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Before you got here tradutor Espanhol

660 parallel translation
Although I'm not gonna lie, it was a lot better before you got here.
Aunque no mentiré, mi vida era mucho mejor antes de que llegaras
Rechecked just before you got here.
Acabamos de comprobarlos.
Do you know that before you got here we wore onion sacks?
Antes de venir ustedes nos vestíamos con sacos.
Well, I thought I'd have this done before you got here.
Oh, pensé que habría acabado antes de que llegase.
There's always the possibility you spent a few minutes under one of Exeter's sun lamps before you got here.
Pudiste haber estado expuesto a la lámpara de rayos UVA de Exeter.
Before you got here, she...
Antes de llegar tú, ella...
He could have hidden himself before you got here.
Pudo haberse escondido antes de que ustedes llegaran.
You know, before you got here with the doctor, he was saying such strange things.
Antes de que llegara con el doctor decía cosas muy raras.
It's a sighting I investigated before you got here, similar to the Vincent report.
Es un caso anterior a su llegada. Similar al informe Vincent.
Kansuke, I already knew that much before you got here!
¡ Kansuke, ya lo sabía mucho antes de que llegaras aquí!
Oh, I do thank you for what you've done. But you've got to get that painting back before the police get here.
Le agradezco lo que ha hecho, pero tiene que devolver la pintura antes de que venga la policía.
Now, before we go any further, tell me how you got the money we came here on.
Antes de seguir, díme cómo has pagado el viaje.
─ No, I ain't! I only got here about 75 years before you got down in there.
Llegué 75 años antes de que usted bajara ahí.
He's got the Huxley signals, and I'm depending on you to get them here before the game.
Él tiene las señales de Huxley, y cuento contigo para tenerlas antes del partido.
Do you know the fellows you kidnapped got here before you did?
¿ Sabéis que los que secuestrasteis llegaron aquí antes que vosotros?
Jerry, do you realize that we have less than an hour before the show opens? We've got to get out of here.
¿ Sabes que falta menos de 1 hora?
You gave all the other guys a break before I got here.
Les dio una oportunidad a todos los demás antes de que yo llegara.
You almost got here before the mail did.
Si se descuidan llegan antes que la carta.
Look, before I got here... what — what hit you on the head?
Escuche, antes de que yo llegase, ¿ se dio algún golpe en la cabeza?
- Rascal, you got here before us.
- ¡ Bribón, te nos has adelantado!
- Then you have heard about our freighter... it was sunk before it even got here.
- No sabes lo de nuestro buque. Se hundió antes de llegar.
- Why not? We'd have been clear to Lincoln before you even got back here.
- Podias ser libre, pero has vuelto.
Look, Isabel, before I get out of here, you've got to do something about that baby.
Mira, Isabel, antes de irme... debes hacer algo con ese bebé.
I got all the back copies of the magazine and read them so I'd know about you before I got up here.
Conseguí todas sus revistas, y las leí para saber algo sobre usted antes de llegar.
- If you got me, she'd scream for help, and papa Poli'd be up here with the united states army before you could saddle a horse, which leaves you holdin the small cards, Bender.
Si te metes conmigo, ella pedirá socorro, y papá Poli estará aquí con el ejército norteamericano. antes de que puedas reaccionar. Eso te da pocas posibilidades, Bender.
He says you got to hightail it out of here... if you want to kiss him good-bye... before he beats it across the border.
Dice que debes marcharte de aquí... si quieres besarlo antes de que cruce la frontera.
Well, Essie, I see you got here before me.
Bien, Essie, veo que llegaste antes que yo.
Any kind of trick you might want to try, my friend, let me tell you here and now, you'll find we've got the answers before you even raise the questions.
Por si se le ocurre hacer aquí alguna jugarreta rara, amigo, le diré una cosa de una vez por todas. Nosotros tenemos la respuesta antes de que Ud. ni siquiera haya planteado la pregunta.
Wait. You mean, before I got here Brandon knew we had broken up?
¿ Brandon sabía que tú y yo habíamos roto?
You're lucky he didn't bust up something before we got here. The way that guy was driving, I was ready to jump.
Ha sido una suerte no sufrir un accidente.
You see, three other guys have been knocked off in this same area... ahead of Buckley, before you even got here.
Otros tres tipos han muerto en esta misma zona... antes que Buckley, incluso antes de que tú vinieras aquí.
If you got any squirts around here that want to make a big name for themselves, cool them off before we run into any trouble.
Si hay algún mequetrefe en el pueblo que esté deseando hacerse famoso, cálmalo antes de que surjan problemas.
I got here a few minutes before you, lieutenant.
Llegué un momento antes que usted, teniente.
I've never asked you before, but I've got to, so here goes, when does...
Nunca te lo he preguntado, pero debo hacerlo así que allá va. ¿ Cuándo te...?
Don't you think it would be nice if you cleaned before you got out of here?
¿ No creen que sería bueno que limpiaran esto antes de irse?
We were worried you'd have won before we got here.
Temíamos que hubiérais vencido antes de que llegásemos.
You say Irene left just before we got here? Mmm-hmm.
¿ Irene se marchó antes de que llegásemos?
We got here a few minutes before you did.
Llegamos unos minutos antes que usted.
And you... I told you before I got a wife who couldn't have any more kids... who didn't want me to come down here?
Y tú... ¿ Te dije que tenía una esposa que no podía tener más niños... y que no quería que viniera?
So, finally, I just got in my car and I drove 80 and 90 and 100 miles an hour... because I was afraid you'd be gone before I got here.
Acabé conduciendo a 100, a 120, a 140 por hora, porque temía que te hubieras ido antes de llegar yo.
Is that the rich uncle you used to talk about before we got married? And he's been here, in Los Angeles, all these years And didn't let me know? Uh huh.
¿ Es él el tío rico que mencionaste antes de casarnos?
I told you once before, you... ls this all the packing the three of you all got done since I left out of here this morning?
Ya te lo dije antes, tú... ¿ Sólo empacaron estas tres cosas desde que salí de aquí esta mañana?
- Your guests got here before you.
- Sus invitados llegaron antes.
But first we must call your CONTROL headquarters and let them know that you got here before Le Moco did.
Pero primero contactemos a CONTROL para decir que llegó antes que Le Moco.
I just got here a few minutes before you did.
He llegado unos minutos antes que usted.
We were supposed to be out of here before you got home, Dr. Bollen so you'd think it had gotten here by magic.
Debíamos irnos antes de que Ud. llegara a casa, Dr. Bollen para que pensara que esto había llegado aquí por arte de magia.
I called his office just before I phoned you at the bus terminal, and he said we'd be here when we got here.
Lo llamé después de llamarte a la estación. Dijo que estaría aquí.
I called his office just before I phoned you at the bus terminal and he said he'd be here when we got here.
Lo llamé antes de llamarte a ti y dijo que me estaría esperando.
You got here before I called you!
Habéis llegado antes de que os pudiera avisar.
I'm terribly sorry, I thought all that had been explained to you before we got here.
Lo siento mucho, pensé que todo lo que había Se le explicó antes de llegar aquí.
- I only got here two minutes before you.
Sólo he llegado dos minutos antes que tú.

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