Back at you tradutor Espanhol
9,560 parallel translation
Beretti's trying to get your son to sign to creedmoor. And Hakeem is doing it to get back at you, dumb-ass.
Beretti está intentando conseguir que tu hijo firme con Creedmoor y Hakeem lo está haciendo para vengarse de ti, tonto del culo.
Is it okay if I just meet you back at your dorm room later?
¿ Te parece bien si nos vemos luego en tu cuarto?
Right back at you.
Lo mismo digo.
You know, when you point a finger at someone, there's three fingers pointing back at you.
Cuando apuntas a alguien, hay tres dedos que te apuntan a ti.
Know what else will come back at you?
¿ Sabe qué más se volverá contra usted?
That you and Robbie's been at it behind my back.
Que tú y Robbie han estado engañándome.
But at the same time, back home, you've got breadlines, joblessness.
Pero al mismo tiempo, en casa, tenéis cola para comprar el pan, paro.
You have one hour, and then you meet me back at Julie's.
Tienes una hora, y luego nos encontramos en casa de Julie.
You can thank us back at the Hill.
Puede darnos las gracias cuando estemos en The Hill.
I just... I want to give him a chance at normalcy before we just drag him back into all of this, you know?
Yo sólo... quiero darle una chance de normalidad antes de que lo arrastremos de regreso a todo esto, ¿ sabes?
Exactly the kind of tall tale you had a penchant for telling back at the institution before they fixed your head.
Justo el cuento que pensaste en contar en el hospital donde te arreglaron la cabeza.
Back there I would have killed you as soon as look at you.
En ese entonces te hubiera matado tan pronto como te hubiera visto.
And did you also suspect... that those ancient sewers have been flooded with an odorless psychotropic gas... that enters through the pores of the skin... gnaws at the roots of the mind... turning the psyche back in on itself, twisting and winding... until it resembles nothing so much as a labyrinth?
¿ Y también sospechaste que las alcantarillas fueron inundadas con un gas psicotrópico inodoro que entra por los poros de la piel corrompe las raíces de la mente? ¿ Y hace que la psiquis convulsione y se retuerza hasta parecer un laberinto?
In the meantime, Nick, you're back at the desk. Oh...
Mientras tanto, Nick, estás de vuelta en el escritorio.
All while sending the 3 of you back over there? Why don't I reanimate your dead parents for a tea party while I'm at it? Sure.
¿ Todo mientras os envío a los tres allí?
You're that fake cop back at the store.
Eres el falso policía de la tienda.
Look, you can see Booth sitting back down at the table now.
Mira, puedes ver a Booth sentándose ahora de nuevo a la mesa.
I gotta say, when we were back in the Academy, you were not the one I would have voted most likely to end up at 1PP.
Tengo que decir, cuando estaban de vuelta en la Academia, usted no era la que yo tendría votado muy probablemente a terminar en 1PP
You haven't hit one of those since we were back at the Academy.
No ha golpeado a uno de los ya estábamos de regreso en la Academia
You know, when's the doc say you're gonna be back at work?
¿ Cuándo dice el médico que puedes volver a trabajar?
You know, back in the war, his father was stationed at War Eagle as a guard.
Saben, durante la guerra, su padre fue destinado en War Eagle como guarda.
We have access to the entire national fingerprint database back at the office, yet you're still sitting there with a magnifying glass trying to match Nighthorse's prints to the ones you lifted off of Branch's computer.
Tenemos acceso a toda la base de datos nacional de huellas en la oficina, y aun así estás ahí sentado con una lupa cotejando las huellas de Nighthorse con las que sacaste del ordenador de Branch.
I got Ruby's note, said you'd heard back from your contact at the university.
En la nota de Ruby dice que habías sabido de tu contacto en la universidad.
My dad thinks it would be better for them to take the kids back to Louisiana, at least until we can get you out of the hospital.
Papá cree que sería mejor que se lleve a los chicos a Luisiana, al menos hasta que salgas del Hospital.
See you at the back of the line, kids.
Nos vemos de regreso al frente de batalla, niños.
Would you rather be back at the office crunching numbers or out here in the real world?
¿ Prefieres estar en la oficina, o aquí en el mundo real?
And you never came back at all.
Y tú ni volviste.
You know I would never look at another woman if you'd come back with me.
Sabes que nunca miraría a otra mujer si volvieras conmigo.
You must all take a hard look at yourselves and push back against the evil that is swallowing up our city.
Debéis mirar bien dentro de vosotros mismos y resistiros al mal que está fagocitando nuestra ciudad.
Then I'm gonna cut you down to 30 minutes and then he's gonna go on at the top, gonna come back on and do another 20 or so just so we have more energy at the end, okay?
Luego te voy a dejar a ti 30 minutos y luego saldrá él al final, volverá a subir y hacer otros 20 minutos o así para que tengamos más energía al final, ¿ vale?
