As before tradutor Espanhol
8,062 parallel translation
But, we're not all glad to see you as much as before.
Pero... no vamos a creerte que eres la mejor como lo hicimos antes.
Same as before, only more of it.
Igual que antes, sólo más de lo mismo.
- Same as before.
- Igual que antes.
I'll tell you the reason why you want things to be as before.
Te diré el motivo del por qué quieres las cosas sean como antes.
You know that you are as useless as before.
Sabes que sigues siendo la misma inútil.
It's not the same as before.
No es como antes.
According to Enoch, Mount Hermon is where a band of renegade angels known as the Watchers descended from the heavens in the distant past and took an oath before meeting with humans.
Vigilantes sobrevivieran, de hecho, al cataclismo conocido como el Diluvio Universal? ¿ Y puede que no solo hayan sobrevivido, sino que consiguieron vivir entre nosotros en secreto durante miles de años?
I know you may not feel as you did before, after how I behaved.
Sé que puede que no sientas lo mismo que antes, después de cómo me he portado.
As well as where we can put it, and that we won't resume the search before dawn.
y que no vamos... retomar la búsqueda antes del amanecer.
As we have discussed before, statistics is not empirical proof.
Como hemos discutido antes... las estadísticas no son pruebas empíricas.
As I've mentioned to you before - In Ha is a beautiful...
Como dije antes, para mí, In Ha es hermosa- -
As you saw before, Gun doesn't remember marrying you.
- Como puedes ver... Gun no puede recordar que está casado contigo.
As I said before, these are the Miss Koreas.
Como mencioné antes, estas son las Miss Coreas de años anteriores.
So before it was sort of not heads or tails but a mixture of both but as soon as I've stopped it, I've forced it to make up its mind.
Entonces no es que sea cara o seca sino una mezcla de ambas pero tan rápido como la detuve la forcé a decidirse.
Researchers here are using this powerful light beam to investigate new materials which may have the potential to bring about an electronics breakthrough as great as any before.
Los investigadores aquí usan un poderoso rayo de luz para investigar nuevos materiales que pueden tener un potencial para generar una revolución electrónica tan grande como jamás se haya visto.
As thick as hail came post from post and every one did bear thy praises, in his kingdom's great defence, and poured them down before him.
Más pronto que se cuenta, los mensajeros se sucedían y cada uno de ellos aportaba tus elogios en esta grandiosa defensa de su reino y los deponía a sus pies.
Before you get all teary, remember that as a robot I have to do anything you say.
Antes de que te emociones, intenta recordar que, como robot tengo que hacer cualquier cosa que digas.
Get the bomb to the pier, onto a boat... and as far away from the city as possible, before it detonates.
Llevar la bomba hasta el muelle, en un barco y tan lejos de la ciudad como sea posible antes de que se detone.
If you want to watch TV before get home... to press the input 3 times... and then use the remote control as usual.
Si quieres ver la televisión antes de llegar a casa para presionar la entrada de 3 veces y luego usar el control remoto como de costumbre.
As you said, murder has been used before to tear us down from within.
Como dices, el asesinato ha sido usado antes derribarnos desde dentro
Dr. Clancy, before we go upstairs, with all due respect, I don't hold an ounce of confidence in the paranormal as a field.
Doctor Clancy, antes de que subamos, con todo respeto no tengo ni una onza de confianza en lo paranormal como un campo.
I think it's best we go this morning, before we get too tired, as we won't be able to cover much ground when we're exhausted.
Creo que es mejor que vayamos esta mañana, antes de estar cansadas, ya que no cubriremos mucho terreno exhaustas.
" and she bowed low before Dorothy as she said,
" Y ella se inclinó ante Dorothy como ella dijo,
As I told you before, I don't know how many people come to me... up to me and talk about Body Double, you know?
Como ya había dicho, no sé cuánta gente se me acerca y me habla de Doble de cuerpo, ¿ saben?
Books from before the accident weren't as good.
Los libros de antes del accidente no eran tan buenos.
Served as an airborne meteorologist with the South African Air Force, worked as a geologist for two years before immigrating to the United States. "
Sirvió como un meteorólogo del aire... con la fuerza aérea sudafricana, trabajo como geólogo, durante dos años... antes de emigrar a los Estados Unidos.
It's only as few days before graduation, and the curse hasn't happened yet.
Faltan unos días para la graduación y la maldición aún no ha ocurrido.
As for myself, I sense that long years of preparation, preparation for what I do not know, have ended. And a new destiny is unfolding before me.
En cuanto a mi, tengo suficientes años de experiencia, la preparación para lo que no se ha terminado y un nuevo destino se encuentra ante mi.
I feel as though we've met before.
- ¡ Creo que te he visto!
