A lot of them tradutor Espanhol
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So, a lot of them have become serious potheads.
Por lo tanto, muchos de ellos se han convertido en potheads graves.
A lot of them don't even know you and they love you, because you represent so very much.
Ni siquiera te conocen y te quieren porque representas mucho.
- Oh yeah... - I find a lot of them online now.
- Encontré muchos en internet.
And a lot of them knew that we'd filed a lawsuit against this kind of rogue website, but not too many of them were paying attention to what it was.
Y muchos de ellos sabía que nos presentamos una demanda en contra de este tipo de website rogue, pero no muchos de ellos se presta atención a lo que era.
You killed a lot of them
Usted mató a muchos de ellos
Why don't you just give me your thoughts, since you seem to have... A lot of them.
¿ Por qué no me cuentas tus ideas, ya que debes tener... muchas.
I want to have a lot of them one day.
Quiero tener muchos algún día.
Um, not a lot of them, but, uh, I don't know what this means, but it was sent to...
Um, no son muchos, pero, uh, no sé lo que significan, pero fueron enviados a...
There are a lot of them.
Hay muchos de ellos.
They'll be a lot of them.
Va a haber muchas.
There's a lot of them that look like a strobe light up there.
Hay una gran cantidad de ellas que se ven como una luz estroboscópica allí arriba.
- Sell a lot of them, do you?
- Vendes un montón de ellos, ¿ verdad?
You don't understand the hold he has over a lot of them, they're brainwashed and don't even know it, they'll do anything he asks.
No entienden el control qué tiene sobre muchos de ellos, les lavaron el cerebro y ni siquiera lo saben, harán lo que él diga.
Yeah. A lot of them do happen in here.
Muchos de ellos suceden aquí.
A lot of them I picked just on the cover art.
Muchas de ellas sólo las escojo por el arte de la cubierta.
"Man, you're as good as Chaka Khan." There's a lot of them.
"Vaya, eres tan buena como Chaka Khan". Hay muchísimas.
Ellie, for two people who did a lot of things wrong, adopting Al wasn't one of them.
Ellie, ambos hicimos muchas cosas mal, pero adoptar a Al no fue una de ellas.
The totally outrageous side of Jodorowsky especially after The Holy Mountain and El Topo did not give them faith that he could lead this very ambitious project. Because $ 15 million in the middle of the'70s was a lot of money.
El lado más extremo de Jodorowsky, especialmente por El Topo y la Montaña Sagrada no les daba fe de que el pudiera dirigir este ambicioso proyecto porque $ 15 millones de dolares en los 70's era un montón de dinero
A lot of people took images and ideas with them and incorporated them into other projects so it always leads back to Jodorowsky.
Mucha gente tomó ideas e imágenes con ellos y las usó en otros proyectos Todo, finalmente, apuntando a Jodorowsky
We've had 50 years now of water reactors, 400 of them, roughly, all over the world. And they've produced a hell-of-a-lot of waste that we didn't anticipate.
Han sido 50 años de reactores de agua 400 de ellos por todo el mundo que han producido muchos residuos que no supimos anticipar.
But then, I've given a lot of bad things to a lot of bad people, but that does not make me one of them.
Acostumbro regalar muchas cosas malas a mucha gente mala pero eso no me hace uno de ellos.
I think a lot more of them stick than you realize.
Creo que hay muchas más cosas que lo que tú crees.
This business seems like it survives on a lot of older albums and reselling of that, so, this one, we definitely saw new CDs and new albums not being bought as much, but the bigger stores, it totally destroyed them.
Este negocio parece como si sobrevive en un montón de viejos álbumes y reventa de que, así, éste, sin duda vio nuevos CDs y discos nuevos no ser comprado tanto, pero las tiendas más grandes, totalmente los destruyó.
Lot of these guys, a lot them come in here catch the act, because they wanna fuck Jean.
Muchos de estos tipos muchos vienen a ver la presentación porque quieren acostarse con Jean.
But there were a lot of sober moments in between them.
Pero en medio hubieron muchos momentos de sobriedad.
So people want to share with just their friends, But a lot of people also want to share with The community around them.
Entonces las personas quieren compartir sólo con sus amigos, pero muchas personas también quieren compartir con la comunidad alrededor de ellos.
Sophie and McKenzie are really excited about this. And it can open up a lot of scholarships opportunities for them.
Sophie y MacKenzie están muy entusiasmados y abierto diversas oportunidades colegios para ellos.
