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Bu kadarı yeter traduction Anglais

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- Bu kadarı yeter, Kevin.
- That's enough, Kevin.
- Bu kadarı yeter bence.
- Put a sock in it.
Bu kadarı yeter.
- That's enough.
Bu kadarı yeter Brown.
All right, that's enough, Brown.
Bu kadar dedikodu yeter!
That's enough of all your chatter!
Bu kadarı yeter.
That's it.
Yeter bu kadar Danny!
That's enough, Danny!
- Bu arada biz de sizin seks yapma düşüncenizden bir o kadar iğreniyoruz. Yeter!
For the record, we are just as grossed out at the thought of you all having sex - - that's it!
- Carol, bu kadar yeter!
Carol, enough is enough.
Yeter bu kadar, yeter.
That's enough. That's enough.
Bu konuda bu kadar muhabbet yeter.
And that's enough on this topic.
Bu kadar yeter!
That's enough!
Bize haber ver yeter, sadece "koşuyor" de, bu kadar.
Just let us know, just shout "run", that's it.
Bu kadar saçmalık yeter Milo.
Enough dicking around, Milo.
Bu kadar DJ uyanıklığı yeter.
Okay, enough DJ shenanigans.
Yeter bu kadar!
That is enough!
Tamamdır, yeter bu kadar!
That's it, that's enough!
- Senden bu kadar yeter!
- That's enough out of you!
Bu kadar konuşma yeter.
You know what? Enough talk.
Bu kadar iş konuşmak yeter.
Boys, enough of the working.
- Bu kadar yeter.
- That's enough.
Bu kadar yeter.
That's enough.
- Tamam bu kadar yeter.
- Okay, that's enough.
- Bu kadar saçmalık yeter.
- Okay, I had enough of that crap.
Tamam bu kadar yeter.
Alright, that's it. Come on.
- Tamam, yeter bu kadar.
All right. All right. All right.
Bu kadar yeter, teşekkür ederiz.
All right, fellas, thank you very much.
Bu kadar yeter. Burada değilmişim gibi davranma.
Don't pretend I'm not here.
Bu kadar polis saçmalığı yeter.
Yo, yo, yo, yo. Enough of this cop shit.
Pekâlâ bu kadar yeter.
All right. That's good enough, right there.
Bu kadar gevezelik yeter Dot.
Oh, chitchat's over, Dot. Boss is on my ass.
Hiçbir iş yapmadan bu kadar aylaklık ettiğin yeter.
Enough with the lazing around and the doing nothing.
Bu kadar yeter!
That will be enough.
Bu kadar saçmalık yeter.
Well, that's enough of that crap.
Bu kadar yeter, teşekkürler, Olive.
That will be enough, thank you Olive.
Bu kadar yeter.
Thats quite enough.
Benim hakkımda bu kadar yeter.
Okay. Enough about me.
Bu kadar "köpek" boku yeter!
Enough of this "dog" shit!
- Bay Berkowitz, bu kadar yeter.
- Mr. Berkowitz, that's enough.
- Jackie, bu kadar yeter.
- Jackie, that's enough.
Bu kadar yeter, Dick.
That's enough, Dick.
Yok, bu kadar yeter, sağol.
No, thank you, that will be all.
Bu kadar yeter.
I'm done with it.
- Tamam, bu kadar yeter.
Okay, okay, okay.
- Tamam, bu kadar yeter!
Alright, that's it!
- Evet! - Yeter bu kadar çektiğin.
- Enough with the camera.
Yeter. Benden bu kadar.
Sen hatalı olduğunu anlayıp biz de maçı kazanırız ardından rehber köpeğinle eve doğru sağa sola çarparak gidebilirsin. Bu kadar yeter!
It's actually the first time I've been able to breathe in thirty years.
Bu kadar sürpriz yeter Sandy. Sandy mi? Sandy benim ama.
♪ You kept me safe, and you protected me with all you had ♪
Hey, bu kadar aşk saçmalığı yeter.
Hey, enough with the love-fest.
Ama şimdi bu kadar yeter.
But enough of that now.

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