And there he was tradutor Espanhol
6,355 parallel translation
No, I just came out here to run to the store, and there he was.
No, sólo sali feura de la tienda y ahí estaba.
I tracked Dobbs down to that motel and there he was, just laying there watching TV like he didn't have a care in the world.
Seguí a Dobbs hasta aquel motel, y allí estaba, viendo la tele como si no le importase nada en el mundo.
He's right that it was impossible for him to have gotten there and back in 30 minutes.
Tiene razón en que era imposible para él ir hasta allá y volver en 30 minutos.
The drawings I saw in Berlin, there we discovered that with Bill, that we know which music is performed at a place and it's so complex in the positions on the instrument that he must've known music, because that element was not clear.
En los dibujos que vi en Berlín, descubrimos, con Bill, que sabemos que la música se interpreta en un lugar y es tan compleja en las posiciones en el instrumento que debe de haber conocido la música, porque ese elemento no estaba claro.
The drawings I saw there last week and so, from the work that was done by Bill, he knows now that in the... .. in the different drawings, there's one of a hobo, then another one of a gambler. There's no scores there, it's only drawings of positions.
Los dibujos que vi allí la semana pasada, del trabajo realizado por Bill, sabe que en los entre los diferentes dibujos, hay uno de un vagabundo y otro de un jugador, no hay partituras allí, sólo dibujos de posiciones.
There's no evidence of physical assault on Senator Vaughn, so if Senator Sterling wakes up and claims he was attacked... This could become a "he said, she said" versus the most beloved and revered member of the Senate.
No hay evidencia física de un abuso físico a la senadora Vaughn, así que si el senador Sterling se despierta y dice que fue atacado... esto podría convertirse en su palabra contra la de él, contra el miembro del senado más querido y admirado.
He was right there... and I ignored him.
Él estaba justo ahí... y lo ignoré.
He was supposed to be at Yale the night she was killed, and I need for you to tell me that he was there, that his alibi checks out.
Se suponía que él debía estar en Yale la noche que murió, y necesito que me digas que él estaba allí, que su coartada concuerda.
- But he said he was starting to see someone, and there are a bunch of calls between you two on his phone.
Pero dijo que había empezado a ver a alguien, y hay un montón de llamadas entre ustedes en su teléfono.
- Then I guess he must have gone back to his car, and by then, I mean, there was nothing I could do.
Entonces creo que debió haber vuelto a su coche, y para entonces, digo, no había nada que pudiera hacer.
He said there was something in his eye, and there was. And it was one of his long and beautiful eyelashes.
Tenía algo en el ojo, y lo tenía era una... de sus hermosas pestañas.
That block was nothing until I got there, and I'll be damned if they're anything now that I'm gone.
Ese barrio no era nada hasta que llegué allí, y que me aspen si no vuelve a serlo ahora que me he ido.
And the first event he held there, before the property was even purchased was an Easter sunrise service.
Y el primer evento se llevó a cabo allí, antes de que la propiedad fue incluso se adquiere era un servicio de la salida del sol de Pascua.
I was stationed in all kinds of hellholes across this rock, and there is one thing that has never changed : If you lock someone in a box who doesn't belong there, he's got a lot to say when you finally let him out.
Estuve en toda clase de agujeros infernales en este planeta, y hay una cosa si encierras a alguien en una caja en la que no debiera estar, tendrá mucho que decir cuando finalmente le dejes salir.
And, uh, this Garrett, he was there at the ops.
Y, este es Garrett, estaba allí en las operaciones.
Was there that awkward moment where he leans in just a tiny bit, and you're like,
¿ Hubo ese momento incómodo donde se inclina sólo un poco, y usted es como,
So Stephen, bearing in mind he's the same rank as me, marches in there bold as brass and said he was a major.
Bueno Stephen, teniendo en cuenta que tiene el mismo grado que yo, tenía todo tipo de latas en el uniforme y dijo que era un mayor.
they had poured petrol through the water pipe and set it on fire ; several of his family had been killed ; several of his supporters in there had been killed... he came out to negotiate, and they're saying he was just shot in the chest and died a couple of minutes later, but rather than killing the movement,
varios de sus partidarios allí había sido asesinados... salió a negociar, y están diciendo que simplemente le dispararon en el pecho y murió un par de minutos más tarde, pero en lugar de matar el movimiento, parece haber encendido el movimiento.
