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I couldn't.
No podía.
You remember when I told you I... couldn't talk about my dad's death?
¿ Recuerdas cuando te dije que no podía hablar sobre la muerte de mi padre?
For doing what I couldn't.
Por hacer lo que yo no pude.
And why couldn't you touch her?
¿ Y por qué no podías tocarla?
And I'm not buying that Vic couldn't handle some entitled rich kid with a big mouth.
Y no creo que Vic no pudiera manejar un chico ricachón con una bocota.
I took it to the Apple Store to see the Genius. He couldn't even figure it out.
Lo llevé a la tienda Apple para ver al genio, pero no pudo resolverlo.
Couldn't help overhearing but I'm PIP level 2 and video interview trained, re : vulnerable victims of crime.
No he podido evitar oírlas y tengo el nivel dos en interrogatorios y me he formado en interrogatorios con víctimas vulnerables de delitos.
I told you, I left my phone at home and I couldn't call.
Te lo he dicho, dejé el teléfono en casa y no podía llamar.
And I called a taxi and I thought he was already there, but they normally send a text, so I realised that it couldn't be mine.
Pedí un taxi y pensé que ya había llegado, pero normalmente envían un mensaje, así que pensé que no podía ser mi taxi.
Couldn't you have borrowed someone's phone,
¿ No podías tomar prestado el teléfono de alguien
It couldn't be more clear in respect of the foregoing.
No se pude ser más claro con respecto a lo anterior.
Yeah, but don't tell me you couldn't use the exercise.
Sí, pero no me digas que no podrías intentar hacer ejercicio.
Frankly, son, right now, I couldn't give a shit.
Francamente, hijo, ahora mismo, me importa una mierda.
None I couldn't handle.
Ninguna que no pudiera manejar.
Framing Michael Farmer couldn't have been random.
Incriminar a Michael Farmer no ha sido ninguna casualidad.
Because we couldn't pin your fall on Nick Huntley, we're going after the pair of them for something else.
Como no hemos podido culpar a Nick Huntley por tu caída, vamos tras ellos dos por otros motivos.
And the timing couldn't be worse.
Y el momento no podría ser peor.
And she couldn't live with herself after.
Y no pudo vivir con ella después de eso.
I couldn't let that stand.
No iba a permitírselo.
So she couldn't be a part of whatever it is you're seeing. How do I know you're not fucking with me?
¿ Y cómo sé que no estás mintiéndome?
I thought vampires couldn't get in.
Pensé que los vampiros no podían entrar.
I couldn't believe you both thought It was only a fairy tale.
No entendía que ustedes pensaran que era solo una fábula.
Inge... Jens was onto something, But he couldn't finish it.
Inge Jens estaba en algo, pero no pudo llevarlo a cabo.
I was scared of the days When the curtains stayed closed, And she couldn't get up,
Siempre tenía miedo de los días en los que ella no abría las cortinas y no podía levantarse.
I did something terrible, And I couldn't face you.
Hice algo terrible, y no podía mirarte.
I couldn't find you, I couldn't even talk to you.
No te encontraba, ni siquiera podía hablarte.
I did a version of Peter Pan where we couldn't afford a flying rig, so two stage hands carried me around for three hours.
Hice una versión de Peter Pan donde no podíamos pagar por un aparejo, así que dos tramoyistas me cargaron por tres horas.
I couldn't protect you.
No pude protegerte.
Well, he couldn't have just vanished.
Bueno, no puede haberse desvanecido.
That's why I couldn't marry you.
Por eso no podía casarme contigo.
Well, we couldn't reach the kegs on top, so Pants tried to grab some from the bottom.
Bueno, no podíamos alcanzar los barriles que están en la parte superior, así que Pants trato de sacar uno de abajo.
Told me she couldn't take care of the baby then, still can't, but she asked me for money.
Luego me contó que no podía hacerse cargo del bebe, aún no puede, pero ella me pidió dinero.
I couldn't...
No he podido...
You couldn't look at me.
No podías mirarme.
You couldn't save him, no.
No pudisteis salvarlo, no.
Why couldn't I go to Spain with Father?
¿ Por qué no pude ir a España con padre?
Is that why we couldn't see it?
¿ Por eso no podíamos verlo?
And he knew things, conversations he couldn't have heard.
Sabía cosas, conversaciones que no podría haber oído.
Your parents couldn't stand you.
Tus padres no te aguantaban.
To me, I was a woman who couldn't be touched...
Para mí, yo era una mujer que no podía ser tocada...
It was clear that there were things he wanted to say but couldn't until his last appointment.
Estaba claro que había cosas de las que quería hablar, pero no pudo hasta su última cita.
The monster realized it couldn't hide anymore.
El monstruo se dio cuenta de que ya no podía esconderse.
She needed their light, just couldn't be bothered with the human parts.
Necesitaba su luz, simplemente no le importaban las partes humanas.
She just couldn't live with the not knowing.
No podía vivir sin tener la certeza.
I couldn't find a single one willing to take you in.
No encontré a nadie que quisiera.
She couldn't have.
No habría podido.
God damn it. Why couldn't you just trust me?
Maldición. ¿ Por qué no pudiste confiar en mí?
When the Army of the 12 Monkeys fled Germany, they couldn't leave their manifesto behind, but were afraid to move it through official channels.
Cuando el Ejército de los 12 Monos salió de Alemania, no podían dejar su manifesto, pero temían moverlo a través de canales oficiales.
- You couldn't take him out.
- No es cierto.
Spearhead, this place... they were never home... but I-I figured if I couldn't build something... at least I could protect something.
Punta de lanza, este lugar... nunca estaban en casa. Pero pensé que si no podía construir algo, al menos podría proteger algo.
We couldn't get it.
No pudimos obtenerlo.
couldn't agree more 58
couldn't be better 98
couldn't have done it without you 30
couldn't be happier 21
couldn't hurt 30
couldn't resist 29
couldn't sleep 124
couldn't be helped 16
couldn't do it 36
couldn't you 97
couldn't be better 98
couldn't have done it without you 30
couldn't be happier 21
couldn't hurt 30
couldn't resist 29
couldn't sleep 124
couldn't be helped 16
couldn't do it 36
couldn't you 97
couldn't say 28
couldn't we 54
couldn't wait 18
couldn't be 25
couldn't it 66
couldn't stay away 16
couldn't i 47
couldn't care less 19
couldn't they 19
couldn't he 26
couldn't we 54
couldn't wait 18
couldn't be 25
couldn't it 66
couldn't stay away 16
couldn't i 47
couldn't care less 19
couldn't they 19
couldn't he 26
could 243
could you give me a hand 26
could you say that again 20
could you repeat that 46
could i ask you something 32
could you do it 21
could be more 16
could you do me a favor 94
could you please 43
could be 753
could you give me a hand 26
could you say that again 20
could you repeat that 46
could i ask you something 32
could you do it 21
could be more 16
could you do me a favor 94
could you please 43
could be 753