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Ner traduction Anglais

204 traduction parallèle
Ne arzu ererdiniz?
Qu'est-ce que ces messieurs désirent pour dà ® ner?
Ner an burada olabilirler.
They'll be here any minute now.
I d...
Ner nasılsa, reddedemedim.
Somehow, I couldn't refuse.
Masada ner kadar para var?
How much money you figure is on the table right now?
- Sorun ner?
- What's the matter?
Ner arzu edersiniz?
What would you like to order?
Henüz değil, ner neyse.
Not yet, anyhow.
Ner neyse, şunun şurasında sadece bir kaç gün.
And anyway, it's just a few days.
Chauncey Gard ¡ ner mi?
Chauncey Gardiner?
Bay Chauncey Gard ¡ ner.
Mr. Chauncey Gardiner.
Bas ¡ I ve Perd ¡ ta Gard ¡ ner'la b ¡ r akrabaliginiz var mi?
Are you related to Basil and Perdita Gardiner?
W ¡ Ison, Bay Gard ¡ ner'üçüncü kattak ¡ m ¡ saf ¡ r odasina götür.
Wilson, will you take Mr. Gardiner to the third-floor guest suite?
Bu arada Bay Gard ¡ ner, s ¡ ze açik seç ¡ k b ¡ r soru sormak ¡ st ¡ yorum.
By the way, Mr. Gardiner, I'd like to ask you something straight out.
Söylesen ¡ ze Bay Gard ¡ ner... s ¡ z ¡ müsahede altinda tutmamiz ¡ ç ¡ n b ¡ r ¡ k ¡ gün... burada kalab ¡ l ¡ r m ¡ s ¡ n ¡ z?
Tell me, Mr. Gardiner would it be possible for you to stay here for a day or two so we could keep an eye on it?
O bacaginiza yüklenmey ¡ n Bay Gard ¡ ner.
Keep your weight off that leg, Mr. Gardiner.
Bay W ¡ Ison, ¡ s ¡ n ¡ z b ¡ t ¡ nce Bay Gard ¡ ner'röntgen çek ¡ m ¡ ne götürün.
Mr. Wilson, wheel Mr. Gardiner in for x-rays after you've finished unpacking.
Bay Gard ¡ ner da çok makul b ¡ r ¡ nsan.
And Mr. Gardiner is a very reasonable man.
Gard ¡ ner.
Chauncey Gard ¡ ner.
Chauncey Gardiner.
Bay Gard ¡ ner nasiI?
How's Mr. Gardiner?
Bay Gard ¡ ner burada mi kalacak?
Mr. Gardiner stay here? Why?
- S ¡ z ¡ masaya alab ¡ l ¡ r m ¡ y ¡ m Bay Gard ¡ ner?
- Can I help you to the table, Mr. Gardiner?
Lütfen kipirdamayin Bay Gard ¡ ner.
Please, lie still, Mr. Gardiner.
Bu bey ¡ tanidigimi sanmiyorum Bay Gard ¡ ner.
I still don't believe I know the man, Mr. Gardiner.
S ¡ md ¡ ne yapmayi düsünüyorsunuz Bay Gard ¡ ner?
What are your plans now, Mr. Gardiner?
Bugün b ¡ r m ¡ saf ¡ r ¡ m ¡ z var, Bay Chauncey Gard ¡ ner.
We have an additional guest with us today, Mr. Chauncey Gardiner.
S ¡ z ¡ çok sevg ¡ l ¡ dostum Bay Chauncey Gard ¡ ner ¡ le tanistirayim.
I want you to meet my very dear friend, Mr. Chauncey Gardiner.
Güzel Bay Gard ¡ ner, ben de açik sözlü tartismalardan hoslanirim.
Well, Mr. Gardiner, I'm a man who appreciates a frank discussion.
Kaufman, Chauncey Gard ¡ ner'n geçm ¡ s ¡ hakkinda b ¡ Ig ¡ ¡ st ¡ yorum.
Kaufman, I'll need some information on Chauncey Gardiner's background.
- Gard ¡ ner mi? Pek ¡ efend ¡ m.
- Gardiner, yes, sir.
S ¡ ze b ¡ r telefon var Bay Gard ¡ ner.
I have a telephone call for you.
Bay Gard ¡ ner sova çikmayi kabul ett ¡.
Mr. Gardiner has agreed to do the show.
Chauncey Gard ¡ ner'n detayli geçm ¡ s ¡ hakkinda b ¡ Ig ¡ toplamak ¡ ç ¡ n gereken her yere basvurun.
Use any agencies that are necessary to get a detailed history of Chauncey Gardiner.
Gard ¡ ner az ve öz konusuyor.
Gardiner's laconic.
Saçma oldugunun farkindayim, ama Gard ¡ ner hakkinda h ¡ ç b ¡ Ig ¡ yok.
I know it's ridiculous, but there is no information about Gardiner.
- Evet, Chauncey Gard ¡ ner.
- Yeah. Chauncey Gardiner.
Paltonuzu alab ¡ l ¡ r m ¡ y ¡ m Bay Gard ¡ ner?
May I take your coat, Mr. Gardiner?
Sank ¡ Gard ¡ ner h ¡ ç yokmus g ¡ b ¡.
It's like Gardiner never existed.
- Bay Gard ¡ ner'n, Rand'lerde...
- We found no information...
Konu Chauncey Gard ¡ ner ¡ le ¡ Ig ¡ l ¡.
It concerns Chauncey Gardiner.
Sen ¡ Chauncey Gard ¡ ner'la tanistirayim.
I'd like you to meet Chauncey Gardiner.
Ve sen de Chauncey Gard ¡ ner'sin.
And yours, Chauncey Gardiner.
Bay Frankl ¡ n, s ¡ zden ve Bayan Hayes'den... Bay Gard ¡ ner'la ¡ Ig ¡ l ¡ bu olayi g ¡ zl ¡ tutmanizi r ¡ ca etmek zorundayim.
Mr. Franklin, I must ask you and Ms. Hayes to keep this incident with Mr. Gardiner strictly to yourselves.
Söylesen ¡ ze Bay Gard ¡ ner... h ¡ ç b ¡ r erkekle sev ¡ st ¡ n ¡ z m ¡?
Tell me, Mr. Gardiner have you ever had sex with a man?
- Gard ¡ ner yabanci b ¡ r ajan deg ¡ I.
- Gardiner's not a foreign agent.
Ya Chauncey Gard ¡ ner?
What about Chauncey Gardiner?
Beyler, ¡ naniyorum k ¡ baskanligin el ¡ m ¡ zden g ¡ tmes ¡ n ¡ ¡ stem ¡ yorsak... tek sansimiz Chauncey Gard ¡ ner olacaktir.
I do believe, gentlemen, if we want to hold on to the Presidency our one and only chance is Chauncey Gardiner.
Mesaj neyd ¡ Bay Gard ¡ ner?
What was the message, Mr. Gardiner?
Ner var ki, kraliyet ailesi için istikbal, hiç bu kadar karanlık görünmemişti.
However, never before had the future looked so ominous for the royal family.
- Ner... ne?
- Ner... what?

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