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Count them tradutor Espanhol

969 parallel translation
Count them if you don't believe me. All right.
Contad, si no os lo creéis.
I didn't count them.
- No los he contado.
Did you count them?
- ¿ Las has contado?
You can count them on the fingers of one hand, my good woman.
Puede contarlos con los dedos de una mano, mi buena mujer.
We haven't enough fingers in this room on which to count them all.
- No hay suficientes dedos en este cuarto para contarlos todos.
Very well. Take a seat on the platform while I count them.
Toma asiento en el estrado mientras los cuento.
I'll throw in the tools and the money for the doctor, and your guns and all the other little expenses... I won't even count them.
Incluiré las herramientas y el dinero para el médico y las armas y todos los demás gastos pequeños.
Go ahead, count them.
¡ Cuéntelos!
Shall I count them on my fingers for you?
¿ Quiere que se lo cuente con los dedos?
One night, when I couldn't fall asleep, I started to count them.
Una noche que no podía dormir empecé a contarlas.
Frank and I have been married for 10 years. Count them, 10.
Frank y yo hemos estado casados 10 años.
Sometimes I dream about rabbits, count them instead of sheep.
A veces sueño con conejos, los cuento en lugar de ovejas.
"And don't stop to count them," he said.
"Y no se detengan a contarlas", dijo.
I suppose there's a limit to the sands of the seashore but who's going to count them?
Supongo que hasta los granos de arena en la playa son limitados... pero ¿ quién los va a contar?
Count them before you go to sleep, and your wish will come true.
Cuéntelas antes de dormirse y se cumplirán sus deseos.
You wait outside. Check them and count them as we throw them out.
Esperadnos fuera.
Ain't had time to count them yet.
Todavía no he tenido tiempo de contarlos.
Make sure you count them. - Of course.
Total, están contados...
Want to count them?
- ¿ Quiere contarlos?
Well, she didn't count them.
- Ni siquiera las contó.
You want to count them?
¿ Quieres contarlos?
- Count them.
- Cuéntelas.
Well, count them if you want to!
- Cuéntalas si quieres.
Count them, Jeff.
Go to the dock and count them one by one or these will steal the ship too.
Cuenta los sacos uno por uno. Sino esta gente me va a robar hasta la nave.
- You'll count them!
- Y serás tú quién los cuente.
Count them. $ 30.
Cuéntalo. 30 dólares.
Come on, Count. Now, you show them.
Conde, tóquenos algo.
When I told them last night that unless you were on the ticket, they could count me out,
Pero anoche les dije que si no borraban su nombre, no contaran conmigo.
I'll tell them to do it right for Count Marenzi.
Especiales para el sr. Conde Marenzi.
- Well, forget to count about four of them.
Deja cuatro sin contar.
- Do not count on them.
- No cuente con ellos.
The count must be holding them.
El Khan debe tener a las mujeres y los niños.
The most sensible news you could give them would be that you're making up with the count.
La noticia más sensata sería tu reconciliación con el conde.
But they didn't count on Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson, who will find the stamps that are hidden here, and take them away first. Exactly.
Pero sin contar con...
There were six women. Count them. Six.
Había seis mujeres tonteando con Tommy Bruhme cuando fue asesinado.
Her Grace was horse riding with Comtesse Hortensia and that count, who is visiting them.
Su Excelencia estaba montando a caballo con la condesa Hortensia y cuentan, que les estaba visitando.
a little bunny who has returned repentant to our master the many lovers she has had already you can't count them and now they play-act a wedding so that the old provincial shall believe his daughter is pure he gives him self airs like a grandduke
Un conejito que ha vuelto arrepentida con nuestro amo. ¡ La de amantes que ha tenido ya! ¡ Innumerables!
You can always count on these contraptions... to go blooey just as you need them.
Estos aparatos siempre se estropean justo cuando los necesitas.
Haz que se acuerden.
You expect your patrons to believe that the skeleton you show them is really that of Count Dracula?
¿ Espera que los espectadores se crean que el esqueleto que les muestra es realmente el del conde Drácula?
Yeah, weve charged them to your count.
Sí, las hemos cargado a tu cuenta.
That's men for you. You never can count on them.
Así son los hombres, no se puede contar con ellos.
Inform Count Orlov that we wish to soon meet all the foreign ambassadors, all of them, after the bear hunt of tomorrow.
Que el conde Orloff reúna urgentemente a todos los embajadores extranjeros, mañana después de la caza.
One of them's a coffin containing the remains of the original Count Dracula.
Uno es un ataúd con los restos del Conde Drácula.
Make every one of them count.
Haz que cada uno de ellos cuente.
I want to count the sacks, weigh them, with tables handy.
Quiero contar los sacos, pesarlos y con la tablilla en la mano,
To count the sacks, to weigh them, to put seals on them!
Quiero contar los sacos, averiguar su peso y poner las contraseñas.
But, my dear friend, first you'll have to count the sacks, weigh them and seal them.
Pero antes de irte tienes que contar los sacos, pesarlos y sellarlos.
- You want to count them?
- ¿ Quiere contarlo?
- Yes, but you are paying, you count them
- Mejor cuéntalo tú.

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