And there she is tradutor Espanhol
1,342 parallel translation
I walk into Luke's and there she is.
Entré en Luke's y ella estaba allí.
I put her in leotards and there she is.
Le puse una mallita y ahí está.
And there she is... with the door locked... and eating.
Y ahí está... encerrada con llave...
And there she is.
Y ahí está.
Katy made them for you and the guys, and there she is!
Las hizo Katy para ti y los chicos... -... ¡ y aquí está!
Her house and everything she had is there. Where else would she go?
Su casa y todo lo demás estaba allí. ¿ Dónde iría?
She was kept there for many years, and present day experts believe that the crack allure on the surface of the picture is partly due to the steam, from the royal ablutions.
Estuvo allí durante muchos años, y los expertos de hoy en día creen que las llamativas fracturas en la superficie del cuadro, se deben en parte al vapor de los baños reales.
i am sure it is that ensure me leave her there i want to forget all and i want home you will not leave just now it is so easy, she needs you
Creo que me ayuda, que ella esté allá. Voy a dejar todo. Voy a volver a mi casa.
I got the three-piece chicken dinner, with the beans, the coleslaw, all that. And she down there licking. I'm like, "Damn, is you a freaky bitch or what?"
hice el pollo con los frijoles y la ensalada de col, y ella ahí, lamiéndome.
I was one of the first ones out there with Alicia, I respect what she's trying to do, get the men to act right, that's cool and all, but not everything is for everyone, and a sister like me... I got to get mine.
Fui de las primeras en acompañar a Alicia, respeto lo que trata de hacer, que ellos actúen correctamente, es estupendo, pero no todo es para todas, y una chica como yo... necesito mi atención.
"And if there is, where is she?"
Y si la hay ¿ Dónde está?
Now, there is no doubt whatever that she had the ample motive, and much of the evidence, it tells against her... the scent bottle discovered in her room. The poison that she admitted to stealing.
No existe ninguna duda de que tenía motivos de peso y que muchas de las pruebas hablaban en su contra, como el frasco de perfume descubierto en su habitación, el veneno que admitió haber robado,
Let us suppose that Elinor Carlisle was most anxious about the return of Mary Gerrard, for there is much talk of her beauty. And she knows that her fiancé and Mary were close in the past and that they were bound to meet together here.
Supongamos que Elinor Carlisle estaba preocupada por el regreso de Mary Gerrard, porque se habla mucho de su belleza y ella sabe... que su novio y Mary estaban muy unidos en el pasado, y que... por fuerza iban a encontrarse aquí.
And suddenly, I see that there is something that the good nurse Hopkins, she does not wish me to know, that she thinks has no bearing on the crime. But I believe that it may.
Y de repente, veo que hay algo, algo que la buena enfermera Hopkins no quiere que yo sepa,... que cree que no tiene nada que ver con el crimen, pero yo creo que sí.
It is the air she breathes, and she knows she will win because there is no alternative.
Está en el aire que respira y vencerá porque no tiene otra alternativa.
I got it, but the thing is that you guys should know, is that there was this lead singer the one who flaked out, messed up and deserved to get fired but, you see, that lead singer- - She's gone.
Entiendo, pero... Quiero que sepan que si bien es verdad que esa cantante metió la pata y mereció que la echaran esa cantante ya no existe porque tuvo un momento de claridad en una playa en Malibú y se dio cuenta de que por culpa de las borracheras, las fiestas y de todo ese caos estaba perdiendo las cosas más importantes en su vida...
Again, John, all we want you to do is describe the current location of the agent that lighter belongs to and what he or she is doing there.
John, de nuevo. Queremos que describas la ubicación del agente que está iluminado y qué es lo que está haciendo.
Hey, listen, that is exactly what she is waiting for- - for you to go over there and say you'll write those thank-you notes.
Es exactamente lo que ella busca que vayas y digas que escribirás esas notas de agradecimiento.
She's tired and there's no evidence that anyone is pursuing us.
Ella está cansada y no hay evidencias de que nadie nos persiga
She was swatting us with her tail and hosing us down with her blowhole because that is the whale's M.O. - humiliate and rip apart every other fish in the sea until there's nothing left but a bloody pile of chum.
