All of that tradutor Espanhol
56,781 parallel translation
All of that.
Todo eso.
Uh... Well, she takes care of all of that, and she said there's still a long way to go.
Bueno, ella se encarga de todo eso y dijo que todavía falta mucho.
But all of that, I want you to hang back up in the closet, please.
Pero todo eso, quiero que lo vuelvas a guardar en el armario, por favor.
I want to leave all of that behind.
Quiero dejar todo eso atrás.
How do you know all of that?
¿ Y eso cómo lo sabes?
It all sounded too good to be true, like some sort of crazy fairy tale that spun horribly out of control.
Todo parecía demasiado bueno para ser verdad, como un loco cuento de hadas que se descontroló de una manera horrible.
I do know... He has a plan for all of us, but I don't know what that plan is.
Pero sí sé... que él tiene un plan para nosotros... aunque no sé cuál plan es ese.
You know, I was thinking about all of the celebrations that he missed, and I thought we should have a party for him.
Bueno, he estado pensando en todas las celebraciones que se ha perdido y he pensado que deberíamos hacerle una fiesta.
With all that money, after 40 years of working her ass off, and sweating over every goddamn dime, she could finally exhale and live the high life.
Con todo ese dinero, tras trabajar sin descanso 40 años y haberse ganado cada centavo por fin podía respirar y vivir la gran vida.
There's a scene in Eve from the back of the car when Margo's talking about the long climb up and all the things you drop along the way that you forget you're going to need later.
Grabé una escena en Eva donde Margo habla del largo ascenso y todo lo que dejas por el camino y que olvidas que necesitarás.
I regret it all, all of it more than you can imagine, because...'cause you're my brother, and no one should treat his own brother like that.
Me arrepiento de todo, más de lo que puedas imaginarte, porque... porque eres mi hermano, y nadie debería tratar así a su propio hermano.
Great services, great products, and most of all, that face!
Estupendo servicio, estupendos productos, y sobre todo esa cara.
You know, Mamacita, one of the things I loved most about having these children... all of them... was that no matter what I was doing, making a picture, or out for an event, the mad rush that was once my life... was that I'd always come home
Una de las cosas que más me gustaba de tener a mis niños, a todos ellos era que no importaba lo que estuviera haciendo ya fuera grabar una película o acudir a un evento, a pesar de la locura que era mi vida...
If that's so, I would suggest they send all their fan mail to Mr. Jack Warner, care of Warner Brothers Studios.
Si es así, les sugeriría que enviaran todas las cartas de admiración a la atención del Sr. Jack Warner, de los Estudios Warner Brothers.
All right, - all right, that's out of bounds.
De acuerdo, muy bien, te has extralimitado.
That to avoid conflict, I hold everything in, let things build up until, all of a sudden...
Que para evitar un conflicto retengo todo, acumulándolo, hasta que de repente...
But if it doesn't prove that there is something to all of this, then I'm going straight to Scottie, and I'm gonna tell her who I am.
Pero si eso no prueba que hay algo detrás de todo esto, voy a ir directamente a Scottie y voy a decirle quién soy.
All you have to worry about is assembling a team that'll stay off of Halcyon's radar.
Solo tenéis que ocuparos de juntar un equipo que sea invisible para Halcyon.
And Scottie could be holding Dr. Whitehall against his will to protect him from me and not to force him to build a prototype of his invention, but I think we all know that she's not.
Y Scottie podría estar reteniendo contra su voluntad al Dr. Whitehall para protegerlo de mí y no para obligarlo a construir un prototipo de su invento, pero creo que todos sabemos que no es así.
I still see it as that shining city on a hill... that people all around the world look to as a land of hope and opportunity.
Todavía lo veo como una ciudad brillante en una colina... a la que gente de todo el mundo mira como una tierra de esperanza y oportunidad.
That the Dow, NASDAQ, long bonds are all about to drop 80 % in the blink of an eye?
Que el Dow, el NASDAQ, los bonos están a punto de caer un 80 por ciento en un abrir y cerrar de ojos.
It is because of him that all these people here have become liars and traitors.
Es por su culpa que todas estas personas de aquí se han convertido en mentirosos y traidores.
I could have lost all of you, and that would have been unacceptable.
Podría haberos perdido a todos y eso hubiera sido inaceptable.
All right, we've got a murderer on the loose and a lot of unsavory characters in that part of town.
¿ Vale? Tenemos a un asesino suelto y muchos personajes desagradables en esa parte de la ciudad.
After all that salt-of-the-earth talk, I didn't expect you to be another dollar-chasing gentrifier.
Tras toda esa charla de ser buena gente, no esperaba que fueras otro cazafortunas aburguesado.
Josie, the only thing that keeps me going right now is the thought of how, when he gets out of jail, we can all be together again.
Josie, la única cosa que hace que siga adelante ahora mismo es pensar en cómo, cuando salga de la cárcel, podremos estar todos juntos otra vez.
That's generous of him, after all the crap he pulled on me.
Muy generoso por su parte, tras toda la mierda que echó sobre mí.
But, of course, we don't want to just offer financial support, we want to give Polly all the emotional support that a young mother-to-be needs.
Pero, claro, no solo queremos ofrecer apoyo financiero, queremos darle a Polly el apoyo emocional que una futura madre necesita.
How do you balance that with all of your other responsibilities?
