The street traduction Portugais
19,821 traduction parallèle
Most of the people that come here don't even know that the same bulls run through the street in the morning are slaughtered that night!
A maioria das pessoas que aqui vêm nem sabe que os mesmo touros que correm nas ruas de manhã são abatidos à noite!
The car threw him 37 feet across the street, and he landed on his head.
O carro atirou-o a 11 metros, e ele caiu sobre a cabeça.
Hell, don't even cross the street the wrong way.
Inferno, nem sequer cruzes a rua de maneira errada.
You can't live on the street.
Não podes viver na rua.
Hey! Word on the street is that I'm in the presence of royalty...
Dizem nas ruas que estou na presença da realeza...
And at the very least, you would have treated him the same as you would some common hooker who walked in here off the street.
E mesmo no mínimo, você tê-lo-ia tratado da mesma maneira como faria com um prostituta normal que entrasse aqui vinda da rua.
He owns the coffee place across the street.
É o proprietário do café do outro lado da rua.
People have a very short memory, and you got to know that out there on the street, it's Chandler and Dr. Scott who get the credit.
As pessoas têm memória muito curta. E deves saber que lá fora, nas ruas, são o Chandler e a Dra. Scott que têm o mérito todo.
What I'm saying is I can push just as much product in the street, with fewer consequences.
Consigo traficar o mesmo nas ruas e com menos consequências.
If you help me get rid of Milan, I'll give you half the street business, along with Tommy.
Se me ajudares a eliminar o Milan, dou-te metade do negócio com o Tommy.
Maybe a suspicious looking vehicle parked on the street?
Talvez um veículo suspeito estacionado na rua.
We're investigating a homicide up the street.
FBI. Estamos a investigar um homicídio nesta rua.
Across the street, the door to Fillory?
Do outro lado da rua?
Stop. I want you to call the cops, and there's literally a hospital down the street.
Quero que chames a policia, e há mesmo um hospital no fundo da rua.
You were almost run down in the street.
Tu quase foste atropelado na rua.
And it becomes something where, I'm walking down the street and getting berated by a New York Post reporter.
E tornou-se algo... Estava a andar na rua e fui abordada por um jornalista do New York Post.
It was horrific to watch today the way they were treating you in the street.
Foi horrível ver aquilo hoje, a forma como te trataram na rua.
The other day on the way home, some guy's running naked down the street.
" A caminho de casa, um homem corre nu pela rua.
Always great to get criminals back out on the street.
É sempre bom devolver criminosos às ruas.
23 is across the street.
O 23 é do outro lado da rua.
Well, they catch the street dogs and execute them.
Eles apanham os cães das ruas e matam-nos.
This black hat is responsible for putting Pintero back on the street.
Este black hat é responsável por colocar o Pintero nas ruas.
Them bitch-ass motherfuckers across the street, Andy and Alby? They swooped in and got the deal with Karen, bro.
Os sacanas do outro lado da rua, o Andy e o Alby, conseguiram o negócio com a Karen.
Nothing infuriates a territorial gang more than other criminals infringing on their territory, so staging a loud holdup of the check casher's across the street should draw people outside.
Nada irrita mais um gangue do que outros a entrarem no seu território, portanto um assalto barulhento do outro lado da rua deve atraí-los.
Says you're entitled to a reward for the street value of the drugs we seized.
Diz que tens direito a uma recompensa pelo valor das drogas na rua que apreendemos.
NOPD canvassed the street Calloway was killed on.
O NOPD vasculhou a rua em que o Calloway foi morto.
There are unconfirmed reports from witnesses who were with Dr. King of a white man running out of a building across the street from where Dr. King was shot.
Existem relatos por confirmar de testemunhas que estavam com o Dr. King de um homem branco a fugir de um edifício do outro lado da rua de onde o Dr. King foi atingido.
The club across the street had a sign from last night offering karaoke.
O bar do outro lado da rua tinha uma placa de ontem a noite a anunciar karaoke.
- Where from? Chinatown, across the street from the back-alley computer repair shop where Bardot was dropped with five grand burning a hole in his pocket.
Chinatown, do outro lado do beco da loja de informática onde o Bardot foi com 5 mil dólares no bolso.
When he left, this car started down the street.