Nos estaba golpeando con su cola y mojándonos con su chorro porque ese el "modus operandis" de la ballena - humillar y apartar a cualquier otro pez del mar hasta que no quede otra cosa que una pila sangrienta de compañeros.
There's a frightening chance she might, so my advice to you is to go back over there and continue doing what you've been doing.
Hay una oportunidad de que lo haga, por lo que mi consejo es volver allí y continuar haciendo lo que has estado haciendo.
Moreover I ear there is no weapon, as usual, no witnesses and it didnt help that she knew the guy and voluntarily left the party with him.
Por otra parte eh oido que no hay armas, como de costumbre, no hay testigos y no nos ayudo que ella conosca al chico y voluntariamente se fuera de la fiesta con el.
There's not very many things I have a chance to win and this is one of them, so I'd like that... and so would my dad and... so would my mom... if she were here.
No hay muchísimas cosas que tenga la oportunidad de ganar y este es una de ellas, así que me gustaría que... y así lo haría mi papá... también lo haría mi madre... si estuviera aquí.
I know she is. I told you before, there's no one behind the mirror. Just you and me.
Ya le dije, no hay nadie detrás del espejo.
Lisa is going to turn up and she's going to be fine and there'll be a logical explanation for all of this.
Lisa va a aparecer y no le pasará nada y habrá una explicación lógica a todo esto.
But for Lill to just be there like it doesn't even hurt, like she's not even in pain, and Jon is shaking all over the place.
Pero que Lill se quedara allí como si no le doliera, como si ni siquiera sintiera dolor, y Jon temblando sin parar...
Estelle is just lying to me about where she is, I have these voices in my head, there are fridges, and I can't remember things!
Estelle me está engañando respecto a donde está, tengo estas voces en la cabeza, tengo neveras...
She has set herself the task of engaging an under-maid, but as yet there isn't anyone within a radius of 50 miles who is remotely suitable to wait on us hand and foot.
Se ha fijado la tarea de contratar una sirvienta. pero no hay nadie en un radio de 50 millas que sea lo remotamente conveniente para nosotros.
But I've got no choice, I've got to live my life, and she, Being With her is like sitting there, Waiting for death,
necesito vivir y ella... quedarse con ella es simplamente sentar y esperar al muerte.
And I'll tell you, I've had some fucks, but she is up there.
He tenido aventuras en mi vida, pero su hermana es de las mejores.
She calls the office and asks why he is still there.
Ella llama a la oficina y pregunta porque el todavía esta allá.
suddenly he / she stops, I open my eyes and no there is nobody there
y no hay nadie ahi
Um, she has a permanent residence and is married with two children, in addition to which, there is an aged mother, all of whom rely upon her for domestic duties.
Tiene residencia permanente y está casada con dos hijos, con el atenuante de poseer una madre anciana, y todos ellos dependen de ella por sus tareas domésticas.
Yes, my mom's name is Ellen and she lives there.
Sí, mi mamá se llama Ellen y vive ahí.
I suggest that, when I examine the rosary, I will find nothing there, and, since Mademoiselle Otterbourne asserts on saying that she saw no one on the deck last night, for this particular theft, there is no case against you.
Le sugiero que cuando yo examine el rosario, no encuentre nada y eso porque Mademoiselle Otterbourne sigue insistiendo en afirmar que no vio a nadie en cubierta la noche pasada, por lo que en cuanto a este robo en particular, no hay... acusación en su contra.
I totally forgot there's this protest against seal poachers and, um, Heather Mills McCartney is going to be there. I just want to see how she's doing, you know, with everything after the divorce and all, so... listen, I'm sorry, but, uh, Thanksgiving is only a few weeks away.
Me olvidé completamente que hay una protesta... en contra de la matanza de focas, y Heather McCartney va a estar ahí... sólo quería saber como le estaba llendo con todo, después del divorcio y todo, así que...
One of the things that I love about Lynzee... is that she's one of these people... who really sees that there is a beautiful and sunny place out there.
Una de las cosas que me gusta de Lynzee... es que es una de esas personas... que realmente ve que hay un lugar lindo y cálido en algún sitio.
