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Who would do that traduction Portugais

782 traduction parallèle
Didn't you teach me to despise any man who would do that who would do what he's going to do?
Näo me ensinou a desprezar homens assim? Que fazem o que ele pretende?
- Who would do that?
- Quem faria tal coisa?
- Who would do that?
- Quem faria isso?
- Who would do that?
- Quem poderia ter feito isso? - Não sei.
How many guys do you know who would do that if they didn't love you?
Quantos caras você conhece que fariam isso sem amá-la?
( van Kleist ) Because in'33 many people did not know what would happen, and there were some who were very critical but there was also a great number who were quite hopeful and expected that the new government would do something good.
Em 33, muitas pessoas não sabiam o que ia acontecer, e havia algumas bastante críticas, mas também havia muitas que estavam muito esperançosas, que esperavam que o novo governo fizesse algo de bom.
Who would believe you had anything that was important enough to do...?
E quem acreditará que o que tem a fazer é tão importante?
I am past 65. But if we can make sure that here are four Frenchmen at least who feel as I do about our country, who, if they had the chance, would fight for France.
Já passei dos 65 anos, mas se tivesse a certeza de que verdadeiros franceses, ou pelo menos aqueles que sintam o que eu sinto pelo nosso país, que, se tivessem a oportunidade, lutariam pela França,
Who would believe that he fell out of the car?
Quem acreditaria que ele caíra do carro?
That man, rich or poor, who has the light of faith and charity within himself... even though he were plunged into the very pit of darkness... would still enjoy the clear light of day.
Aquele homem, rico ou pobre que possuí a luz da fé e a caridade dentro de si, ainda que estivesse mergulhado no abismo da obscuridade, continuaria a desfrutar da clara luz do dia.
There's the respect that makes calamity of so long life for who would bear the whips and scorns of time the law's delay the insolence of office and the spurns that patient merit of the unworthy take when he himself might his quietus make with a bare bodkin?
Pois, quem suportaria as agonias e injurias deste mundo... a demora da justiça, a arrogância do poder... os insultos que sofre a paciência... podendo ajustar contas nós mesmos... com um simples punhal?
There's the respect that makes calamity of so long life, for who would bear the whips and scorns of time, the oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely,
O respeito dá às calamidades uma longa vida. Pois quem suportaria o flagelo dos tempos, a injustiça do opressor, as afrontas do orgulhoso,
And suppose I told them... that what they're doing is stupid to the point of imbecility! - Who do you think would listen?
E se eu dissesse o que penso - que o que estão fazendo é estupidez - quem me daria ouvidos?
Oh, apparently, O Seculo's reporter got to the eldest of the children who told them that the lady predicted that danger to the world would come out of Russia. [CHUCKLES] The lady's not much of a prophet.
Parece que a criança mais velha disse ao repórter do "Século" que a Senhora previa perigo para o mundo vindo da Rússia.
As to what I'm about to show you, I bind you to silence because there are men who would move heaven and earth to destroy that which I have guarded for many, many years.
Peço-te que guardes segredo, do que vou mostrar-te pois há homens que tudo fariam... para destruirem aquilo que guardei por muitos e muitos anos.
Do not turn to this false prophet who would make you believe that our savior was a mere magician Like him. That the divine miracles were tricks.
Recusem este falso profeta que quer fazer-vos acreditar que o nosso Salvador,... era um simples ilusionista e que os milagres divinos eram truques.
Who is it that would do that for me?
Quem faria isto? Como se chama ele?
I do not care who you are or what you are or what they may say about you, but I want to hear from your own lips that you are not a traitor, that you would not lead these people in revolt against me.
Não quero saber quem és, que és ou o que dizem acerca de ti... mas quero ouvir dos teus próprios lábios... que não és um traidor... que não chefiarias uma revolta desta gente contra mim.
That was some boy you was married to who would do a thing like that.
Fazer uma coisa dessas com a esposa.
