sometimes, so I was wondering if maybe you'd...
Nós gostamos de conversar, portanto não sei se... - Podíamos...
I don't know what happened, but maybe we could work together and find out.
Não sei o que aconteceu, mas talvez pudéssemos colaborar e descobrir.
Maybe men and women don't live in the same zip code, but we're moving closer.
Talvez os homens e as mulheres não vivam no mesmo código postal, mas estamos mais próximos.
Don't laugh at me, but maybe we could be each other's soul mates.
Não se riam, mas talvez pudéssemos ser as almas gémeas umas das outras.
We provide people with a very important and sacred service at the darkest time in their lives. Because maybe they don't wanna make a spectacle of themselves. Because maybe they'd prefer to grieve in private.
Prestamos um serviço muito importante e sagrado às pessoas, na pior altura da vida delas, porque se calhar elas não querem fazer figuras, se calhar preferem sofrer em privado.
maybe we don't have to 20
maybe we can 78
maybe we will 21
maybe we can work something out 25
maybe we can help each other 18
maybe we could 91
maybe we should 174
maybe we shouldn't 31
maybe we 41
maybe we do 42
maybe we can 78
maybe we will 21
maybe we can work something out 25
maybe we can help each other 18
maybe we could 91
maybe we should 174
maybe we shouldn't 31
maybe we 41
maybe we do 42
maybe we'll get lucky 49
maybe we can help 19
maybe we should stop 17
maybe we should go back 18
maybe we should wait 20
maybe we should just 34
maybe we should take a break 21
maybe we are 18
maybe we missed something 20
maybe we should go 49
maybe we can help 19
maybe we should stop 17
maybe we should go back 18
maybe we should wait 20
maybe we should just 34
maybe we should take a break 21
maybe we are 18
maybe we missed something 20
maybe we should go 49
maybe we should just go 16
we don't know each other 51
we don't have much time 440
we don't have one 55
we don't have 70
we don't have any 57
we don't 1406
we don't have time for that 61
we don't have anything 45
we don't care 92
we don't know each other 51
we don't have much time 440
we don't have one 55
we don't have 70
we don't have any 57
we don't 1406
we don't have time for that 61
we don't have anything 45
we don't care 92
we don't have it 66
we don't know 1067
we don't know anything 72
we don't have time 329
we don't know yet 293
we don't have a lot of time 158
we don't know that 318
we don't have to 166
we don't want any trouble 77
we don't do that 82
we don't know 1067
we don't know anything 72
we don't have time 329
we don't know yet 293
we don't have a lot of time 158
we don't know that 318
we don't have to 166
we don't want any trouble 77
we don't do that 82