I'm gonna do as much as I can, and if I can't do it, then I will check myself before I wreck myself.
Me va a hacer tanto como puedo, y si no puedo hacerlo, entonces yo reviso mi mismo Antes naufragio mí mismo.
Then you find out you're just as lost as you were before.
Luego descubres que estas tan perdido, como estabas antes.
As if He did not foresee this, or was not cognizant of every unfolding step of this dire plot against his kingdom by his ungrateful progeny, which, spewing venom and bile, He has ordained that his son's flesh shall be flayed open until such a time as his black heart stops beating and then and only then can the worm be brought before Him.
Como si Él no lo hubiese previsto o no estuviera consciente de cada paso desarrollado de este grave complot contra su reino por parte de su ingrata progenie lo cual, vomitando veneno y bilis Él ha ordenado que la carne de su hijo sea desollada hasta el instante en que su negro corazón deje de latir y así, únicamente así, el gusano puede comparecer ante Él.
Now, if you would please, as I said before, walk with me.
Por favor, como ya te dije, acompáñame.
As you said before.
- Eso ya lo has dicho.
As I say, let's you and I speak again before we make any firm decisions one way or the other.
Como digo, ya hablamos del tema, antes de que ninguno de los dos tome una decisión.
It's what we experienced as kids before we were even really conscious about our own personality, or what we are or what we wanna do with life.
Es lo que pasa. Ese tormento que llevamos en nuestro interior, eso es lo que se expresa en la música. Todos llevan su carga.
As you've already been through this before...
Como ya has pasado por esto antes...
As he told... the interviewer before.
Como lo que le decía a... la entrevistadora antes.
Now as I have mentioned before...
Ahora, como he mencionado antes...
And when I'm done, it will be as if neither you nor any generation before had ever existed.
Y cuando he terminado, será como si ni usted ni ninguna generación anterior hubieras existido nunca.
Would you prefer to return to the impoverished state you were in before I graciously took your daughter as my wife?
¿ Preferiría volver para el empobrecido estado estabas en antes amablemente tomé su hija como mi esposa?
As a matter of fact, right before she went... she smiled!
La cuestión es que, antes de que ella se fue... ¡ sonrió!
You are supposed to be cooking for us as well, but before people get too excited, I imagine that those tables
Se supone que vas a cocinar para todos nosotros también pero antes de que la gente se emocione, imagino que esas mesas...
I started as a steel worker raising buildings before I could own them.
Yo empecé como trabajador de acero... erigiendo edificios antes de poder poseerlos.
I wanted to write as if every page I was writing on was the last page before I die.
Yo quería escribir como si cada página sería la última.
You remember him as you want to see him before you die.
Te acuerdas de él como desee verlo antes de morir.
And that's what sucks because before I was looked at as a sibling in my house.
Y eso es lo que apesta porque antes era visto como un hermano en mi casa.
The film depicts space and space travel as we've never seen before.
La película describe el espacio y los viajes espaciales, ya que nunca hemos visto antes.
You sure as hell ain't the IT guy so you better start talking... before I break that finger six different ways... and stick it straight right where the sun doesn't shine.
Sé que no eres de soporte técnico, así que empieza a hablar... antes de que rompa ese dedo de seis formas diferentes... y lo introduzca donde no te da el sol.
Full of clues as to how I'm gonna kill you which I will do right before you figure it out so I can stick it on the ground next to your dead body and let the detectives finish filling it out!
Llenos de pistas respecto de cómo voy a matarlos, lo cual haré antes de que se den cuenta... y así podré pegarlo al suelo junto a su cadáver... ¡ y los detectives podrán terminar de resolverlo!
As thick as hail came post from post and every one did bear thy praises, in his kingdom's great defence, and poured them down before him.
Como granizo llegaban los correos al rey portador cada uno de elogios de la gran defensa de su reino y ante él los vertían.
before 1084
before i die 32
before i forget 163
before i knew it 62
before you go 323
before you leave 71
before you die 34
before you know it 193
before i met you 48
before i leave 41
before i die 32
before i forget 163
before i knew it 62
before you go 323
before you leave 71
before you die 34
before you know it 193
before i met you 48
before i leave 41
before you start 24
before your time 20
before i go 103
before we begin 97
before it is too late 16
before we get started 62
before you were born 34
before we start 86
before it's too late 194
before you came 20
before your time 20
before i go 103
before we begin 97
before it is too late 16
before we get started 62
before you were born 34
before we start 86
before it's too late 194
before you came 20
before that 401
before you 99
before we go 60
before we go any further 58
before you do 63
before i do 21
before i 37
before we met 21
before he died 107
before what 97
before you 99
before we go 60
before we go any further 58
before you do 63
before i do 21
before i 37
before we met 21
before he died 107
before what 97