He was wrong traduction Turc
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He was wrong in one important respect.
En büyük konuda hatalıydı.
Knowing I was right and he was wrong, I thought I'd enjoy this walk more.
Onun yanıIdığını ve haklı olduğumu biliyordum Bu anı tadını çıkarmak istedim.
Well, he was wrong...'cause I'm better.
Ama tabi ki yanılıyordu bu konuda... Çünkü ben senden daha iyiyim.
- He was wrong.
- Yanıldı.
Even when he was wrong.
Haksız olduğu zamanlarda bile.
He was wrong about the drifter.
Avare hakkında yanıldı.
So he was wrong.
Ama ona söz verdiğini söyledim.
Some dipshit on the radio said it was safe. He was wrong.
Radyodaki bazı gerzekler, oranın güvenli olduğunu söylediler.Ama yanıldılar.
That's what Dr. Steinberg said, but he was wrong.
Dr. Steinberg'ün söylediği şey bu ama yanıldı.
He was wrong to make you a part of it.
Seni de buna karıştırmakla yanlış yaptı.
Think that guy ever thought he was wrong?
O adam hatalı olduğunu hiç düşünmüş müdür acaba?
Well, it seems that he was wrong.
Ancak yanıldığını anlamış.
Well, he was wrong. Yeah.
He told me that after he saw what I could do, he knew he was wrong.
Yapabildiklerimi gördükten sonra yanılmış olduğunu söyledi. - Ben gerçek Naman'ım.
Tell him... that he was wrong about Scorsese.
Ona Scorsese hakkında yanıldığını söyle.
Said to tell you that you were right and he was wrong.
Dedi ki sen haklıymışsın kendisi hatalıymış.
Was he wrong?
Yanılıyor mu?
I knew it was wrong, but he was such a sweet guy.
Yanlış olduğunu biliyordum ama çok tatlı biriydi.
He was a guy in the wrong place at the wrong time... who decided to do the right thing.
Yanlış zamanda yanlış yerde olan doğru şeyi yapmayı seçen bir adamdı.
This is exactly what I feared, that there's something terribly wrong. From the very moment that he was conceived.
Demek istediğim benim esas korktuğum şey... o anlattığından beri... ortada çok büyük bir yanlış var.
And this Einstein disliked intensely. He used to say, "God | does not throw dice." Yet experiment after experiment showed Einstein was wrong and that quantum mechanics | really does describe how the world works at | the subatomic level.
Atomik seviyedeki herhangi bir şeyi anlamaya kalkıştığınızda, ancak sezgilerinizden uzak durabildiğiniz zaman kuantum mekaniğiyle ilerleme sağlayabilirsiniz.
To Tom's pop, the old doctor, who imagined he had a new ailment every single day and was thus increasingly addicted to the simpler coordination tests from his medical school days, she had to be severe, telling him that there was nothing wrong with him.
Tom'un babası ihtiyar doktor, her gün bir hastalık icat ediyor giderek tıbbiye günlerinden kalma testlerin bağımlısı haline geliyor Grace de büyük bir kararlıIıkla hiçbir şeyi olmadığını söyleyip duruyordu.
They all messed with the wrong guy, and he was getting revenge.
Hepsi kötü çocukla takışmıştı ve de o hepsinden intikam almıştı.
But he was doing things that were wrong, your father.
I guess he was right now and then but I figure about eighty-six percent of the time he was wrong as hell.
Bana orayı hatırlatıyor. - Haçın türünü biliyor musunuz? - Hayır bilmiyorum.
He was not in right place in wrong time.
O yanlis yerde ve yanlis zamanda oradaydi.
So, Carl here was looking to score, needed money, but jumped the wrong person, didn't he?
Herhâlde bizim Carl mal arıyordu. Paraya da ihtiyacı vardı, ama yanlış adama çattı, değil mi?
And he was gonna marry the wrong one.
Ve yanlış ikizle evlenecekti.
How wrong was he?
Ne kadar yanlıştı?
Isn't it possible he is what he says he is. a man who was in the wrong place at the wrong time?
Söylediği gibi yanlış zamanda yanlış yerde olması mümkün değil mi?
- I know it was wrong but I was afraid if Clark opened the ship and found out the truth about his origins he'd...
- Yanlış olduğunu biliyorum ama belki Clark o gemiyi açıp ırkı hakkındaki gerçekleri öğrendiğinde şey yapar diye korktum...
He thought you and I were together but he was just wrong.
Tamamen hatalı üretim o.
