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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ W ] / Who would've thought

Who would've thought traduction Portugais

179 traduction parallèle
That's funny, who would've thought I could've forgotten that?
Isso é engraçado, quem teria imaginado Eu poderia ter esquecido isso?
Who would've thought an hour ago I'd be on my way to Carolina?
Quem pensaria, há uma hora, que iria a caminho da Carolina do Sul?
Who would've thought five minutes ago you would not be going to Carolina.
Quem é que pensaria, há cinco minutos, que não ias para a Carolina?
Yes. sir. who would've thought?
Sim senhor, quem iria pensar.
You have a conveniently discriminating anatomy. Who would've thought you kept your heart swung there so you might lose it?
Quem diria que tu deixas roubar o teu coração com tanta facilidade.
Who else would've thought of keeping Garth alive this long?
Quem mais deixaria um juiz viver tanto.
Who would've thought we'd both make so much bread?
Quem diria que ganharíamos tanta massa?
Even so, I've seen him before... when I thought I wanted to see someone I didn't know, but who would be as beautiful as him coming toward me,
No entanto, ele é alguém que já vi... quando eu pensava que eu queria ver alguém que eu não conhecesse, mas que fosse tão lindo como ele que vem andando agora, na minha direção.
Who would've thought he was a sugar daddy?
Quem haveria de pensar que fosse um velho pinga-amor?
Who would've thought?
Quem é que adivinhava?
Who would've thought seeing an accident like that would be so fun?
Quem diria que assistir a um acidente daqueles seria tão divertido?
Who would've thought that this bargain marriage would have lasted this long?
Quem diria que essa pechincha de casamento duraria tanto?
Who'd have ever thought that you would've developed into this gorgeous creature? !
Quem teria pensado que tu irias desenvolver esta linda criatura?
Who would've thought these clowns were tellir the truth?
Quem imaginava que estes palhaços estavam a dizer a verdade?
Who would've thought that of all things it would be love that kills the great Hercules?
Quem poderia imaginar que de todas as coisas... seria o amor que mataria o grande Hércules?
Who would've thought we'd spend Christmas together?
Quem iria dizer que passariamos o Natal juntos?
Have him win the green beret Now, who would've thought- -
Quem haveria de imaginar?
Who would've thought he was capable of such atrocities?
Quem pensaria que ele seria capaz de tais atrocidades?
Who would've ever thought it?
Quem é que havia de adivinhar?
- Who would've thought?
- Quem iria imaginar?
Who would've thought that someday... ... Chandler Bing would buy me a drawer?
Quem pensaria que, um dia o Chandler Bing me compraria uma gaveta?
Who would've thought a couple of eggs could give me such a feeling of conquest?
Quem diria que um par de ovos me dariam este sentimento de conquista?
Who would've thought something so beautiful could be replicated... by a four-year-old boy in only two hours?
Quem pensaria que um miudo de 4 anos pudesse replicá-la em 2 horas?
Who would've thought one ex-soldier would be such an obstacle.
Quem iria pensar que um ex-soldado seria um obstáculo tão grande?
"Who would've ever thought that a child from Oklahoma, in the'50s... would've grown up to spend six months... on a Russian space station with a couple Russians?"
"Quem diria que uma criança de Oklahoma, nos anos'50, " depois de crescida, passaria seis meses... "numa estação espacial russa, com russos?"
Who would've thought?
Quem diria?
Who would've thought he'd just snap like that?
logo ele. Quem diria que se passaria assim?
Who would've thought anyone even reads those government reports. You know?
Não pensei que lessem esses relatórios governamentais.
I mean, who would've thought she would do something like that? I mean, she's weird and everything, but -
Quem é que imaginava que ela faria uma coisa destas?
Who would've thought asbestos would take so long to get out?
Quem imaginaria que demorariam tanto tempo a retirar o amianto?
Who would've thought Cupid had a station at 14th Street Nails?
Quem pensaria que o Cupido tivesse uma estacão na 14th Street Nails?
I mean, who would ´ ve thought that my foray into hair plugs... would ´ ve resulted in last month ´ s cover story?
Quero dizer, quem pensaria que a minha testa ligada a cabelos... resultaria na história de capa do mês passado?
Who would've thought getting drunk would get me $ 150,000 a week from the government?
Quem pensou que ao me embebedar numa festa iria me render 150,000 € por semana do governo?
Who would've thought it'd be next to the phone?
- Eu gosto de luau. - E tu Zelda?
Who would've thought it wasn't really about a dragon, huh?
Quem imaginaria que não é realmente sobre um dragão.
Who would've ever thought?
Quem diria?
- Who would've thought?
- Quem diria?
Now, who would've thought when they came to the fight... they was gonna witness the launchin'of a black satellite.
Diga, quem pensaria que ao vir assistir à luta... seria testemunha do lançamento de um satélite preto.
After all these years of blazing', who would've thought the last thing to wind up smokin'would be your ass? .
Depois de fumar todos estes anos, que teria pensado que a última coisa que se iria fumar serias tu?
Milk and coffee, who would've thought?
Café com leite! Quem diria?
Steven's a doctor. A gay heart surgeon. Who would've thought?
O Steven é médico um cirurgião gay!
Who would've thought the two of us would make homicide.
Quem é que imaginaria que nós os dois entraríamos para os Homicídios?
Who would've thought one so small could endure so much pain?
Quem imaginaria que alguém tão pequeno suportaria tamanha dor?
Who would've thought that would still be there?
Quem teria pensado encontrá-las lá?
Who would've thought Iris couldn't take it as strong as she was, brave as she was?
Quem havia de pensar que a Iris não resistiria... forte como era, corajosa como era?
Anyway I... I felt sure that in the end you would do it... Who would've thought?
De qualquer modo, tive a certeza de que acabaria por fazê-lo, sendo o esquerdista teimoso que é.
I've seen your show like five, six times, but to run into you... In the Wayne Newton Theater, who would have thought of that?
Vi o seu espectáculo cinco ou seis vezes mas encontrá-lo..... no Teatro Wayne Newton, quem diria?
Who would've thought that Pong would turn to online role-playing games.
Quem diria que o "Pong" acabaria em jogos online de role-play.
Who would've ever thought it would be you in space?
Quem imaginaria que você é que iria para o espaço.
Who would've thought Charlie could bust us out of jail using nothing but his shoes.
Quem diria que o Charlie nos tiraria da cadeia usando apenas os sapatos?
Who would've thought 40 minutes ago we'd be in a fifth set?
Quem diria, há 40 minutos, que haveria um quinto set?

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