Would you tell me who has the room on the second floor in the corner, that corner?
- Sim. Diz-me de quem é o quarto de canto do segundo andar? Aquele canto?
Al Denton, who would probably give an arm or a leg or a part of his soul to have another chance. To be able to rise up and shake the dirt from his body and the bad dreams that infest his consciousness.
Que lhe permitisse levantar e sacudir o pó do corpo... assim como os pesadelos que infestam a sua consciência.
Who else do you know that would go to the moon for you?
Enfim, quem mais iria até a Lua por você?
Who in the hell would do a thing like that?
Quem diabos faria algo assim?
Now, who would want to do a thing like that?
Bom, quem é que pode ter interesse em fazê-lo?
Who do you suppose would be able to kill that renegade?
Quem conseguiria matá-lo?
Who would do a dumb thing like that?
Quem faria uma coisa idiota assim?
also i would like to point out that the balpa spokesman who complained about aeronautical inaccuracies was himself wearing a captain's hat whereas he only had lieutenant's stripes on the sleeves of his jacket.
Também queria comentar que o porta-voz da BALPA que se queixou das incoerências aeronáuticas, usava um chapéu de comandante e só tinha as divisas de tenente nas mangas do casaco.
- Who would do a dull thing like that?
- Quem faria uma coisa tola assim?
Convinced of that the victory would be its before the Winter starting, it commanded the generals who continued.
Convencido de que a vitória seria sua antes do Inverno começar, ordenou aos generais que prosseguissem.
that democrats would negotiate with a person who embodies all the horrors of National Socialism.
de que as democratas negoceiem com uma pessoa que encarna todos os horrores do Nacional Socialismo.
What would you say if I told you that as of November 8 Secret Service files find not one individual in the entire Fort Worth-Dallas territory who represents a threat to the president's security?
O que você diria se eu lhe dissesse que a partir de 8 de novembro Arquivos do Serviço Secreto não encontraram um único indivíduo em todo o território de Fort Worth Dallas que representasse uma ameaça à segurança do presidente?
Those who didn't mean him no good wouldn't leave him alone. The people that could do him some good, they wouldn't do it... in the manner that it would do him some good.
As pessoas que lhe queriam mal não o deixavam em paz, as pessoas que lhe queriam bem, não faziam nada.
Punch, one of the great fool-victims of history, for you have accepted the role of king for a day, and who but a fool would do that?
Punch, uma das maiores vítimas tontas da história, por aceitar o papel de rei por um dia, E quem senão um tonto faria isso?
I don't think that Mr Irving is exactly a character... who would destroy something that he got an offer of 15 thousand.
Não acho que o Sr. Irving seja do tipo que destruiria algo que poderia vender por 15 mil dólares.
( man ) Mr Roosevelt began by saying that when he was a young man the great reputation in the American military was General Grant, who had once sent an order saying that he would accept no terms but unconditional surrender,
O Sr. Roosevelt começou por dizer que, quando era novo, a grande figura do exército americano era o general Grant, que tinha enviado uma ordem dizendo que não aceitaria nada além da rendição incondicional, e que estas eram, na verdade, as condições que os Aliados,
Mr. and Mrs. Rita Trondheim, Reginald Bosankway who would be next to Norway in a rhyming dictionary if it included proper names and if he pronounced his name like that.
A IDADE DE OURO DA IRRIGAÇÃO DO CÓLON Mr. e Mrs. Rita Trondheim, Reginald Bosankuega, que ficaria ao lado da Noruega num dicionário de rimas, se incluísse nomes próprios e o nome se pronunciasse assim.
I mean, would I be here if I was kiddin', mister? Subway...! Who'd wanna do a thing like that?
Gostaria de agradecer em nome da cidade de Nova Iorque, blá, blá, blá... e nunca parei para pensar no porquê.
Did you really think that I would believe this shambles is the work of professional builders? People who do it for a living?
