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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ A ] / As i said before

As i said before tradutor Espanhol

400 parallel translation
And as I said before, I hadn't intended to make a speech at all.
Como dije antes no intentaba hacer un gran discurso.
As I said before, I say again, here's to a son to the House of Frankenstein.
Como dije antes, repito ahora : un brindis por un vástago para la casa Frankenstein.
As I said before... I'll issue an order committing these two boys to the state school.
Como ya dije antes, decretaré que sean internados en un reformatorio.
As I said before, we're not used to fare visitors.
Como ya dije antes, no estamos acostumbrados a las visitas.
Oh, I can't do a thing about it, as I said before... until the shooting is over.
No puedo hacer nada, como dije... hasta que termine el tiroteo.
It's too bad and I'm sorry for you, but as I said before, I've got to have it in a hurry, I'm leaving town.
Es una pena y lo siento por ti, pero como dije antes, lo necesito de inmediato, me voy de la ciudad.
As I said before, I've followed your career since our former meeting.
Como le dije, he seguido su carrera.
General Pompeliu Moctezuma de la Bella del Conde y de Lonbus as I said before.
General Pompil Moctezuma, Conde de la villa de Albuquerque. A sus órdenes y a sus pies.
As I said before, the ethical requirements of the Boys'Constant Companion are...
Como le dije antes los requisitos eticos de The Boys Constant Companion son...
You know, as I said before, I've worked with some of the biggest shots in the business.
He trabajado con los más grandes jefes.
As I said before, it can't happen again.
Como dije antes, no volverá a pasar.
As I said before, we have a...
Como decía, tenemos- -
As I said before, the man who kills Mr. King will not be punished. Ah.
Como dije, el que mate al Sr. King... quedará impune.
As I said before, the daligonitor is amfilated by the thermotrockle. It's made by its connection with the franicoupling of dernadyne.
Como he dicho antes, la dinamorteada, es aislada por el por el termotraker y sólo es posible por su conexión con el supertraker.
As I said before, Colonel Ehrhardt... the only one that has to worry about all this is the lady's husband.
Como dije antes, coronel Ehrhardt... la única persona que debería preocuparse es el esposo de la dama.
As I said before, there's no sense in us all sticking together - As though we committed the murder.
Como he dicho, no tiene sentido que estemos juntos como si el crimen fuese nuestro.
As I said before, no, no, Mr. Singleton.
Como dije antes, no. No, Sr. Singleton.
As I said before...
- Como dije antes- -
Mr. Ferraris, as I said before, I admire you greatly, and I do appreciate this proof of your courage and spirit of sacrifice.
Señor Ferraris, se lo había dicho, tengo mucha estima por usted... Valoro mucho, créame, esta prueba de su valentía, y no menos su espíritu de sacrificio...
As I said before, I'm not one to believe in miracles, and yet... And yet you're not unwilling to profit by them.
Como dije antes, no soy de los que creen en los milagros, pero...
As I said before, the Manchurian Incident was a result of the militarists expansionist policies.
Como dije antes, las ansias de invasión están totalmente descontroladas.
- Yeah, I got them down here. As I said before, I thought maybe the others squeaked.
Sí, los compré aquí, a ver si con éstos no me oye.
As I said before, jim.
Y como ya he dicho, son hombres buenos.
Well, as I said before, it's all my fault.
Como le dije, es todo mi culpa.
- Is it sick? Yes, as I said before, he had a respiratory arrest,.. in need of a good restorative care.
Sí, el aparato respiratorio necesita una cura reconstituyente.
Well, as I said before, it's a very simple mechanical operation, once it had been explained.
Como he dicho, es una operación mécanica muy sencilla, una vez se aprende.
As I said before, I'd be delighted.
- Como ya he dicho, será un placer.
As I said before, it was me.
- Yo, ya se lo he dicho, soy el otro de la novia.
As I said before, Mr. Jones... each man has his own reason for living... and his own price for dying.
Como le decía, señor Jones, cada hombre tiene una razón para vivir Y un precio para morir.
The Countess had just left, as I said before
La señora Condesa acababa de salir, ya se lo he dicho.
As I said before, I prefer the informal type of social life.
Prefiero la vida de sociedad sin etiqueta.
As I said before, you can always check.
- Como dije antes, puede preguntar.
But, Lieutenant, as I said before, it's a matter of conscience.
Pero, Teniente, lo que dije antes, es una cuestión de conciencia.
Now, as I said before, Horace Vandergelder, you go your way, and I'll go...
Como ya te dije, Horace Vandergelder, sigue tu camino y yo seguiré...
As I said before, there are two ways of finding gold :
Como dije antes, hay dos maneras de encontrar oro :
As I said before... I don't seem to have any choice, do I?
Como dije antes, no parece que tenga elección, ¿ verdad?
Oh, well that was merely, as I said before, a figure of speech.
Oh. Bueno, eso era simplemente, como dije antes, una figura del lenguaje.
As I said before, a woman is a woman.
Como he dicho antes, una mujer es una mujer.
And we, too, have been excited about seeing you again, as I said before.
A nosotros también nos emocionaba mucho volver a verla, como le he dicho.
As I said before, the independence of our cities is the cornerstone of our freedom.
Como decía, la independencia de nuestras ciudades es el pilar de nuestra libertad.
Why, I do thank you. But as I've said before, it's quite impossible.
Se lo agradezco, pero como le dije antes, es imposible.
As I said, I've never played bridge before.
No juego al bridge.
Well, as I said before, sir, I'm in charge here.
- Repito :
As I said before or should have said :
- No sé.
My dear Mirko, as I have said before, patience is an admirable quality.
Mirko, como ya te he dicho la paciencia es una cualidad admirable.
As I said before...
Como te dije antes...
As I've said before, very smart fellows indeed.
Como decía, unos tipos realmente listos.
I was leaving my office building in the evening... and an acquaintance, his offices are in the same building as mine... said something about seeing me at the Garden the night before, at the fights.
Estaba saliendo de mi oficina, por la noche... y un conocido que tiene su oficina en el mismo edificio que yo... me dijo que me había visto en el Garden la noche anterior, en el boxeo.
But then, only day before yesterday, as I was leaving here after lunch... the hall man handed me a carton of cigarettes and said... Harry the billiard-room attendant had sent them up.
Pero entonces, anteayer cuando me iba después de almorzar... el recepcionista me dio un paquete de cigarrillos y dijo... que Harry, el que atiende el billar, los enviaba.
She looked at me as if I had struck her and I said it again before I could change my mind.
Me echó una mirada matadora y se lo repetí antes de cambiar de opinión.
As a matter of fact, I've never said this to a student before, but I was wondering if you'd consider giving up this girl, and instead joining me at Yeovil.
De hecho, jamás le había dicho esto a un estudiante, pero me preguntaba si considerarías renunciar a esta chica para trabajar conmigo en Yeovil.

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