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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ C ] / Check this

Check this tradutor Espanhol

9,779 parallel translation
Check this out.
Mira esto.
Here. Check this out.
Mira esto.
Check this out.
But check this one out.
Pero observa este.
Hey, Jennifer, come check this out.
Oye, Jennifer, ven a ver esto.
Check this out. Dear God, how about a heads-up, or an NSFW warning?
Dios mío, ¿ qué tal un mano a mano, o advertencia de un NSFW?
All right, hey, Little D, check this out.
Vale, oye, pequeña D, mira esto.
Check this out.
Hey, check this out.
Mira esto.
Zip it up. Check this out.
Déjalo y mira esto.
Jessica, check this out.
Jessica, mira esto.
I meant check this out.
Quise decir que mires esto.
Check this out.
- Bueno, ¡ mira esto!
Check this out.
Miren esto.
Hmm? Check this out.
Mira esto.
Check this.
Mira esto.
Okay, check this out :
Bueno, verifica esto :
But check this out.
Pero mira esto.
You guys should check this out.
Deberían ver esto.
Check this out.
No, they're not tagged, and she doesn't seem to have her own page, but, check this out...
No, no están etiquetadas, y no parece tener su propia página, pero, echad un vistazo a esto...
I took another look at the security footage, and check this out.
He revisado otra vez el vídeo de seguridad, y mirad esto.
- Yeah, check this out.
- Sí, mira esto.
Sarge, you got to check this out.
Sarge, tienes que ver esto.
All right, I'm gonna go check this out.
Vale, voy a comprobarlo.
Jen, Rick, come check this out.
Jen, Rick, vengan a ver esto.
Ooh. Hey, check this out.
Oye, mira esto.
Check this out.
Escuchad esto.
Check this out.
Mirad esto.
Check this out.
Observa esto.
Check this out.
Miren cómo me dejó.
Check out this suitcase.
Echa un vistazo a esta maleta.
Oh wait. This is your check.
But check it. Going over the video again, we found this.
Revisando el vídeo de nuevo, hemos visto esto.
Now, now, now, now, look, check out this fancy-ass security system.
Ahora, ahora, ahora, ahora, mira... echa un vistazo a este extravagante sistema de seguridad.
This is the best day of my life! [Laughs] Permission to come aboard and check her out?
¡ Este es el mejor día de mi vida!
Find the infirmary, check on this McKenna.
Encuentre la enfermería, vea como está McKenna.
Since you wanna check in and report back to your dad this scumbag's in here somewhere.
Si puedes estar atento e informar a tu padre... si ves por aquí a esta escoria.
Yeah... I figured I'd check if you have a charger for this here.
Sí... quería ver si tendrías un cargador para esto.
This is Shastn /'s bag. Check it!
Este es el bolso de Shastri ji, revísalo.
Let's go check out this Tash fellow.
Vayamos a ver a este sujeto Tash.
She skipped out on the check, so we picked her up this morning.
Ella se fue sin pagar, y la capturamos esta mañana.
Check out the date on this receipt from the storage locker with the stolen art.
Comprobé la fecha del recibo del almacén con las obras robadas.
Yeah, I'm trying to put a positive spin on this, but I keep picturing a guy covered in flies writing you a check.
Sí, estoy tratando de poner un giro positivo a esto, pero sigo imaginando un hombre cubierto de moscas escribiendote un cheque.
I ran a record check on everyone, and it threw this up.
He estado mirando los antecedentes de todos y me saló esto.
- Check out this hottie.
Miren esta lindura.
Hey, dad, check out this video.
Oye, papá, mira este vídeo.
Hey, check out this smooth move.
Observa esta jugada sutil.
I asked the techies to check Karly's phone records to see if anything had been deleted recently, and this image was sent to her three days ago from a work colleague at the bank, Romain Gellar.
Le pedí a los técnicos que revisaran los registros telefónicos de Karly... para ver si algo había sido borrado recientemente, y le enviaron esta imagen hace tres días... de una colega del banco, Romain Gellar.
[Light switch clicking] Liv, you got to check this out.
Liv, tienes que ver esto.
This man who's been keeping his wild instincts in check for his family.
Este hombre que ha mantenido su instinto salvaje dominado por su familia.

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