Achavas mesmo que eu acreditava que esta desgraça é obra de construtores profissionais, que ganham a vida a fazer isto?
During five years of war the illustrious Frederick had so exhausted the males of his kingdom that he had to employ recruiters who would commit any crime, including kidnapping to keep supplied those brilliant regiments of his with cannon fodder.
Em cinco anos de guerra... foi tal a razia nos exércitos do ilustre Frederico... que teve este de recrutar homens... capazes de qualquer crime, incluindo o rapto... e suprir de carne de canhão os brilhantes regimentos.
Who would want to do a thing like that?
Quem faria algo assim?
Even those who pay close attention to politics... probably saw Hal Phillip Walker and his Replacement Party... as a bit of frost on the hillside... summer, if not late spring, would surely do away with all that.
Inclusive aqueles que estão dependentes da política... Viram provavelmente ao Hal Phillip Walker e seu Partido da Mudança... Como um pingo de gelo na ladeira... que o verão, ou o final da primavera, certamente faria desaparecer.
Tank, who do you know that would have a contact for shutting down a loan company?
Tank, que sabem... ter um contato próximo a casas de empréstimo?
She said "L," "P," and "M," that's all she would give me... are the people who worked under Mitchell.
Disse-me "L", "P" e "M" e foi tudo... São colaboradores do Mitchell.
And also, to send a message to those who prepare something for the night of the referendum, thing that would be very grave.
Mesmo com a melhor consciência, na apropriação coletiva... não é possível ignorar a lei do lucro. Então, que não ponham palavras em minha boca, Depois de 50 anos de diversas experiências socialistas... não vamos recomeçar o caminho de erros que talvez foram indispensáveis ou inevitáveis no passado.
And who would want to do that except... an accomplice?
E quem quereria fazer isso? Um cúmplice.
And the proof of the strength of the Equal Rights Amendment is that so many of you who would never do it before put on black tie tonight.
E a prova da força da Emenda dos Direitos Iguais é ver tantos de vós que nunca o fizeram antes, pôr o laço preto.
But he really believed that one day human beings would launch celestial ships with sails adapted to the breezes of heaven filled with explorers who, he said "would not fear the vastness of space."
Mas ele acreditava realmente que um dia, os seres humanos enviariam naves celestiais, com velas adaptadas às brisas dos céus, cheias de exploradores que, dizia ele, não terão medo da vastidão do espaço.
I do not mean to say but that there are many fathers who would set a much higher value on the happiness of their daughter than on the money they may have to give for their marriage and who would try to see in a marriage that sweet conformity of tastes which is a sure pledge of honour, tranquillity and joy, and that...
Não há muitos pais que preferissem cuidar da alegria das filhas do que do dinheiro, que não as quisessem sacrificar aos seus interesses e que procurassem acima de tudo dar a um casamento a doce conformidade que mantém a honra, a calma e a alegria...
I meant that I'm not blind to the fact that there are many Earthlings : who would like to see the failure of our mission :
Estou ciente do facto de que há muitos terrestres... que querem que esta missão fracasse.
protecting the head of the march... the positioning of the foreign delegations... the handing out of sound equipment and megaphones... control of adjacent streets the roofs... coordinating decoration paraphernalia... planning for offensive equipment in case... van hire... organizing control points... collecting all huge banners... who would carry them... make sure the back of the demo is under protection too... liaise all these disparate groups... staying in touch through walkie talkie, map of the cemetary... make sure flowers had been bought, make sure they were in place... get a stand for the meeting... protect leaving vehicles, make sure the mikes were brought in and who did that.
a disposição das delegações estrangeiras, a repartição do material de som e dos megafones, o controlo das ruas adjacentes e dos telhados, a coordenação do material de decoração, prever material ofensivo no caso de...
Although I don't suppose there was anything that would unduly shock a man, who appreciates life as much as you do.
Contudo, não acredito que tenha sido algo que chocasse um homem que aprecia a vida tanto como tu.

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