She must have been co... And she was wrapped in this. Is there a fire escape over there?
Debía tener frio pero se envolvió con esto ¿ hay alguna salida de incendios por allí?
there appears this face so sweet with sea-green eyes that smile at me and tell me that it is she, even though I have never seen her.
se me aparece ese rostro tan dulce, con ojos del color del mar, que me sonríe y me digo que es ella, cuando nunca la he visto.
All I know is my daughter is out there. And because of a failed rescue mission I sanctioned, she is in even more danger.
Todo lo que sé, es que mi hija esta fuera de aquí y a causa de una fallida misión de rescate que autoricé ella está aún, en mayor peligro.
I need you to get over there and find out if she is the one?
Necesito tu ayuda para ver si ella es la buena.
What I'm trying to tell you is that this is a highly contagious disease, and if you have been having sex with your wife, there is a very good chance that she's infected.
Lo que intento decirle es que es una enfermedad muy contagiosa, y si usted ha estado teniendo sexo con su esposa, hay una posibilidad muy grande de que ella este infectada.
None. No reason and she wasn't there, that's what I'm saying I mean you have to remember that part – that part is key.
Ninguno. ningún motivo y encima no estaba allí, eso es a lo que me refiero, veras tienes que quedarte con esa parte, es la más importante.
Not only is she there for John, she helps out at the hospital whenever she can – offering assistance to other stroke victims and their spouses.
No solo está alli para John ella ayuda en el hospital cuando puede – ofreciendo ayuda a las victimas de ataques y sus esposas
And why is she lying there?
Y porque esta mintiendo ahi?
There's a register that her voice reaches when she yells... that only a freaking dog can hear, but her face is so twisted and contorted... that you know she's hit that register, and it's amazing.
Su voz alcanza un registro al gritar... que sólo un maldito perro puede oír, pero su cara se desfigura y tuerce tanto... que sabes que alcanzó el registro, y es increíble.
So, there she is, Aunt Lorelai, already in her 70s, mind you, and the blizzard has her trapped in that old house for a week with no heat, no running water.
Oh, aquí está, la Tía Lorelai, Cuando tenía ya 70 años, Y la ventisca la sitió en esta vieja casa durante una semana
I have a friend, she went down on a girl, she was down there and she sneezed. Is that it?
Ella se lo estaba comiendo a una chica, estaba allá abajo y estornudó. ¿ Es eso?
And there she is.
Y allí esta ella.
There's a secretary from the Pentagon downstairs, and she claims her boss is being held hostage.
Hay una secretaria del Pentágono abajo. Dice que a su jefe lo tomó de rehén su computadora.
There she is, smoking crack and sleeping in the gutter.
Ahí está, fumando crack y durmiendo en la calle.
and there you go 56
and there you have it 52
and there are 45
and there's more 69
and therefore 143
and there i was 26
and there it is 180
and there 292
and there it was 64
and there you were 36
and there you have it 52
and there are 45
and there's more 69
and therefore 143
and there i was 26
and there it is 180
and there 292
and there it was 64
and there you were 36
and there's 117
and there's this 29
and there's something else 41
and there's nothing 21
and there we are 37
and there you are 57
and there's a 25
and there he is 78
and there is 20
and there was 39
and there's this 29
and there's something else 41
and there's nothing 21
and there we are 37
and there you are 57
and there's a 25
and there he is 78
and there is 20
and there was 39
and there were 18
and there we go 24
and there she was 52
and there they are 27
and there he was 70
there she is 1739
there she is again 18
she is my sister 22
she is very beautiful 18
she is beautiful 76
and there we go 24
and there she was 52
and there they are 27
and there he was 70
there she is 1739
there she is again 18
she is my sister 22
she is very beautiful 18
she is beautiful 76
she is fine 24
she is pretty 34
she is mine 31
she isn't 158
she is 1880
she is hot 33
she is amazing 19
she is my wife 30
she is my daughter 29
she is nice 18
she is pretty 34
she is mine 31
she isn't 158
she is 1880
she is hot 33
she is amazing 19
she is my wife 30
she is my daughter 29
she is nice 18