¿ Cómo lo combinas con tus demás responsabilidades?
But as president of six after-school clubs, I am very sorry to announce that we have been forced to suspend all student activities due to compromised funding.
Pero como presidente de seis clubes extracurriculares, lamento anunciar que nos vemos obligados a suspender todas las actividades por falta de presupuesto.
I'm tired of student council and all the clubs that I run, and everything that I have to do and be responsible for every day.
Estoy cansada del consejo estudiantil, todos los clubes que dirijo, y de las responsabilidades que debo asumir a diario.
All of the heist movies that I watched had a team.
Todas las películas de atracos que vi tenían un equipo.
You know, there's an element of trust, in that we all give it value, and we all agree on that value.
Hay un elemento de confianza, al que todos le damos valor y coincidimos en ese valor.
If I can prove that you were doing something that you shouldn't be doing... and I will... all four of you are going to be expelled.
Si puedo probar que estaban haciendo algo que no deberían y lo probaré los cuatro serán expulsados.
I mean, that's why I've done all of this, wh... That's why I've protected your ass 24 / 7, Just so I could get caught.
Por eso lo he hecho todo, por eso he estado cubriéndote el culo las 24 horas, para que nos cojan.
Scott told me that you came to town with a trunk full of clothes from Montgomery, that's all.
Scott me dijo que viniste a la ciudad con un baúl lleno de prendas de Montgomery.
Despite all that, you have the Irish gift of turning the language into something iridescent and surprising.
A pesar de todo eso tienes el talento de transformar el idioma en algo iridiscente y sorpresivo.
Yeah. Hey, cookie, I just, um... I mean, I know you're really excited that your dad's here, uh, but I just want to make sure that you don't, like, expect him to, all of a sudden, be, like, a totally different person.
A ver, galletita, sé que te hace ilusión que venga tu padre, pero por dejarlo claro, supongo que no esperas que de repente sea una persona totalmente distinta.
So, here are... 14 Father's Day cards, from all of the ones that I missed.
Aquí tienes... 14 postales del día del padre, por todas las que no mandé.
People are starting to wake up, to see that one person can make a difference, and that's all because of the work that you and Edison and...
La gente está empezando a despertar, a ver que una persona puede marcar la diferencia y todo eso es gracias al trabajo que tú, Edison y...
But, after all that, you came here instead of going home. Why?
Pero después de todo eso, viniste aquí en vez de ir a tu casa. ¿ Por qué?
No social media, no criminal record, but after some digging, I found out that all his documentation appeared out of thin air a year ago.
Sin redes sociales, sin antecedentes, pero después de investigar un poco, descubrí que toda su documentación apareció de la nada hace un año.
I mean, of all people, you know what that feels like.
Quiero decir, mejor que nadie, Ud. sabe lo que es.
It takes the experience of a good SIO to cut through all that and recognise the truth.
Requieren la experiencia de un buen investigador jefe para transitar por todo eso y encontrar la verdad.
You are taking your narrow view of your own specialism, writing off all other parts of the case that I, as SIO, am in a better position to evaluate.
Estás teniendo una visión parcial por tu especialidad, descartando todas las otras facetas del caso que yo, como investigadora jefe, estoy en mejor disposición para evaluar.
Look, at the risk of upsetting you again, do you have any idea how much sodium there is in all that?
Sé que volverás a enfadarte, pero ¿ sabes cuánto sodio tiene eso?
Oh. You sent her all that stuff and it scared the shit out of her.
Le enviaste todas esas cosas y la llenaste de miedo.
Maybe you think so little of me that it never occurred to you that I might have my own stakes in all of this.
Quizá me subestimas tanto que nunca se te ocurrió que podría tener mis propias expectativas en todo esto.
I let my mind be invaded by all the things I used to be afraid of that suddenly appeared.
Dejé que mi mente fuera invadida por todo aquello que solía temer y... que de repente apareció.
All right? And how much of that is getting seized?
¿ Y cuánto de eso les confiscan?
How much of it is getting siphoned off to, you know, bribe the border patrol guys and-and the cops, and the politicians and the judges and all that stuff?
¿ Cuánto se pierde para sobornar a los del control fronterizo y la policía? Más políticos, jueces y todo eso.
all of them 1505
all of you 1837
all of it 1580
all of the above 61
all of us 884
all of the time 16
all of me 19
all of a sudden 697
all of 26
all of us together 30
all of you 1837
all of it 1580
all of the above 61
all of us 884
all of the time 16
all of me 19
all of a sudden 697
all of 26
all of us together 30
all of' em 133
all of these 19
all of ya 20
all of this 232
all of what 16
of that i have no doubt 18
of that 53
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
all of these 19
all of ya 20
all of this 232
all of what 16
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of that 53
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that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
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that's 10531
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that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
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that's cool 1334
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that'll be it 25
that's my best friend 28
that's my sister 96
that's good to know 269
that doesn't seem fair 27
that's awesome 830
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that's cool 1334
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that'll be it 25
that's my best friend 28
that's my sister 96
that's good to know 269
that doesn't seem fair 27
that's for sure 889
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that is 2872
that's my line 54
that's my man 51
that is so lame 16
that'll be me 20
that's my baby 48
that's me 2273
that is 2872
that's my line 54
that's my man 51
that is so lame 16
that'll be me 20