That woman looked after a dying man when his family turned their back on him, at a time when his son was proven to be the monster which you tried to convince the world I was.
Esa mujer cuidó de un hombre moribundo cuando su familia le dio la espalda en un momento en que su hijo demostró ser un monstruo cosa que tú intentaste convencer al mundo que era yo.
I hope I'm as good at getting you guys back together as I was at breaking you up.
Espero que se me dé tan bien hacer que volváis a estar juntos como hacer que rompiérais.
If you're guileful enough to win back his heart and cruel enough to smile at his killing, then I'll know you're worthy of the family name.
Si eres lo suficiente astuta para volver a ganarte su corazón y lo suficiente cruel para sonreírle mientras muere, entonces sabré que eres digna del apellido de la familia.
It's great to see you back at the Nine-Nine, sir.
Me alegro de verle de vuelta en la Nueve-Nueve, señor.
Back when I was general in charge of chasing you around, I posted up at the police station.
Cuando era General a cargo de perseguirte, puse mi base en la Estación de Policía.
You I know I got a whole vault full of them back at the base.
Sabes tengo toda una bóveda llena de ellos en la base.
You know, I didn't think anything of it at the time, but now looking back on it, I guess she could be a serial...
Sabes, no creí nada de ello en el momento, pero, ahora mirando en retrospectiva, supongo que podría ser una ase...
You don't want to look back at it?
¿ No quieres echarle un último vistazo?
If you were over here, I would show you my back molars, just so you could get a better look at them.
Si estuvieras aquí, te mostraría mis muelas traseras para que me las vieras mejor.
Back in the day you responded to a number of domestic abuse calls at the Holden residence.
En esa época, usted respondió a un gran número de llamadas por violencia doméstica en la residencia de los Holden.
You brought me here because now you have to get Louis to back you, and you knew you'd be mad at me when I told you what you didn't want to hear.
Me trajiste aquí porque ahora tienes que hacer que Louis te respalde, y sabías que estarías molesta conmigo cuando te dijera lo que querías oír.
I'll be back- - pick you up at 6 : 00.
Volveré para recogerte a las seis.
I'm at your house right now, and i'm not leaving till both of you get back here and we talk about this.
Estoy en tu casa ahora mismo. No me iré hasta que los dos regresen aquí y hablemos de esto.
I'm glad, at least, they didn't send you back unarmed.
Me alegro de que, al menos, no te enviaron desarmado.
And instead I went back and finished my degree, got into veterinary school and then hopefully in a couple of years got a junior position, you know, at a zoo?
¿ Y en lugar de eso vuelva y termine mi licenciatura, entre en la facultad de veterinaria y entonces con suerte en unos años consiga un puesto menor, ya sabes, en un zoo?
Do you think it's the same girl that we met at the police station from a while back? I don't know who it is, either.
¿ Crees que es la mujer de antes de la estación de policía?
You can give up being a reporter and go back to working part-time at the convenience store like you used to. And keep your conscience clear of any guilt.
Puedes dejar de ser reportera y, como antes, puedes vivir trabajando medio turno en una tienda con una consciencia clara.
Unless you want to go back to whatever you were doing Before I hired you, you'll be here at 9 : 00 a.M.
A no ser que quieras regresar a lo que sea que estabas haciendo... antes de que te contratara, estarás aquí a las nueve.
I'm stuck in the same car as you. At least you don't have to look at the back of your own stupid, Fat, balding head.
Al menos no tienes que mirar la parte trasera de tu propia estúpida, gorda y calva cabeza.
If I told you, that would come back at me.
Si se los digo, se volverá contra mí.
Back at the ATF, you were on the street... making your own rules, your own thing.
Durante ATF, estabas en la calle... haciendo tus propias reglas, tu propia cosa.
back at ya 27
back at home 18
at your service 364
at your age 174
at your house 51
at your place 35
at your command 33
at your orders 24
at you 44
you know 156049
back at home 18
at your service 364
at your age 174
at your house 51
at your place 35
at your command 33
at your orders 24
at you 44
you know 156049
you know what 23733
you see 13602
you will be 199
you got this 563
young 1055
your 1839
you got it 4932
youtube 39
you suck 398
you can do it 1412
you see 13602
you will be 199
you got this 563
young 1055
your 1839
you got it 4932
youtube 39
you suck 398
you can do it 1412
you bitch 789
you're cute 195
you okay 9168
youn 21
yourself 387
your hat 64
your own 34
yours 1007
your phone 169
your honor 7894
you're cute 195
you okay 9168
youn 21
yourself 387
your hat 64
your own 34
yours 1007
your phone 169
your honor 7894
younger 104
you tell 24
you got a pen 63
you know that 5741
you are 6060
your full name 16
you're welcome 5601
youth 73
you well 16
you all right 5423
you tell 24
you got a pen 63
you know that 5741
you are 6060
your full name 16
you're welcome 5601
youth 73
you well 16
you all right 5423