There's a lot of people taking risks for me, I can't make them wait.
Hay gente que se la está jugando por mí, no puedo hacerles esperar.
I have a lot of prescription medications, But I try not to use them.
Tengo muchos medicamentos prescritos, pero trato de no usarlos.
Not a decent suspect amongst the lot of them.
Ni un sospechoso decente entre ellos.
- You've got a lot of people who feel like the game is stacked against them.
- Tienes un montón de gente que sienten como el sistema se apila contra ellos.
You know, a lot of people have been asking about them since Ronnie's concert.
Mucha gente ha estado preguntando por ellos desde el concierto de Ronnie.
This is gonna be all of your books about cartoons, anthologies, reprint books, "How-To" books, journals like Puck or Judge that have a lot of cartoons in them.
Esto reúne todos los libros acerca de dibujos animados, antologà as libros reeditados, manuales revistas como Puck o Judge que tienen una gran cantidad de dibujos en ellos.
Look, I know a lot of people are worse off than me, even if you couldn't tell it by looking at them, like this kid who's been bumming coinage here the last few days.
Mira, Conozco a un montón de gente que están peor que yo, incluso si no pudieras verlo con sólo mirarlos, como este chico que ha vagando pidiendo dinero aquí los últimos días.
Hit a lot of home runs, Bob, but how many of them were clean?
Hizo un montón de home runs, Bob, ¿ pero cuántos fueron legales?
Last time they were here, she blew the lot of them.
La última vez se las mamó a todos.
There are a lot of creative people on the internet... and I... am one of them.
Hay un montón de gente creativa en Internet. y yo soy uan de ellos.
- Right, dump that over there and help them lads get bright wire out of that lot.
Sí. Tira eso por ahí y ayuda a los muchachos a encontrar alambre recocido.
Wait, wait. There could be more of them in there - - a lot more.
espera, espera, puede haber mas de ellos allí, un monton mas!
A lot of questions, don't want to ask them.
Muchas preguntas, no quiero hacerlas.
vintage cards like that you just don't find them laying around ah they're a friend's I'm just passing through well enjoy it while you can this might be going away a lot of players are leaving the game yeah, but, not these guys
esas cartas clasicas que usas no se encuentran por ahi ah son de un amigo yo solo estoy de paso pues disfrutalo mientras puedas esto puede acabarse muchos jugadores estan abandonando el juego si pero estos no lo haran
We could give them a lot of money if they'd let us adopt him legally.
Podemos ofrecerles mucho dinero si nos dejan adoptarle legalmente.
During the war, a lot of kids were separated from their parents, or lost them, and other people adopted them.
Durante la guerra, muchos niños fueron separados de sus padres o los perdieron, y otros los adaptaron.
It took a lot of strings to get them.
Tuve que mover influencias para obtenerlos.
- People that talk about them, They don't understand a lot of it.
- La gente habla de ellos, y no entienden nada.
I think for a lot of younger folks that come down it's a real good experience for them.
Creo que para mucha gente jovén que viene es una buena experiencia real para ellos.
One of the things is I brought a lot of photos of my family so I have them taped to my fridge.
Una de esas cosas es que me traje una gran cantidad de fotos de mi familia así que las he pegado a mi nevera.
The check is your official severance, but we owe you back pay, overtime... you put in a lot of hours and you've been a loyal employee, so instead of a check I had them issue it in cash.
El cheque es su separación oficial, pero le debemos el pago retroactivo, horas extras... Usted pone en un montón de horas y ha sido un empleado leal, así que en vez de un cheque que tenía les expidan en efectivo.
They can't escape from him and that claustrophobia gave me a lot of ideas in how he could trap them and kill them.
No pueden escapar de él y esa claustrofobia me ayuda a atraparles y a matarles.
Darlene did a lot of ghosting for records that came out with other people's names on them.
Darlene cantó anónimamente para muchos discos bajo nombres de otros.
You know, it takes a lot to come in front of an audience And win them over, man.
Ya sabes, se necesita mucho para estar en frente de una audiencia y ganarlos, hombre.
a lot has happened 22
a lot of people 80
a lot 1589
a lot of things 80
a lot of work 19
a lot of times 55
a lot of money 87
a lot better 53
a lot of fun 24
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a lot of things 80
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a lot of 45
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a lot of blood 23
a lot worse 20
of them 508
a lot of the time 18
a lot of stuff 16
a lot of it 93
a lot of blood 23
a lot worse 20
of them 508