A look tradutor Espanhol
221,531 parallel translation
Then let's take a look up top.
Entonces echemos un vistazo arriba.
In the meantime, Florence, let's take a look at Esther's hotel room.
Mientras tanto, Florence, vamos a ver la habitación del hotel de Esther.
# Hey everybody, take a look at me
* Oídme todos, miradme *
Right, well, I'm just going to have a look round - see if I can spot any fire hazards.
Bien, vale, voy a dar un vistazo por ahí... a ver si encuentro algún riesgo de incendio.
Sir, you should take a look at this.
Señor, debe ver esto.
Pidge, Hunk, take a look at the ark and see what we're dealing with.
Pidge, Hunk, revisen el arca con atención.
I don't think there's much left. Have a look for yourself.
No creo que haya nada especialmente de nuevo, pero puedes echar un vistazo por ti mismo.
Sir, I think you should take a look at this.
Señor, creo que debería ver esto.
You want me to have a look, see if everything's in order?
¿ Quiere que eche un vistazo y vea si todo está en orden?
We know that you'd seen Jerome passing Archer cash, so it would have been easy for you to join the dots... and because you'd also taken a look at the wreck of Torey's car, you knew the brakes were working fine.
Sabemos que vio a Jerome pasando dinero en efectivo a Archer... así que sería fácil para Ud. unir los puntos... y debido a que también había echado un vistazo al auto chocado de Torey... sabía que los frenos funcionaban bien.
I've only had a quick look through, but it seems to me that Esther liked to keep herself to herself.
Sólo le di un rápido vistazo, pero me parece que Esther era muy reservada.
I told myself I could help Lizzie, could look after her better.
Me dije a mi misma puedo ayudar a Lizzie, puedo cuidar mejor de ella.
Not yet, but, Sir, you should come and look
Todavía no, pero, señor, debería venir a ver
Look, I want to see my daughter.
Quisiera ver a mi hija.
Look, I'll fly home as soon as I can, okay?
Volveré a casa apenas pueda, ¿ de acuerdo?
Look around here.
Mira a tu alrededor.
# Gonna have some fun look out for number one
* A divertirme un poco, buscando al hombre loco *
Oh, had a good look, have you?
Has echado una buena mirada, ¿ eh?
Look, that was a shitty thing to do.
Mira, ha sido una cosas desagradable.
Look, Janet, I really like you, we have a laugh, but not in that way...
Mira, Janet, realmente me gustas, nos divertimos, pero no de ese modo.
Is there, like, a set amount of time you're meant to look at each thing before you move on?
¿ Hay un tiempo determinado establecido para mirar cada cosa antes de seguir?
No, I meant the kids are the hazards - look at Charlie And The Chocolate Factory.
No, quiero decir que los niños son un riesgo... mire a : "Charlie y la fábrica de chocolate".
But, look, we are in an art installation surrounded by wire and metal - there has to be a pair of pliers or bolt-cutters around here somewhere!
Pero, oíd, estamos en un montaje artístico rodeados de cables y metales... tiene que haber unas alicates o cizallas por aquí en algún sitio.
Um, while you continue to-to look for Granger, for real, where-where, where did you propose?
Mientras continúa buscando a Granger, en serio, ¿ dónde dónde le pidieron matrimonio?
Look, Sam found evidence of pills that Heather may have used to drug Granger.
Mira, Sam encontró pruebas de pastillas que Heather pudo usar para drogar a Granger.
Someone has staged that crime scene to look like a burglary gone wrong, committed by some unknown intruder.
Alguien ha escenificado esa escena del crimen para que parezca un robo que salió mal, cometido por algún intruso desconocido.
Why don't you have a little look around?
- Sí. ¿ Por qué no echas un vistazo por ahí?
People don't often look kindly on ex-offenders.
La gente usualmente no ve amablemente a los ex convictos.
We're a team. " " Look at me!
" ¡ Mírenme!
[Shiro] Can we get in there to take a closer look?
¿ Podemos acercarnos más?
Look, I tell you what, I've probably hit a slippery spot on the ground there.
Seguramente, pisé donde estaba resbaloso.
Just look at Ulaz.
Recuerda a Ulaz.
Look, we're inside a disgusting worm.
Debemos hacer algo desagradable.
- I can look for my family.
- Buscaré a mi familia.
You look like a woman playing a small boy in a play.
Pareces una mujer haciéndose pasar por un chiquillo en un juego.
We'll look into the matter for you.
Vamos a tomar y estudiar el asunto.
You've been allowed to look inside and maybe do some shooting.
A dar una ojeada. - Tal vez algún rodaje en un refugio.
When you look at her, you see her gender, religion and clothes, - and you define her as a victim.
Basada en el género, la religión y lo que ella tiene, tú la defines como una víctima.
Have a look, but I promise you, it's not here.
Puedes ir a ver, pero no está allí.
Ok, you feel like a bogart. But in that photo, you look exactly like cotten.
Está bien, das la impresión de ser un Bogart pero en esa foto eres clavado a Cotten.
Look at us out here trying to scrounge a way to get...
Míranos aquí fuera intentando buscar una forma de conseguir...
Look at sabine.
Mire a Sabine.
Now I am 42 years old and I've been over this before, you know, when we talk about complimenting women and men, too, of telling people they look young.
Ahora tengo 42 años y ya he hablado de esto, cuando hablamos sobre halagar a mujeres y hombres, decirles que se ven jóvenes.
I was trying to look at the positive, I'm a meditator.
Yo trataba de ver lo positivo, yo medito.
I see how it's different. " Back in the day, men would marry the woman that cooks and cleans and has the babies and he starts to look at her more like a mother.
Veo lo diferente ". Antes, los hombres se casaban con mujeres que cocinaban, limpiaban, tenían bebés y empezaban a verla más como una madre.
I really don't. I love men and I look at them the way I look at children, which is like, "Oh, my God, for people who don't know what you're doing, you have so much energy about it, you know."
Adoro a los hombres y los miro como miro a los niños, que es tipo : " Dios mío, para ser gente que no sabe lo que hace, tienen mucha energía para hacerlo.
She doesn't look like me.
No se parece a mí.
Look, you got a fairly large congregation.
Mire, tiene una congregación bastante grande.
Does she have an office or a desk or something we can look at?
¿ Tiene una oficina o un escritorio o algo donde podamos buscar?
Whoa, that's a surprised look.
Eso parece estar sorprendido.
Until Gus went to look for Jerry, we were together the whole time.
Hasta que Gus fue a buscar a Jerry, estuvimos juntos todo el tiempo.
look 107427
look at me 7366
looking 1024
looks 103
look at this 4731
lookin 41
lookie 51
looky 64
look at him 1555
look at her 948
look at me 7366
looking 1024
looks 103
look at this 4731
lookin 41
lookie 51
looky 64
look at him 1555
look at her 948
look at me now 78
look at you 3730
look at that 4253
look on the bright side 174
look at your face 75
look at yourself 268
looking for a job 23
looking good 543
looking for someone 66
looks like 280
look at you 3730
look at that 4253
look on the bright side 174
look at your face 75
look at yourself 268
looking for a job 23
looking good 543
looking for someone 66
looks like 280