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Before you were born tradutor Espanhol

556 parallel translation
When I was a geisha, I knew your father and I loved him, but he left me before you were born. "
Yo me enamoré de él, pero él me abandonó antes de que tú nacieras.
That's before you were born, honey. And what jams we've been in.
Y en qué líos nos hemos metido, y qué bien nos lo hemos pasado.
It was bottled over 100 years before you were born.
Fue embotellado más de 100 años antes de tu nacimiento.
Before you were born, he used to spend hours in this room with his music.
Antes de que nacieras, pasaba horas aquí, con su música.
Just think, Jenny I knew your father before you were born.
Piense, Jenny, que conocí a su padre antes de que usted naciera.
You'd be amused if I were to tell you that I knew you before you were born.
Le hará gracia saber que la conozco desde antes de que naciera.
And you'd criticize me now for what happened before you were born?
¿ Y me culparías por lo qué pasó antes de que nacieras?
I was married before you were born.
Estuve casada antes de que nacieras.
I knew about modern education before you were born.
Sé de educación moderna desde antes de que Ud. naciera.
Why, since before you were born it started.
Comenzó desde antes que nacieras.
Antes de que nacieras.
- Before you were born.
- Antes de que nacieras.
You were helped by every man since the beginning of time who dreamt of wearing wings, by pioneers who flew pieces of wire and paste board long before you were born, by every pilot that ever crashed into the ground
Le ayudaron todos los hombres que han ansiado volar. Los pioneros que volaron con alambre y cartón mucho antes de que naciese. Cada uno de los pilotos que se haya estrellado para que otros sigan volando.
And before you were born, sir, when you were nothing but a toss-up between a girl's and a boy's name, I was a soldier.
Y antes de que hubiese nacido, cuando no era nada más que un nombre que se echaba a suertes, ¡ yo era soldado!
My dear, I was hiding behind screens before you were born.
Querida, yo me escondía detrás de los biombos antes de que tú nacieras.
She died before you were born.
murió antes de nacer tú.
I began stealing cars, before you were born.
Ya robaba coches cuando usted no había nacido.
On this day of the year long before you were born, that heap of decay was brought here.
Un día como hoy, antes de que nacieras, ese montón de podredumbre llegó aquí.
Remember, i knew you before you were born.
Recuerda que te conozco desde antes de que nacieras.
I'll tell you, my girl, I had this radio before you were born.
Te diré, mi muchacha, tenía esta radio antes de que tú nacieras.
A while since, before you were born, a cow and a calf fell down that there place.
Hace mucho tiempo, antes de que nacieras, una vaca y su ternero cayeron ahí dentro.
I was calling him Don before you were born.
Yo lo llamaba Don antes que tú nacieras.
I was going to the ballet before you were born.
Iba al ballet antes de que naciera.
I heard that story before you were born.
Conocía esta historia antes de que tú nacieras.
Two years before you were born.
Dos antes de que tú nacieras.
I was drinking beer before you were born.
Bebo esto desde antes de que tú nacieras.
Before you were born... peace among our families... should have been consecrated... from my union and your father's sister.
Antes de que tú nacieras, la paz entre nuestras familias debería haberse consagrado con mi unión con la hermana de tu padre.
Ellen Terry, great actress long before you were born.
Ellen Terry, una gran actriz antes que usted naciera.
The toast of Paris before you were born.
La sensación de París antes de que nacieses.
Your mother before you were born.
Tu madre antes de que tú nacieras.
I've been handling'guns like this, flintlock and caplock, since before you were born.
He usado esta clase de pistolas desde antes de que usted naciese.
I killed Indians before you were born, and scalped them too.
Mataba indios antes de que nacierais. También Ies cortaba Ia cabellera.
I haven't lived with him since before you were born.
No he vivido con él desde antes de que nacieras.
No, he didn't! I knew about that word long before you were born!
¡ Conozco esa palabra desde antes de que nacierais!
You'll remember everything your father forgot, even before you were born.
Recordarás también lo que tu padre olvidó antes de tu nacimiento.
Animal, worse than an animal, you were an animal even before you were born.
¡ Animal, más que animal, que ya antes de nacer eras un animal!
This machine was running before you were born.
Esta máquina funcionaba antes de que tú nacieras.
Thompson, I don't know too much about policy around here, but the Jansen brothers were smellin'out oil before you were born.
Thompson, no sé mucho sobre los acuerdos por aquí... pero los hermanos Jansen olían petróleo antes de que tú nacieras.
Long before any of us were born you won.
Mucho antes de que cualquiera de nosotros hubiera nacido, ustedes ganaron.
You were only his father before he was born.
Tu fuiste sólo su padre antes de que naciera
You know that's almost before you two were born?
¿ Se da cuenta de que fue antes de ambos nacierais?
Her heart's always been weak. Even before you and Hugh were born.
Su corazón siempre ha sido débil incluso antes de nacer Hugh y tú.
When that baby is born, they'll know that you and I were seeing each other long before the killing.
Escucha,... esto es lo que ocurrirá... Quando nazca el bebé sabrán que nos veíamos antes del accidente.
Before you were born.
Antes de que nacieras.
When a young girl, me and count Sartori, yes, Fabrizio Sartori, we were in love and you were born before..... I got married, you're his daughter.
Yo era una niña y él, el conde Sertori. Sí, Fabrizio Sertori. Nos amamos.
Maybe you were not born before I left.
Seguramente todavía no habías nacido cuando me fui.
I was too old for this before either one of you were born.
Ya era un anciano para esto antes de que ustedes nacieran.
I never knew what rheumatism was before you were bo... born.
Nunca supe lo que era el reuma hasta que tú naciste.
You know they used to award these in school to spelling winners... before we were born.
La usaban como premio en la escuela para los ganadores de ortografía... antes de que naciéramos.
You were here before I was born.
Desde antes de que yo naciera.
Your father was once part of the tree, but he quit before you were even born.
- Tu padre formó parte una vez de "El Árbol",... pero lo dejó antes de que tú nacieras.

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