Like i was traduction Turc
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I felt like I was losing my mind.
Aklımı kaçırıyormuşum gibi hissettim.
I even acted noble about it, like I was protecting Leo somehow.
Hatta büyüklük yapıyormuşum gibi geldi sanki Leo'yu koruyormuşum gibi.
If somehow, I'm actually wrong, like I was with the asteroid and the earthquake...
Ya bir şekilde yanılıyorsam ; tıpkı asteroid ve depremdeki gibi...
It felt like I was Nelson Mandela when he walked to the ocean to make salt.
Kendimi, "Tuz Yürüyüşü" yapmak için okyanusa yürüyen Nelson Mandela gibi hissettim.
Anyway, like I was saying, you're a trash,'cause you earned your money a little bit more recently than me.
Herneyse, dediğim gibi, sen bi işe yaramazsın, çünkü servetini benden kısa bir süre sonra edindin. - Neyin peşindesin?
-... made me feel like I was...
-... beni oldugumdan...
I've always felt like I was destined to be a duke.
Dük olmak kaderimdeymiş gibi hissederdim hep.
I say we treat it like we would if it was a radiation issue.
Diyorum ki, sanki radyasyon tehlikesi varmış gibi davranalım.
I hope it was more clever and kind, and I keep thinking, is that what we're supposed to learn from this, like every time you get off the phone with someone, you should say something clever and connected?
Sonra da düşündüm, bu konudan çıkacak ders telefonu her kapatışında konuyla ilgili zekice bir şey söylemek gerektiği mi?
I can't imagine what that was like.
Nasıl bir şey olduğunu tahayyül edemem.
Now, I can't even say for sure if it was real, but like him,
Şimdi, kesin gördüğümü gerçek olduğunu söyleyemiyorum ama o gibiydi.
Why do I feel like if it was a group of white people, you'd be calling it a demonstration?
Bunu yapan bir grup beyaz olsaydı gösteri diyecekmişsiniz gibi hissediyorum.
Like I said at the trial, I was standing on the sidewalk about 15 feet away.
Duruşmada da dediğim gibi 15 metre ötede, kaldırımda yürüyordum.
I was in the basement, I heard a noise, I came up here, and I found him like this.
Bodrumdayken bir ses duydum, yukarı çıktım ve herifi bu şekilde buldum.
Yeah, I don't usually like to get my hands dirty, but guess I was just...
Evet, normalde pek elimi kirletmem.
Like maybe I was making the wrong choice.
Belki de yanlış karar veriyormuşum gibi.
You always said I was like everyone else.
Sen hep benim herkes gibi olduğumu söyledin.
Because... after all these years... I have forgotten what she was... really like.
Çünkü geçen onca yıldan sonra artık yüzünü bile hatırlamakta zorlanıyorum.
She was so fond of it, and I would like to learn and see as much as I can of her before I leave.
Oraya çok düşkündü ve ben gitmeden önce onunla ilgili mümkün olduğunca çok şey öğrenmek ve görmek istiyorum.
I'm gonna cut down a tree, just like I did when I was a boy.
Gidip bir ağaç keseceğim, tıpkı... -... küçükken yaptığın gibi.
I thought He was more like a six-piece mariachi band.
Ben daha ziyade altı kişilik mariachi grubu hayal etmiştim.
And keep in mind- - wait, wait, wait, keep in mind when you answer that I was your age once, like I said, so I know that your inclination is to tell me exactly what you think I want to hear.
Hatırla, bekle bekle. Bu soruya cevap verirken söylediğim gibi bir zamanlar senin yaşında olduğumu hatırla. O yüzden duymak isteyeceğim şeyleri söyleme eğiliminde olduğunu bildiğimi bil.
All I made was a mess, just like everyone else
Ama her şeyi berbat ettiğimle kaldım Diğer herkes gibi
Yesterday you was my friend, today it's like I don't
Daha düne kadar arkadaşımdın, bugünse seni hiç...
You know,'cause I kind of felt like she was a little bit.
Biliyor musun, bana da aynen öyle gelmişti.
I've been like this since I was a little boy.
Küçüklüğümden beri böyleyim.
I know this is very upsetting... but like Detective Bell said, there is evidence that suggests that your husband was being targeted by someone who is hunting sexual predators, so we need to know everything.
Bunun çok üzücü olduğunu biliyorum ama Dedektif Bell'in söylediği gibi kocanızın seks avcılarını avlayan birisi tarafından hedef alındığını gösteren kanıtlar var, bu yüzden her şeyi bilmeliyiz.
Oh, um... I was thinking it would be really just more like an Edgar-and-me thing.
Aslında daha çok Edgar'la baş başa oluruz diye düşünüyordum.
I felt like it was Christmas morning and I was ten.
Noel sabahıymış ve on yaşındaymışım gibi hissettim.
And I bet you wish you would have killed me when I was born, just like you wanted to.
Ve eminim doğduğumda beni öldürmüş olmayı diliyorsundur o zaman istediğin gibi.
But upon further review, I realize it was not entirely fair to make you feel like it was all one-sided, so I take... some responsibility for what happened.
Fakat tekrar düşündüğümde sana bunun tek taraflı olduğunu düşündürmemin pek adil olmadığını fark ettim. Olanların bir kısmının sorumluluğunu üzerime alıyorum.