Quando ele saiu, apareceu um carro na rua.
I'd put her on the street before any of the other recruits I've met.
Eu colocava-a nas ruas antes de qualquer outro recruta que conheci.
Can't find her? We narrowed it down to this end of the street.
Limitamos a busca até este final da rua.
Well, send two across the street.
Mande 2 para o outro lado da rua.
Yeah, well, we were just across the street
- Estávamos do outro lado da rua
And I suppose you think that women should feel flattered when they are catcalled walking down the street?
Suponho que ache que as mulheres deviam sentir-se lisonjeadas quando lhes mandam piropos ao andar pela rua?
♪ Well, as I was walking down the street ♪
Como estava a andar pela rua
♪ Down the street, down the street ♪
Pela rua, pela rua
You must leave this place and never return, and once you are outside in the street you must fall on your knees and beg the forgiveness of our Lord Jesus Christ!
Deve deixar este local e nunca mais cá voltar. E assim que chegar à rua, deve colocar-se de joelhos e implorar pelo perdão do nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo.
See, we're a lot more interested in the homicide you saw across the street than we are in you.
Estamos mais interessados no homicídio do que em si.
Get the body off the street, ASAP.
Tirem os corpos da rua, o mais rápido possível.
The driver who shot at Jack must have stayed at the Pod Inn on 3rd Street.
O motorista que atirou no Jack deve ter ficado no Pod Inn na 3rd Street.
Like something I had in Taiwan, from a street cart in the capital city.
Como uma coisa que comi em Taiwan, de um carrinho de vendas da capital.
The call was digitally rerouted and then terminated before I got all the details, but Eva is definitely somewhere on the 700 block of K Street.
A chamada foi redireccionada digitalmente e encerrada antes de apanhar os detalhes mas a Eva está definitivamente em algum lugar - no bloco 700 da Rua K. - Muitas portas para bater.
Well, you'd be wise to do so,'cause as we see it, no one stood to benefit more from the carnage at Mott Street than you.
Era inteligente fazê-lo, porque, para nós, ninguém beneficiaria mais da carnificina do que o senhor.
Karen was abducted on the corner of Chester Avenue and Ashford Street.
A Karen foi sequestrada na esquina da Avenida Chester com a Rua Ashford.
"Suspect on the move, west on D Street Northwest."
"O suspeito está em movimento, a Oeste na Rua D a Noroeste."
Killed Gi-Gi Dicaro, a shakedown artist from Bridgeport, right under the 35th Street red line stop.
Matou o Gi-Gi Dicaro, um artista da extorsão de Bridgeport, mesmo debaixo da linha vermelha na paragem da rua 35.
The losers pay for dinner and drinks at Side Street.
Os perdedores pagam jantar e bebidas em Side Street.
Oh, yeah, and you're gonna be picking up the Side Street tab unless we get out of here soon.
E tu vais pagar a conta em Side Street, a menos que saiamos daqui em breve.
In our narrowed-down area here, of French fry quarter, the only street being re-paved on the day of Lola's murder, was this one here,
Na nossa área limitada, quartel das batata fritas, a única rua repavimentada no dia da morte da Lola, foi esta,
Sabine Raoult, was gunned down in the street.
Sabine Raoult.
the streets 29
street 118
streets 17
the simpsons 168
the sun 236
the sun is shining 35
the show must go on 78
the same goes for you 21
the s 152
the sky's the limit 40
street 118
streets 17
the simpsons 168
the sun 236
the sun is shining 35
the show must go on 78
the same goes for you 21
the s 152
the sky's the limit 40
the storm 50
the spectator 98
the same to you 32
the sun is out 17
the same thing happened to me 16
the sound 24
the same as you 50
the same 389
the song 78
the same one 32
the spectator 98
the same to you 32
the sun is out 17
the same thing happened to me 16
the sound 24
the same as you 50
the same 389
the song 78
the same one 32
the sword 66
the stairs 24
the singer 51
the sex 65
the show's about to start 17
the star 53
the shoes 52
the same thing 67
the stars 77
the sun's coming up 23
the stairs 24
the singer 51
the sex 65
the show's about to start 17
the star 53
the shoes 52
the same thing 67
the stars 77
the sun's coming up 23