Two patrolmen flagged him down and as he didn't react they pursued him. They drove alongside and rebuked him for his attitude. As he didn't move they realized something was wrong. "
İşaretlere uymayan motoru takip eden polisler, hareket etmeyen sürücünün uyarılara da karşılık vermemesi üzerine durumdan şüphelendi.
Was he thinking, " I've been hanging out with the wrong crowd.
Acaba, "Yanlış insanlarla takılıyorum" diye mi düşünüyordu?
He was so wrong.
Çok yanlıştı.
It's true that Saddam Hussein was wrong when he invaded Kuwait, but now it's different.
Saddam'ın Kuveyt'i işgal ederken haksız olduğu doğru. Ama bu farklı.
When he called, I knew something was wrong?
Aradığında, bir şeylerin yolunda olmadığını biliyordum.
Don't get me wrong, he was a tough old goat.
Yanlış anlamayın! Sert ve yaşlı bir inatçı keçiydi.
Why was it him who reported her missing? Because he was the only one who assumed that anything was wrong.
- Çünkü yanlis bir seyler olabilecegini bir tek o düsündü.
Found himself on the wrong side of the Navy. In real danger, he was. He was her brother.
Bir tanık, bir bakkal çırağının ifadesine göre, kavga, saygısız bir sarhoşun, yolda yanında genç bir adamla yürüyen... genç bir hanımefendiye doğru hamle yapmasıyla yaşanmış.
I was wrong. Well, it's interesting. I think he's actually turned off his buzzer.
İlginç, sanırım gerçekten de eviniz zilini kaldırmış.
Maybe you can say he was in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Belki yanlış zamanda yanlış yerde olduğunu söyleyebilirsin.
He was wrong.
Evet, yanılmış.
Chris had this autopsy pulled, Duck, he must've suspected there was something wrong with it.
Chris, raporu arşivden çıkarmış. Yanlış bir şey olduğundan şüphelenmiş olmalı.
- Because this genius misread the blueprints and ordered the wrong size steel I-beam, and then was hoping we wouldn't notice while he bills us for all the time it's going to take to get it right.
- Çünkü bu dahi evin planını yanlış okudu ve yanlış boyutlarda bir çelik duvar sipariş etti, ve bizim bunu fatura gelene kadar öğrenmememizi umdu ve hiçbirşey olmamış gibi davrandı
Which was wrong, but... but he cares about you so much, and if you could, if you could just give him another chance, then maybe we could all go back to the way that we were?
Yanlış olur mu bilmiyorum, ama ama seni çok fazla önemsiyor, ve sen ona, ona bir şans daha verebilirsen belki kaldığımız yerden devam edebiliriz.
I was wrong about him. He's a good guy.
Onun hakkında yanılmışım.
He was fucking laughing, which was wrong.
Yanlış birşeye gülüyordu.
He used it to show me that the knowledge and memories passed on to him by the Goa'uld genetically came with a terrible burden, and how it was wrong to seek it for any reason.
Bana Goa'uld vasıtasıyla genetik olarak aktarılan bilgi ve anıların.. .. ne kadar ağır bir yük oluşturduğunu.. .. ve bunlara ulaşmaya çalışmanın hangi nedenle olursa olsun ne kadar yanlış olduğunu gösterdi.
The only time he was sincere or spontaneous... was when everything was going wrong or when you were stoned out of your head.
Dürüst ya da içten olduğun tek an... her şeyin ters gittiği ve zom olduğun zamandı.
I knew that there was something wrong that morning... because he hugged me.
O sabah yanlış birşeyler olduğunu biliyordum... çünkü bana sarıldı.
he wasn't 318
he was my father 53
he was 2419
he was amazing 28
he was scared 75
he was my brother 71
he wasn't there 132
he was arrested 41
he was a jerk 20
he was alive 33
he was my father 53
he was 2419
he was amazing 28
he was scared 75
he was my brother 71
he wasn't there 132
he was arrested 41
he was a jerk 20
he was alive 33
he was right 258
he was afraid 36
he was a nice guy 31
he was a friend of mine 20
he was a hero 41
he was gone 162
he was a good man 245
he was like 112
he was a wonderful man 18
he was drunk 101
he was afraid 36
he was a nice guy 31
he was a friend of mine 20
he was a hero 41
he was gone 162
he was a good man 245
he was like 112
he was a wonderful man 18
he was drunk 101
he was angry 46
he was here 335
he was dead 174
he was just a kid 30
he was a 123
he was young 27
he was alone 51
he was nice 64
he was just 83
he was my best friend 70
he was here 335
he was dead 174
he was just a kid 30
he was a 123
he was young 27
he was alone 51
he was nice 64
he was just 83
he was my best friend 70