- about Shelby and Donnie. - I've been fooling myself into thinking that he was over there for some innocent reason, but he wasn't.
Me he estado engañando a mí misma pensando que él estaba ahí por alguna razón inocente, pero no fue así.
I signed the orders and he withdrew money until there was nothing left.
Yo firmaba las órdenes y él retiró dinero hasta que no quedó nada.
It was placed there recently, Trying to remind him of a time When he was young and in love.
Fue puesta ahí hace poco, intentando recordarlo en los tiempos en que era joven y estaba enamorado.
And what he had to say Was a big old lie about being there.
Y lo que tenía que decir era una gran mentira sobre haber estado allí.
We finished the bottle of wine and think of a plan to fight We fight them if they come to save us He rolled down a can and there was a message in it :
Nos terminamos la botella de vino y pensamos en un plan de combate lucharemos con ellos si vienen a salvarnos una lata cayó rodando y había un mensaje en ella :
And although I am not happy about his lies, I have to say that he's always been there for me when I'm sick, and supportive when I was down.
Y aunque no esté contenta con sus mentiras, debo decir que siempre ha estado ahí para mí cuando estaba enferma, y me ha consolado cuando estaba triste.
He was also there for me when I was sick, and supportive when I was down, except for a few times when she was sick at the same time.
También ha estado ahí cuando estaba enferma, y comprensivo cuando estaba deprimida, excepto cuando estábamos enfermas al mismo tiempo.
Nope, and I guess I never thought to bring it up because I was learning to airbend, then there was the pro-bending, then I got tied up fighting the Equalists.
No, y supongo que yo tampoco le he sacado nunca el tema porque estaba aprendiendo a controlar el aire, luego estaba el tema del pro-control, y luego estuve un poco liada luchando contra los Igualitarios.
There was a reporter here tonight, Maddie, and he was looking for an angle, and I believe you gave it to him.
Esta noche había aquí un periodista, Maddie, y estaba buscando una noticia bomba, y creo que tú acabas de dársela.
And I was wrong, and now... James is stuck in there.
Y he fracasado, y ahora James está atrapado allí dentro.
He clocked in at 8 : 36pm on Friday night and clocked out at 6 : 02am but these porters are largely left on their own between, so we need to look at CCTV to confirm he was actually there.
Marcó la entrada a las 8 : 36 p. m del viernes por la noche y la salida a las 6 : 02 a. m. Pero, entretanto, esos guardias suelen estar solos, así que tenemos que mirar las cámaras para confirmar que estaba realmente allí.
I didn't see her face, but there was this ridiculous woman with beaded hair chanting and making a scene.
No vi su cara, pero había una mujer ridícula con el pelo lleno de cuentas gritando y haciendo una escena. ¡ He vuelto!
And by the way, he was there in Iraq in 2004.
Y por cierto, él estaba allí, en Irak en 2004.
If the spine was severed, that would explain why the victim didn't move after he was shot, and he didn't move because there was no blood trail.
Usted pensó que era? Si se rompió la columna vertebral, que explicaría ¿ por qué la víctima no se movió después de ser baleado, y él no se movió porque no había ningún rastro de sangre.
He knew what I was trying to do, and he called my bluff right there.
Sabía lo que intentaba hacer, y vio mi farol inmediatamente.
He put his hand on my back, Emily, and it was there for way too long.
Él puso su mano en mi espalda, Emily, y la dejó ahí durante un rato.
The police tried to blame me and my friends, but he was playing with the ignition, and there was some weird defect with the truck.
La policía intentó culparnos a mis amigos y a mí, pero estaba jugando con el arranque y... la camioneta tenía un defecto raro.
There was an explosion, and I think I broke my arm.
Hubo una explosión, y creo que me he roto el brazo.
He was there and he did nothing.
Estuvo ahí y no hizo nada.
I'm not saying he was a nice guy and I don't know about Terry's whole Brotherhood thing, but ever since Jenny's press conference, there's been a price on his head.
