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Hayatimda traduction Anglais

93 traduction parallèle
Hayatimda hiç bu kadar hakaret isitmedim.
Why, I've never been so insulted in my life.
Bunca yillik tip hayatimda...
In all my years of medicine...
Holliday, hayatimda birkaç aptallik yapmistim.
Holliday, I've done some foolish things in my life.
Hayatimda bir kadina ayiracak zamanim yok.
There is no room in my life right now for a woman.
Daha önce de güzel kadinlarla tanistim. Pek çok güzel kadinla. Ama siz hayatimda gördügüm en güzel kadinsiniz.
I have met beautiful women before... many beautiful women... but you... you are the most beautiful woman
Hayatimda ilk kez mükemmel bir sey hissettim.
For the first time in my life,
Sizi rahatsiz ettigim için üzgünüm, ama sizinle tanismaliydim çünkü siz hayatimda gördügüm en yakisikli en güçlü erkeksiniz " desem, simdi, bana inanir miydiniz?
I mean, if I walked up to you and I said "Excuse me, sir, I'm sorry to bother you, but, well, I just had to meet you because you are the most handsome, the most virile man I have ever seen in all of my entire life," now, would you believe me?
Hayatimda senden baska kimseyi özlemedim.
I've never missed anybody in my life and I miss you.
benim hayatimda sen varsin seni özlüyorum seni bekliyorum
You are my life itself! I yearn for you I wait for you
Bunun bir parçasi olarak ayakta durdum ama Hayatimda ilkler silindi.
It was as thought a part of my life was first erased.
ona yaptiklarindan dolayi ödetecegim... o ikinci planda kalmayacak artik o aileme karsi çok acimasiz oldu.Ve hayatimda da bana bir sey borçludur.
He'll pay for his deeds... I won't spare him now. He has been very cruel to my family.
Geri dOnüp... hayatimda ilk defa ona... Giuseppe diye hitap etmek istedim.
I decided to turn back... to call him Giuseppe for the first time in my life.
Hayatimda hiç paniklemedim.
I've never panicked in my life.
Daha hayatimda hiç böyle hissetmemistim.
I've never felt this way before in my life.
Hayatimda ilk defa kabul edildim.
For the first time in my life I was accepted.
Hayatimda tanidigim herkesten daha fazla. Hem bu Ocak'ta 60 yasinda olacagim.
Harder than anybody I ever met in my life and I'm 60 come this January.
Ben hayatimda kopya cekmedim.
I never cheated in my life.
Anthony, bu hayatimda gördügüm en güzel sey!
Anthony, he's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen!
Hayatimda kazandigim ilk para.
My life's first earning.
Hayatimda ilk defa kafa bulmuştum.
I got high for the first time.
Hayatimda hic olmadi.
I perish the thought.
Bu hayatimda gormek zorunda kaldigim en igrenc sey.
I mean, honestly, that's the ugliest thing
Hayir, hayatimda ilk defa sanirim, mantikli bir seyler yapiyorum.
No, you know what? For the first time in my life, I think I actually make sense.
Bütün hayatimda boyunca, tanrinin bütün dua edenlerine dinledigine inandim. ve iste o bizi koruyor, ve izliyor.
All my life, I've believed that God listens to our prayers, and that he cares for us and that he watches over us.
Hayatimda hiçböyle birsey görmemistim!
I ain't never seen that in my life!
hayatimda böyle boktan bir sey duymadim.
I've ever heard anything such poppycock.
- Sen benim hayatimda tanidigim en aptal akilli insansin.
- You are dumbest, smart person... I have ever met in my life!
Benim icin cok ozelsin ve hayatimda sen oldugun icin cok mutluyum.
"You're so special to me, and I'm so happy I have you in my life." Aw...
sunun farkina vardim ki hayatimda gerçekten yapmak istedigim, Point Place'den defolup gitme.
I realized what I really wanna do with my life is just get the hell out of Point Place.
"Senin hayatimda nasıl bir rol oynadigini bugün anladim."
"I understand today what role you had to play in my life"
Sawyer, hayatimda ilk kez, Gercekten mutluyum. ve cidden bu parayla veya yaptigimizla ilgil degil.
Sawyer, for the first time in my life, I'm actually happy, and it's not really about the action or the money.
Hayatimda hic iyi birsey yapmadim.
Never did a good thing in my life.
Hayatimda ilk defa.
For the first time in my life.
O Dean. Hayatimda yasadigim en iyi gece dedigi Dean.
the dean. best-night-of-my-life dean.
Hayatimda bir erkek yok.
okay, there's no boy.
Hayatimda o kadar çok kötülük yaptim ki hangi suçu üstlendigimin hiçbir önemi yok.
i have done so many bad things in my life it really doesn't matter what crime i confess to.
It was the most alive I've ever felt.
It was the best feeling I've ever had.
Boks yasaminizdaki tüm olmustur. Yapacak birseyler bulabilirsiniz. O hayatimda boks degil.
Many people are asking what you are doing now, boxing has had in your life.
Ben, hiçbir sey yoktu ama ben hayatimda büyük bir bosluk oldu hiçbir seyin yakin geldi.
The past is history, the future is a mystery. SubLand.info I had all my life but none fulfilled the emptiness.
300 yillik hayatimda onun gibi birisiyle hiç karsilasmadim.
I've never seen anything like him in my 300 years.
Hayatimda hic olmadigim kadar akilliyim simdi.
I'm smarter than I've ever been in my life.
Hayatimda kendimi hiç bu kadar bitkin hissetmedim.
I've never been so wrecked in my whole life.
En azindan hayatimda biraz denge bulabilecegim bir yere.
So, at least where I could find some balance - - in my life.
Ben önceki hayatimda Liu Sheng degildim.
I was no Liu Sheng in a previous life.
Önceki hayatimda, ha sivrisinek olmusum, ha Liu Sheng, ne fark eder?
So what if I was a mosquito or Liu Sheng in a previous birth?
Zira hayatimda fazlasiyla dogaüstü yaratik var.
Because there are already too many supernatural freaks in my life as it is.
Hayatimda seni sevdigim kadar ne kimseyi sevdim ne de sevecegim.
I have never loved, nor will I ever love, as I have loved you.
Hayatïmda ilk kez korkudan, ödüm kakama karïstï.
For the first time in my life, I had the ca-ca scared out of me.
Hayatimda sadece iki erkek oldu.
There have been only two men in my life.
- Kardesimle karsilastim, hayatimda ilk kez gördüm, ki beni gerçekten afallatti. Nerede kaldin?
You know, where have you been?

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