Because of him tradutor Espanhol
4,883 parallel translation
God left because of him.
Dios se fue por su culpa.
I don't want him to think I'm having doubts because of him.
No quiero que piense que tengo dudas por él.
Your wife and daughter are alive because of him, and you do this?
¿ Tu esposa y tu hija están vivas gracias a él y tú haces esto?
Because of him, I scored with that waitress last night.
Gracias a él anoté con esa camarera anoche.
Because of him, I shot a 16-year-old kid And almost lost job.
Por su culpa, he disparado a un crío de dieciséis años y casi pierdo el curro.
You don't want to diminish your legacy of righteousness because of him... which is why you're going to surrender.
No querrás empequeñecer tu legado de rectitud por su causa... por esto, te vas a rendir.
Spinger's dad is in jail because of him.
El padre de Spinger está en la cárcel por su culpa.
Springer's dad is in jail because of him.
El padre de Springer está en la cárcel por su culpa.
It's because of him you're in this whole mess.
A causa de él tú estás en este problema.
I also feel like, when I see him from far away, I think, also because of his body and how he looks, that, like, it all feels very high, like...
Creo que cuando lo veo desde lejos, también por su cuerpo y por cómo se ve él, todo parece muy arriba...
Look, you guys, I don't hate Evan because he's a nerd, but I don't give him a free pass because of it, either.
no odio a Evan porque sea un empollón. pero tampoco le voy a dar un pase gratis por eso.
I was a jerk to him today because I was so nervous about introducing him to you because I know he's not the kind of person you want me to be with.
Fui un gilipollas con él porque estaba muy nervioso por presentártelo porque sé que no es el tipo de persona con la quieres que esté.
Well, then find a way to control him because I am not taking my best asset offline in the middle of an active terrorist attack.
Buenos, entonces encuentra una manera de controlarlo porque no voy a sacar a mi mejor activo en mitad de un ataque terrorista.
I don't wanna live with him because I'm afraid if I move in, I'll become a person who has nothing of herself left, and that scares me.
No quiero vivir con él porque tengo miedo Si me mudo, me convertiré en una persona a la que no le queda nada de si misma, y eso me asusta.
- Aye, and I bet we can get this fella to tell us where Hickman and Andrews can find him because of it.
Sí y apuesto a que nos puede decir dónde Hickman y Andrews pueden encontrarlo.
You should thank me, because finally, one of us can help him.
Deberías darme las gracias, porque, al fin, uno de nosotros puede ayudarlo.
Nora, whatever he did to you, that's because of what I made him.
Nora, lo que te hice, eso es por lo que lo hice.
Tell him you took it off because it reminds you of how he makes you feel.
Dile que te lo quitaste porque te recuerda como te hace sentir.
Because of bringing the dog here, let's pardon him.
Porque trajo el perro aquí, vamos a perdonarlo.
And even after all his vindictive lies about witches led to my death, you stood by him all because of your vow, "always and forever."
E incluso después de todas esas mentiras vengativas sobre las brujas que me llevaron a la muerte, continúas a su lado y todo por tu voto, "siempre y para siempre."
We think of him as just two months because that's when he met us, was saved and born again... praise be.
Pensamos en él como si tuviera dos meses porque eso fue cuando nos conoció, fue salvado y nació otra vez... alabado sea.
Because of this gaming, it pulled him right down.
Debido a los videojuegos, ya no lo es más.
Because instead of backing me up, his father lets him use his apartment to have sex with this old woman and lie to me about it.
Porque en vez de mí copias de seguridad, su padre le deja utilizar su apartamento tener sexo con esta anciana y se encuentran conmigo al respecto.
He knew because one of us told him.
Lo sabía porque alguno de nosotros se lo dijo.
He knew because one of us told him.
Lo supo porque alguno de nosotros se lo dijo.
I'm bringing this to you because, well, we both know Daddy's days are numbered and it's time we started thinking of a world after him.
Te lo estoy contando porque, bueno, ambos sabemos que los días de Papi están contados y es momento de que pensemos en un mundo para después de él.
You opposed him because you were jealous of the fact that he was succeeding in place of you.
Te oponías a él porque estabas celoso del hecho de que él triunfara en lugar tuyo.
She won't even let him drink orange juice because of the sugar content.
Ni siquiera le deja beber zumo de naranja por el contenido de azúcar.
Yeah, because you made him move here, because you have to be in control of everything...
Sí, porque hiciste que se mudara aquí, porque tienes que controlarlo todo...
- I didn't trust him because I thought maybe it was some guilt-inspired flood of romanticism or something.
- No confié en él. porque pensé que quizás era un afloramiento romántico inspirado por la culpa o algo.
