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Had to be tradutor Espanhol

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I don't know what I was thinking, just I had to be married to someone, anyone.
No sé en lo que estaba pensando, Solo tenía que estar casada con alguien, con cualquiera.
I had to be back by ten o'clock for the baby-sitter.
Tenía que volver a las diez por la niñera.
- It had to be convincing. - I can't believe that you did that.
No puedo creer que lo hicieras.
Yeah, did it occur to you that the person pretending to be Greg - had to be a man...
Sí, se te ocurrió pensar que la persona que pretende ser Greg tiene que ser un hombre?
He recalls that pretty much the first thing he was told at the scene was that it had to be a suicide.
Recuerda bastante bien que lo primero que se dijo en el momento del hallazgo fue que había sido un suicidio.
We're very close we've had to be.
Estamos muy unidos... teníamos que estarlo.
If she was blown up and had to be buried in pieces?
¿ Si la hicieran volar, y tuviera que sepultarla en pedazos?
I knew it had to be ballet.
Yo sabía que sería ballet.
When I came out from under those hedges, I knew something had to be done.
Cuando salí de los setos, supe que había que hacer algo.
Somehow it had to be centralized, how you got jobs, who paid you.
De alguna forma, todo tenía que estar centralizado, vuestra forma de conseguir trabajos, quien os pagaba.
I knew there had to be a reason.
Sabia que debia haber alguna razon.
These TA's were whispering, so I figured it had to be good.
Que esos asistentes estaban susurrando, así que pensé que tenía que ser bueno.
I had to be certain of your motives.
Tenía que estar seguro de sus motivos.
I had to be the person who did everything'cause my mother wouldn't go out of the house.
Yo debía ser la persona que hacía todo porque mi madre no salía de la casa.
We were kids growing up and we had to be children... soldiers of God.
Éramos niños que crecían y debíamos ser niños... soldados de Dios.
I just felt her, and felt for her... and knew something had to be done now.
Solo la sentí, y me solidaricé, y supe que había que hacer algo ahora.
That I had to be killed for what I had done!
¡ Que tenía que matar porque ya lo había hecho!
It had to be. Where the fuck is my phone?
Tuvo que ser. ¿ Dónde carajos está mi teléfono?
If you had said to me what I said to you, I'd be doing to you what you're supposed to be doing to Babe.
Si me hubieras dicho lo que yo te dije te estaría haciendo lo que se supone que le harás a Babe.
You wouldn't be saying that if I had a vaccine, and I'm not gonna apologize for having the guts to try.
No estarías diciendo eso si hubiera tenido una vacuna, y no me disculparé por haber tenido las agallas de intentarlo.
To be honest, I had my doubts that all of you would be willing to throw in with me for a second go.
Para ser honesto, tenía mis dudas de que todos ustedes estuvieran dispuestos a embarcarse conmigo en otro viaje.
I just think, if the two of you had more time to talk, maybe it would be less difficult.
Sólo pienso, si los dos tendrian más tiempo para hablar, tal vez sería menos difícil.
The winter of that year proved to be unseasonably warm, and by February, all that was left of the snow on the sides of the highways had turned mostly black.
Ese año, el invierno resultó ser atípicamente cálido. Y para febrero, lo poco que quedaba de nieve al costado de las carreteras ya estaba mayormente negro.
- It had to be perfect.
Tenía que ser perfecto, tenía que ser convincente.
And then, all these women had to show off and be like, " We could do it!
Y entonces, todas esta mujeres tenían que lucirse... en plan " Podemos hacerlo!
And then, at my writing job, at Fresh Off The Boat, I would be storyboarding in front of my co-workers, and then, at some point, the pill would inevitably dissolve and melt into my underwear, and I had to act like everything was OK, when everything was clearly not OK.
Entonces, mientras trabajaba, en la serie Fresh Off The Boat, estaría con el diseño gráfico en frente de mis colegas, y entonces, en algún momento, el supositorio se disolvería... derritiéndose en mi ropa interior,
I'm very grateful to be pregnant and to be... this far along, to be seven and a half months pregnant, because, last year, I had a miscarriage, which is very common.
Estoy agradecida de estar embarazada y... tan avanzada, de 7 meses y medio, porque, el año pasado aborté, lo cual es muy común.