No digo que fuera un buen tío y no sé nada sobre la hermandad de Terry, pero desde la conferencia de prensa de Jenny, su cabeza tiene un precio.
And when I got there, he said that Jaffe was dead, and that this man had killed him, and that he was afraid that we would be next if we didn't run.
Y cuando llegué allí, dijo que Jaffe estaba muerto, y que ese hombre le había matado, y que tenía miedo de que fuéramos los siguientes si no huíamos.
I found no I.D. or possessions in his pockets, and there was no print match through Mobile AFIS.
No he encontrado ni identificación ni nada dentro de sus bolsillos y sus huellas no aparecieron en la búsqueda en el AFIS Mobile.
But there was something about you and that lad.
Pero he visto algo entre ese chaval y tú.
I only... for as long as I can remember, the one thing that I could always count on was hearing your voice, no matter where I was or what I was doing, and when I heard it, you were right there with me,
Yo sólo... durante el tiempo que puedo recordar, la única cosa que siempre he podido contar con estaba oyendo su voz, no importa dónde estaba ni lo que estaba haciendo, y cuando lo escuché, que estabas ahí conmigo,
And then when I was out there and I didn't hear you, you couldn't...
Y luego, cuando yo estaba fuera allí y yo no te he oído, no podrías...
There was an explosion, and I think I broke my arm.
Ha habido una explosión y creo que me he roto el brazo.
Well, he found out that she's been boning Mauricio, but she tried to deny it, but there was this text she sent him where she's, like, naked and grabbing her boobs.
Bueno, ha descubierto que se ha estado tirando a Mauricio, ella intentó negarlo, pero hay un mensaje que le mandó en el que sale desnuda y agarrándose las tetas.
There was this time, this moment very... there was this moment at the very beginning when I was walking away from Noah, and he grabbed my hand, and he pulled me back to him.
Hubo un instante, este momento tan... hubo un momento muy al principio en que dejaba a Noah y él me cogió de la mano y tiró de mí.
Charlie woke up, and he was upset'cause I was the only one there.
Charlie despertó y está molesto porque soy la única persona que está ahí.
Given everything I have learnt so far it was hard to believe there are still scientists defending sugar and fructose.
Dado todo lo que he aprendido hasta ahora que era difícil de creer todavía hay científicos que defienden el azúcar y la fructosa.
There was another girl there, and I've been checking Twitter and Facebook and Vine, and I can't find her.
Había otra chica allí, y he estado mirando Twitter y Facebook y Vine, y no puedo encontrarla.
- I know, but there was a dude there, and he... saw what I did, so...
- Lo sé, pero había un tipo allí, y él... vi lo que hice, así que...
And I wanted to try to understand why our paths crossed and see if there was some way that he could have been stopped before I came along.
Y quería intentar entender por qué se habían cruzado nuestros caminos y ver si, de alguna forma, podría haberlo evitado antes de que pasara.
and there you go 56
and there you have it 52
and there are 45
and there's more 69
and therefore 143
and there i was 26
and there it is 180
and there 292
and there it was 64
and there you were 36
and there you have it 52
and there are 45
and there's more 69
and therefore 143
and there i was 26
and there it is 180
and there 292
and there it was 64
and there you were 36
and there's 117
and there's this 29
and there's something else 41
and there's nothing 21
and there we are 37
and there you are 57
and there's a 25
and there he is 78
and there is 20
and there was 39
and there's this 29
and there's something else 41
and there's nothing 21
and there we are 37
and there you are 57
and there's a 25
and there he is 78
and there is 20
and there was 39
and there were 18
and there we go 24
and there she was 52
and there they are 27
and there she is 48
there he was 67
he wasn't 318
he was my father 53
he was 2419
he was amazing 28
and there we go 24
and there she was 52
and there they are 27
and there she is 48
there he was 67
he wasn't 318
he was my father 53
he was 2419
he was amazing 28
he was scared 75
he was my brother 71
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he was arrested 41
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he was right 258
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he was wrong 76
he was a nice guy 31
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he was gone 162
he was a good man 245
he was like 112
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he was drunk 101
he was here 335
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he was dead 174
he was a friend of mine 20
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