She told me I was like you, and that one day I'd be famous like you.
Bana senin gibi olduğumu söyledi ve bir gün senin gibi ünlü olacağımı.
It's so weird'cause I remember it like it was yesterday.
Bu çok garip, çünkü bunu dünmüş gibi hatırlıyorum.
I was over here, sniffing up on your brassiere like a gentleman.
Tam burada, sutyenini bir centilmen gibi kokluyordum.
I was slamming Mountain Dews like a wild man.
Gazozları vahşi bir adam gibi ardı ardına patlatmıştım.
Well, I believe we were kissing like randy teenagers, and your nose was whistling ever so slightly.
Yanılmıyorsam abaza ergenler gibi öpüşüyorduk. Burnun da belli belirsiz bir ses çıkarıyordu.
I remember running like crazy and then the Insane Clown Posse was on my tail, so I went and I hid inside a...
- Deli gibi koştuğumu hatırlıyorum. Sonra palyaço çetesi peşime takıldı. Saklanmak için içeri girdim.
It felt like someone was inside my body and I was trying to resist it so I could warn you.
Sanki biri bedenimin içine girmiş gibiydi. Seni uyarabilmek için direnmeye çalıştım.
like I've said before, Anghela was brought here by the Lord to save you.
Daha önce söylediğim gibi, Anghela sizi kurtarmak için Tanrı tarafından buraya getirildi.
I'm telling you, she was inside, like, in a bathroom or something.
Büyü yok! Size söylüyorum işte! Sanki banyo gibi bir yerdeydi.
Just like the one Lee Fisk was trying to steal in 2014. Why would I kill Marla?
Tıpkı Lee Fisk'in 2014'te çalmaya çalıştığı gibi.
I'm sorry, I was looking from over there. You look like a magazine spread, don't you agree? What are you talking about?
Özür dilerim, arkadan bakıyordum da dergi modeli gibi görünüyorsunuz.
It was only yesterday that you were through the roof, both lights on, speeding like a crazy bastard-Even when I told you not to go, you said "Cheong-ie's alone!" and went off.
Daha dün kafayı yemiştin. Manyak bir serseri gibi basıp gittin. Sana gitme dememe rağmen gittin.
Maybe one who would say to him that I constantly deny him his individuality and awesomeness for no other reason that I find it really annoying and I wish he was more like me.
Belki de bir tanesi özellikle onun bireyselliğini ve mükemmelliğini nedensiz yere görmezden geldiğimi ondan rahatsız olduğumu ve kendim gibi olmasını istediğimi söyleyebilir.
I was gonna wait till she actually has a kid and then talk about her behind her back, like a true friend.
Gerçekten bir çocuğu olana kadar bekleyecektim ve sonra gerçek bir arkadaş gibi arkasından konuşacaktım.
Running into you today by chance like I did today was fine by me.
Bugünkü gibi rastlaşsak da olur.
I was just wondering what a goblin was like.
Yalnızca, goblinin neye benzediğini bilmek istiyordum ve şimdi biliyorum.
I used to eat his cat food just to make it look like he was still around.
Ben de cinayetin üstünü örtmek için kedi hâlâ buralardaymış gibi kedi maması yemeye devam ettim.
When I was first introduced to your son, I'd never met anyone like him.
Oğlunuzla tanışır tanışmaz, diğerlerinden farklı olduğunu anladım.
- The box was totally empty, but before I could close it, it was like... whoosh.
Kutu bomboştu ama kapanmadan önce şey yaptı... Bu kulağa çok kötü geliyor.
I am like Voltar the Voracious, who was born with two minds!
İki zihinle doğan Doymak Bilmez Voltar gibiyim!
like i was saying 79
like i said 2538
like i told you 172
like i care 29
like it or not 353
like it never happened 30
like it was yesterday 28
like it was nothing 23
like it 260
like it's 21
like i said 2538
like i told you 172
like i care 29
like it or not 353
like it never happened 30
like it was yesterday 28
like it was nothing 23
like it 260
like it's 21
like in the movies 43
like i told you before 31
like i said before 77
like i promised 17
like i always say 30
like i always do 34
like i do 62
like in 58
like i say 94
like i did 54
like i told you before 31
like i said before 77
like i promised 17
like i always say 30
like i always do 34
like i do 62
like in 58
like i say 94
like i did 54
like i am 17
like i 37
like i said on the phone 16
i was 6414
i was born ready 48
i was wondering 516
i was just thinking about you 101
i was born here 96
i wasn't listening 61
i was here 250
like i 37
like i said on the phone 16
i was 6414
i was born ready 48
i was wondering 516
i was just thinking about you 101
i was born here 96
i wasn't listening 61
i was here 250
i wasn't paying attention 53
i was just wondering 282
i was thinking about you 32
i was born 51
i wasn't thinking straight 33
i wasn't thinking 181
i wasn't 1177
i wasn't expecting that 35
i wasn't born yesterday 35
i was just kidding 166
i was just wondering 282
i was thinking about you 32
i was born 51
i wasn't thinking straight 33
i wasn't thinking 181
i wasn't 1177
i wasn't expecting that 35
i wasn't born yesterday 35
i was just kidding 166