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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ W ] / Who would have thought

Who would have thought traduction Portugais

412 traduction parallèle
Well, well, who would have thought I wouldn't know a girl when I saw one?
Quem me havia de dizer que eu não reconheceria uma rapariga?
Yet who would have thought the old man to have had so much blood in him.
Quem poderia imaginar que o velho... tinha tanto sangue dentro de si?
I guess you could. Well. who would have thought?
- Sim, acho que faria isso.
Who would have thought?
Quem imaginaria.
A new word that hypnotized the world... ] [... even, who would have thought it, the town of Don Camillo and Peppone. ]
Uma palavra que hipnotizou o mundo... quem seria capaz de acreditar, na aldeia de Don Camillo e Peppone.
Amigo, who would have thought the night we got out of jail... that we would be here like... a rich man, heh?
Quem ia pensar, naquela noite no cárcere... que estaríamos aqui, deste modo : ricos!
Who would have thought that this could happen?
Quem ia suspeitar tudo isto?
Cada carruagem, cada esconderijo, cada canto, cada mala...
Who would have thought?
Quem diria?
" Who would have thought it? .
" Quem imaginaria?
Such firm flesh. Who would have thought it? .
Que carne tão firme, quem podia imaginar?
Emperor after all Who would have thought it, eh?
Imperador, afinal! Quem diria?
Who would have thought Morgan would seize emir's treasure with handful of dust?
Quem diria que Morgan, com um punhado de pólvora iria encontrar o tesouro do Emir?
Who would have thought that?
Quem pensaria nisso?
Who would have thought?
Eu jamais imaginei tal coisa!
My God, who would have thought that you, the descendent of Saxon kings, should be the prisoner of a vile Norman in the very hall in which our ancestors held court.
Meu Deus, quem imaginaria que vós, o descendente de reis saxões, seria prisioneiro de um vil normando na casa onde os nossos antepassados convocavam cortes.
Who would have thought, thirty years ago, we'd all be sitting here drinking Chateau de Chaselet, eh?
Quem imaginaria, há 30 anos atrás, que estaríamos aqui todos sentados a beber Château de Chasselet, hã?
Who would have thought after all these years, he's finally understood he's done wrong.
Quem iria pensar que, após tantos anos, ele finalmente perceberia que agiu mal.
Who would have thought he'd try that?
Quem é que pensou que ele fosse tentar isso?
I mean, who would have thought that this "Colette" that you described as "rapturously beautiful, intelligent, indeed brilliant with an ethereal quality"
- Sim. Nem consigo superar. Quem diria que essa "Colette" que você descreve como "bonita, inteligente, brilhante com qualidade etérea"
Who would have thought the Vice President knew I was opening the door. But the Secret Service, they...
O vice-presidente saberia que eu estava a abrir a porta, mas os Serviços Secretos...
Who would have thought that florette would give birth to a hunchback?
Quem teria acreditado... que a Florette faria um pequeno corcunda.
Boy, who would have thought a classy lady like Edith - would try an assassination.
Quem imaginaria que uma rapariga como a Edith tentaria um assassinato?
Who would have thought, right?
- Quem iria adivinhar?
I mean, who would have thought I'd be where I am today?
Quem diria que estaria onde estou hoje?
Who would have thought you could get that acrobatic in a motel room?
Quem teria pensado que podia obter que acrobáticas em um motel quandoto?
Gee, honey who would have thought that big 30 seconds you spent 17 years ago would pay off like this?
Meu Deus, querido, quem diria que aqueles 30 segundos há 17 anos atrás compensariam tanto?
Out, out, damn spot. Who would have thought the old man could have so much blood in him?
Quem iria pensar que o velho tinha tanto sangue dentro dele?
Who would have thought of that?
Envenenado! Quem pensaria nisso?
I mean who would have thought that I'd ever cook anything?
Quero dizer quem diria que um dia iria cozinhar seja o que for?
Who would have thought that sweet nurse would have such a crazy daughter?
Quem diria que aquela enfermeira gentil tinha uma filha tão doida?
So who would have thought, after all these years, huh?
Então, pensei que teria, após todos estes anos, não?
- Who would have thought, she's- -?
- Quem haveria de dizer que ela...
Well, I would have thought no more of it, I suppose, just a case of mistaken identity. But a few days later, here at the club... in fact at that table over there, where Manning and his father are now... I was having lunch with a man from Detroit... who had inherited an estate I was handling.
Não pensei mais no assunto, uma mera troca de identidades, mas, dias mais tarde, aqui mesmo, no clube, naquela mesa onde se encontram o Manning e o pai estava eu a almoçar com um senhor de Detroit
Who'd have thought a fat, sloppy drunk lying in the gutter would have a pistol hidden in his boot?
Quem iria pensar que um bêbado gordo dormindo na rua... teria uma pistola escondida na bota?
Now, you wouldn't have thought it was going to be your own father... Who would be responsible for this change in my attitude?
Você nunca iria pensar que seria o seu próprio pai o responsável pela minha mudança de atitude.
Who would have ever thought... in an elevator?
Quem havia de pensar... num elevador?
Who would ever have thought that could happen?
Quem iria imaginar que isso podia acontecer?
Who would have thought that one little kiss
E minha vida está serena
Who ever would have thought back in Boston I'd be saying "yes" in a cheap hotel room in Arizona to a tall gunslinger in black.
Quem teria pensado em Boston que lhe ia dizer num hotel barato do Arizona "sim, quero" a um pistoleiro alto vestido de preto.
There are certain people who wanted to use you for political ends. They would have been glad to have you dead for they thought they could then blame it on the government.
Há gente que desejaria servir-se de ti para fins políticos e que veria com agrado a tua morte para poderem atacar o governo.
You have a conveniently discriminating anatomy. Who would've thought you kept your heart swung there so you might lose it?
Quem diria que tu deixas roubar o teu coração com tanta facilidade.
Who ever would have thought it?
Quem diria?
They all had a little girl who died, and they couldn't have any more children. Or they thought that having a kid... would make up for all the things that were wrong with their lives.
Ou tinham tido uma filha que tinha morrido e não podiam ter mais filhos ou pensavam que ter um filho ia compensar tudo o que estava mal nas suas vidas.
Who'd have thought the black sheep, the most prodigal of prodigals, would find a love so simple and so pure?
Quem haveria de pensar que a ovelha negra, o mais pródigo dos pródigos, encontraria um amor tão simples e tão puro?
Who would ever have thought that you'd be living in a nice, big place like this?
Quem diria que estarias a viver numa casa grande e boa como esta.
Who would've thought that this bargain marriage would have lasted this long?
Quem diria que essa pechincha de casamento duraria tanto?
Who would have thought the Bermuda Triangle could change a man so much? You used to toss and turn all night.
costumavas tossir e mexer-te toda a noite.
Who'd have ever thought that goofy Oswald kid would pull a stunt like an assassination?
Quem é que ia pensar que o palerma do Oswald ainda havia de assassinar alguém?
Who would have ever thought that I'd become a cop?
Quem ia imaginar que me tornava polícia?
D'oh! Who'd have thought a nuclear reactor... would be so complicated?
Quem pensaria que um reactor nuclear... fosse tão complicado?

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