That really hurt me because, even though I was happy for Alice, I just felt like I was left out of something that him and I should be sharing.
Eso realmente me lastimó porque, aunque estaba feliz por Alice, sentía que me habían dejado afuera de algo que debería compartir con él.
It was because of a novel that I had lent him.
Fue a causa de una novela que yo le había prestado.
The only reason Damon killed him was because we broke up, so, I kind of feel like I owe it to Aaron.
La única razón para que Damon lo mate fue porque rompimos, y siento que se lo debo.
I take care of Tom, and in return, you stop using Stefan to psychically doppelbomb him him because every time you link the two, you are frying Stefan's brain.
Me ocupo de Tom y a cambio, dejas de usar a Stefan para herirle a él físicamente. porque cada vez que conectas a los dos, estás friéndole el cerebro a Stefan.
Because of some of the birthdays I had with him.
Por algunos de los cumpleaños que pasé con él.
Well, because I'm the kind of guy that pays people like you to do it for him.
Pues porque soy la clase de tipo que paga a gente como tú para que lo hagan.
I was the one who brought him to New Orleans because of your wickedness.
Yo fui quien le trajo a Nueva Orleans por tu crueldad.
Well, there's someone that I met, and every time I'm with him, that's pretty much all I'm thinking about, so it seems in the realm of possibility that it could happen and, I mean, because of my medical situation,
Bueno, me estoy viendo con alguien y cada vez que estoy con él, es casi de lo único en lo que pienso, así que es una posibilidad muy real que pudiera pasar y, bueno, debido a mi salud,
You didn't send him away because of his attitude, you sent him away because he was hitting on your wife.
Tú no lo despides a causa de su actitud... sino porque estaba seduciendo a tu esposa.
Do you know that this whole thing is because of you that we're here with him?
¿ Sabes que todo esto, que estemos aquí con él, es por tu culpa?
That's why he's here- - because the work we've done has forced him out of the shadows.
Porque el trabajo que hemos hecho le ha forzado a salir de la sombra.
But you handpicked him because he has no chance of winning.
Pero lo elegido a dedo, porque él no tiene ninguna posibilidad de ganar.
Jim is your guy... you didn't fight for him to get promoted because of his résumé.
Jim es su tipo... usted no se resistió para él obtener un ascenso debido a su currículum.
Because I wasn't gonna hire him yesterday, so it was none of your business.
Porque no lo iba a contratar ayer, así que no es asunto tuyo.
I have to hurt him now because of you,'cause he tried to take you from me, and you, I own.
Tengo que lastimarlo por tu culpa, porque trató de alejarte de mí, y tú me perteneces.
Because all of Wonderland will be falling over itself to bring him to me.
porque todo el país se volcará en ello Para traérmelo a mí.
Well, I'm assuming you guys can help me beat him because if we lose, I'm gonna punch each of you in the heart.
Bueno, estoy asumiendo ustedes pueden ayudarme a vencer a Porque si perdemos, me va a golpe cada uno de ustedes en el corazón.
And I've cancelled on him three weeks in a row because of work.
Lo llevo cancelando tres semanas seguidas por culpa del trabajo.
They assigned him to me because I never had any kids of my own.
Me lo asignaron a mí porque yo nunca llegué a tener hijos.
It should've been a slap on the wrist, but you wanted to make a name for yourself... make an example of him... because you're a climber.
Debe haber sido un tirón de orejas... pero tú querías hacerte un nombre por ti misma.. ser un ejemplo para él... porque eres una trepadora.
His family lost a father because you used him as the bottom rung of your ladder.
Su familia perdió un padre. Porque tú lo utilizaste como el último peldaño hacia tu ascenso.
because of you 630
because of me 317
because of the 20
because of that 94
because of this 111
because of what 18
because of us 39
because of them 17
because of 64
because of her 59
because of me 317
because of the 20
because of that 94
because of this 111
because of what 18
because of us 39
because of them 17
because of 64
because of her 59
of him 34
himself 154
himura 39
him again 23
him and me 36
him too 56
him or me 60
him who 26
because 7201
because i'm happy 21
himself 154
himura 39
him again 23
him and me 36
him too 56
him or me 60
him who 26
because 7201
because i'm happy 21
because i love you 339
because you're stupid 16
because it's you 31
because i said so 88
because i can't 94
because if you don't 161
because i don't 101
because i like you 101
because i'm your friend 17
because i love her 53
because you're stupid 16
because it's you 31
because i said so 88
because i can't 94
because if you don't 161
because i don't 101
because i like you 101
because i'm your friend 17
because i love her 53