As i said tradutor Espanhol
5,899 parallel translation
No, as I said before, there was no one else present when I arrested Agent Reynolds.
No, como dije antes, no había nadie más presente cuando arresté al agente Reynolds.
As I said, I trust my son in all my affairs.
Como dije, confío en mi hijo para todos mis asuntos.
As I said, very misguided advice, very misguided man.
Fue un desafortunado consejo... de un hombre desafortunado.
As I said, I'm interested.
- Como dije, estoy interesada.
As I said, squatters.
As I said, squatters.
As I said, no bath recently.
Como dije, sin bañarse recientemente.
As I said, I'm more than happy to assist in your investigation.
Como he dicho, estoy encantada de ayudarles con la investigación
As I said, the vaults are empty.
Como dije, las bóvedas están vacías.
You see, Jar Jar, these Jedi are deceptive, as I said!
Estás viendo, Jar Jar, que estos Jedi son engañosos, como dije.
As I said, that's none of your concern.
Como ya te he dicho, eso no es de tu incumbencia.
As I said before, my eyes are open now!
Como dije, ¡ ahora mis ojos están abiertos!
As I said, my client wants to see the place returned to its original state.
Como ya he dicho, mi cliente quiere ver el lugar devuelto a su estado original.
As I said earlier, I've known about your dirty little secret for quite some time... seen the guilt on your face over the decision you made that day.
Como he dicho antes, conozco tu sucio secretito desde hace bastante tiempo... viendo la culpabilidad en tu rostro sobre la decisión que tomaste ese día.
As I said, I don't think I have a choice.
Como dije... No creo que tenga una opción.
Yes, and as I said to Dwayne and Fidel, I feel like
Sí, y como dije a Dwayne y Fidel, siento como que
It wasn't an ideal situation, but as I said, it was only supposed to be short term. Ideal?
No era una situación ideal, pero como he dicho, solo tenía que ser poco tiempo.
As I said last night... we're bound by universal laws
Como dije anoche, estamos atados a leyes universales.
Just as I said
Tal como lo dije.
It's just as I said...
Tal como lo dije...
And just as I said, the Miller's daughter is a worthless liar.
Y tal como dije, la hija del Molinero es una mentirosa sin valor.
As I said earlier, the cop, Eddy Caplan, did not kill your wife.
Como te dije antes, el policía, Eddy Caplan, no mató a tu esposa.
As I said, "The hardest working woman in show business"
Como dije : "La mujer más trabajadora en el mundo del espectáculo".
As I said, I've missed you, Katherine.
Como he dicho, te he echado de menos, Katherine.
As I said then, I care for you very deeply.
Como dije antes, me importas profundamente.
As I said.
Como ya he dicho.
Just do as I said.
Haz lo que te dije.
As I said, I'll be the judge.
Como dije, seré juez.
That said... I am glad you've come, especially as we're neighbors.
Dicho esto... me alegra que hayas venido, especialmente porque somos vecinos.
We argued and I said, "As far as I'm concerned, you're dead." - But then we made up...
Tuvimos un problema y le dije tú para mi estás muerto, después nos amigamos.
He said I was just as bad as my father, and I slapped him.
Dijo que era tan mala como mi padre, y lo abofeteé.
He said, you know, she's really, as we all are, just torn up about this, but if you want to talk, come on in, and I'll try to talk to you.
Él dijo, ya sabes, ella es realmente, como lo somos todos, sólo roto por esto, pero si usted quiere hablar, Entra, y voy a tratar de hablar con usted.
I do not remember anything like a moan... Or sorry as you said.
Y no recuerdo uno que parezca un gemido... o un lamento, como usted dice.
Then like you said, ma'am, it's even more critical that I focus on my future, and be treated the same as any other cadet.
Como ha dicho, señora, es incluso más importante que me centre en mi futuro, y ser tratado igual que cualquier otro cadete.
You know what the first thing I said as a child, before I said Mama or Dada?
- Sí. - Es una pena. Es una pena.
As I've always said, jealousy drives people to do... crazy things.
Como siempre he dicho, los celos pueden llevar a la gente a hacer... locuras.
So if I respond, is it the same as if I actually said...
Así que si respondo, ¿ es lo mismo - que si en realidad digo...
I approached him, I saw him at The Comedy Store and he was talking about editorials in local newspapers and he said, "We are diametrically opposed to the use of orphans as yardage markers on public golf courses."
Tenía una hora. Tras salir luego de Richie cada noche... Eso me volvió un cómico más fuerte.
It said "Name your three best qualities." I put catching murderers as my number one, then I sort of ran out of steam.
Decía "Nombre sus tres mejores cualidades". Puse atrapar criminales como número uno, luego me quedé varado.
As far as our conversation goes, I said I'm in.
Mientras sigamos hablando, dijo que me apunto.
Yeah, I was just as surprised as anyone when he came in saying that he believed in my innocence. He said I was framed.
Sí, yo estaba tan sorprendido como el que más cuando vino aquí a decirme que creía en mi inocencia.
As usual, he wasn't who he said he was, and I got my heart broken.
Como de costumbre, resultó que no era quien decía ser, y acabe con el corazón roto.
I texted gay-face director ten minutes ago, and said, "I hereby resign as U.S. of this production of F.G."
Le mandé un mensaje al director cara-gay hace 10 minutos, diciendo : "Por la presente renuncio a ser suplente en esta producción de F.G."
And yet those ears, identical to your own, and as I've already said, the DNA's a match.
Y sin embargo esas orejas, idénticas a las tuyas, y, como ya he dicho, el ADN concuerda.
I wouldn't classify that as an emergency, which is what your message said.
No lo clasificaría como una emergencia, que es lo que decía tu mensaje.
I said I've got a headache and you don't give a fuck, as usual!
¡ He dicho que me duele la cabeza y os importa una mierda como siempre!
Yes, it can. As someone whose name I forget said :
Sin embargo, No sé quién dijo :
I came to see as his eyes were, because he said that were disturbing.
He venido a ver como sus ojos, porque decía que eran inquietantes.
Then I came into the bedroom and I said you might as well head on.
Entonces fui a la habitación y le dije que también venías.
That said, if you feel the need to censure me or even ask for my resignation as Belle co-leader, I will not object.
Dicho esto, si sentís que tenéis la necesidad de censurarme o incluso pedir mi renuncia como co-líder de las Belle, no me opondré.
Well, as I've just said, the musical question... ♪ Do I really need this drink?
Bueno, como acabo de decir, la pregunta musical... * ¿ Realmente necesitas esa copa? *
Have you ever said something that was so bad, And I mean you knew it was bad as it was coming out of your mouth? And you're trying to stop it but it's too late, it's already out, and you're like, "No!"
¿ Alguna vez dijeron algo que era tan malo, ya sabías que era malo al salir de tu boca, intentaste callarlo, pero fue demasiado tarde, y una vez dicho, dijiste : "No".
as i said before 82
as i said earlier 16
as in 815
as if 204
as it was 32
as it is 114
as it happens 259
as it were 352
as it is in heaven 21
as it goes 32
as i said earlier 16
as in 815
as if 204
as it was 32
as it is 114
as it happens 259
as it were 352
as it is in heaven 21
as it goes 32