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Translate.vc / Turc → Anglais / [ K ] / Kovuldun mu

Kovuldun mu traduction Anglais

181 traduction parallèle
Gerçekten kovuldun mu yani?
You Mean You Actually Got Fired?
Kovuldun mu?
You're fired?
Kovuldun mu?
Hey, Did you get fired?
kovuldun mu?
you've quit?
- Terfi mi ettin yoksa kovuldun mu?
- Are you getting promoted? Or fired?
Kovuldun mu?
Did you get fired?
- Kovuldun mu?
- Did he fire you?
- Kovuldun mu?
- You got fired.
- Kovuldun mu?
- You got fired?
Kovuldun mu, ya onlar?
Are you fired, or them?
- Kovuldun mu?
- Fired? Who fired you, Stewart?
- Kovuldun mu?
- Did you get fired?
- Kovuldun mu yoksa?
Did you get fired?
Hangisi, Matthew, kovuldun mu bıraktın mı?
Well, which is it, Matthew, you quit or you got fired?
Evet, basit. Bıraktın mı, kovuldun mu?
Yes it is, you quit or you got fired.
Bunca yarış kazan, kovuldun mu yoksa?
After all those wins, you were fired?
Kovuldun mu yoksa?
Did you get canned?
Kovuldun mu?
You got fired?
Kovuldun mu, yoksa istifa mı ettin?
Were you fired, or did you quit?
- Kovuldun mu, neden?
Fired, why?
Kovuldun mu?
They fired you?
Daha ilk geceden kovuldun mu?
What, you got the sack on your first night?
Ne oldu? - Kovuldun mu?
You got fired?
Kovuldun mu?
Are you fired?
Kovuldun mu?
You were fired?
Kovuldun mu? Hayır.
Were you fired?
Kovuldun mu?
Pissed off?
Kovuldun mu?
- You fired?
Kovuldun mu?
Got fired?
- Kovuldun mu? - Hayır.
Have you been fired?
- Kovuldun mu?
- Get fired?
- Kovuldun mu?
Got fired?
Bugün kovuldum. Kovuldun mu?
I got fired today.
Yani, kovuldun mu?
You mean that you were fired?
Kovuldun mu yoksa?
So did you get fired, or what?
- Kovuldun mu?
You got fired?
Kovuldun mu kendin mi ayrıldın?
Were you fired or did you quit?
Şimdiden doğumhaneden kovuldun mu?
Did they kick you out of the maternity unit already?
- Kovuldun mu?
- You're fired?
Sen kovuldun mu?
Are you fired?
Sen kovuldun mu?
Are you getting fired?
Ne, kovuldun mu?
What, were you fired?
- Ne oldu? Kovuldun mu?
- What happened?
Kovuldun mu?
Were you fired?
Baba, kovuldun mu?
Dad, you got fired?
- Kovuldun mu?
- Fired?
Kovuldun mu?
Kovuldun, duydun mu?
You're fired, you hear?
Kovuldun mu?
- You were fired?
Kovuldun mu?
Yeah, fired.
Daha yeni işten kovuldun, unuttun mu?
You just got fired, remember?

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