I had rather expected to be buried in England.
Habría esperado mejor ser enterrada en Inglaterra. No.
Superintendent Hastings and I have had a short discussion and in the circumstances, we agree the best course of action, to protect all parties and to abide by disciplinary procedure, is for you to be served with a Regulation 15 notice
El superintendente y yo hemos tenido una breve charla y en estas circunstancias estamos de acuerdo en que el mejor curso de la acción, para proteger a todas las partes y que se cumpla el procedimiento disciplinario, es que se te de una notificación por la Regulación 15
I've just had too much time to think, to be honest.
Sólo he tenido demasiado tiempo para pensar, para ser honesto.
I had hope that I can try to be better.
de poder intentar ser mejor.
All you had to go do is discipline him and be out.
Solo tenías que disciplinarlo e irte.
I'll be calling them soon, and I hope to meet them soon, once they have had their full medical examinations.
Pronto las llamaré y espero conocerlas, una vez que los médicos las hayan examinado.
He had the muscles of a gymnast, and for ballet, they need to be long, classical-looking.
Tenía los músculos de un gimnasta y para el ballet, deben verse largos y clásicos.
Officer Martinez had no way of knowing whether Officer Day or Mr. Crum had already come out and were in a position to be shot.
El oficial Martinez no tenía manera de saber si el oficial Day o el señor Crum ya habían salido y si corrían riesgo de recibir un balazo.
If you had to hide something, this would be the place.
Si tuvieses que esconder algo, este sería el sitio ideal.
Right. Well, I've just had my arse kicked by the Super for not explaining to you beforehand... if you were so much as thinking of turning up there today, it would be considered grossly inappropriate.
Pues el superintendente acaba de echarme una bronca por no haberte avisado de que si se te estaba pasando por la cabeza acercarte allí era algo totalmente inapropiado.
There's no conversation to be had.
No hay ninguna conversación.
I did whatever I could just to be you, including date Javi, but it was pretty clear that he still had feelings for you, that I would never be enough for him.
Hice todo lo que pude para estar contigo, incluso salir con Javi, Pero era claro que aun sentia algo por ti, que nunca seria suficiente para el.
Well, I had to wait for the pharmacist to open, you see... and, well, I can't be in two places at once, can I?
Tuve que esperar a que abriera la farmacia, sabe... y bien, no puedo estar en dos sitios a la misma vez, ¿ verdad?
He had little time to be father and husband.
Tenía poco tiempo para ser padre y marido.
I know I would be driven quite mad had I only farm hands and kitchen maids to converse with.
Sé que me volvería loca si solo tuviera granjeros y sirvientas con las que conversar.
God knows, he'd be as surprised as me to think that any of what he taught me had sunk in, but that's the truth of it.
Bien sabe Dios que estaría tan sorprendido como yo de saber que algo de lo que me enseñó ha arraigado, pero esa es la verdad.
But it turned out to be worth it, since that way I was able to meet Sergei, The Blue Limit's man in charge on the ground, and he had issues of his own he needed help with.
Pero resultó ser beneficioso, ya que de esa manera pude conocer a Sergei, el hombre al mando de Límite Ardiente en el lugar, y tenía asuntos propios con los que necesitaba ayuda.
If she had been the mother I had wanted, I would not be the man I am proud to be.
De haber sido la madre que yo quería, yo no sería quien tengo orgullo de ser.
It produced in me... drive because I had to find a way to have a life that wasn't gonna be like that for my family.
Produjo un impulso en mí porque tuve que hallar la forma de tener una vida que no sería así para mi familia.
But as we're born, we never had a chance to choose who we wanted to be.
Pero al nacer, no tenemos la chance de elegir lo que queremos ser.
- If I had only one wish, it would be to shrink all of you with a shrink ray and bring you home with us in my pocket.
Si tuviera un sólo deseo, sería encogerlos con el rayo de encoger y llevármelos a casa.
And they had every reason to believe it would be around for hundreds of years.
Y tenían muchas razones para creer sería existido durante cientos de años.
But after you hang up with me, your next call had better be to your President.
Pero después de colgar conmigo, su próxima llamada había mejor a su Presidente.
To be real with you, um, I had my daughter.
Para ser honesto, tengo a mi hija.

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