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I believe it was tradutor Espanhol

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I believe it was in order to have a safer, more prudent opinion, and that's why they called the reputed brazilian.
Creo que fue para tener una opinión más segura, más prudente, y por eso es que llamaron a la reputada brasileña.
I believe it was dumped in the alley behind this building.
Creo fue tirado en el callejón detrás del edificio.
I believe it was resolved.
Creo que estaba resuelto.
I believe it was wrongful death, Something in one of our factories.
Creo que fue una muerte injusta, algo en una de nuestras fábricas
Yes, I believe it was.
Creo que lo era.
I may only be a Wizard of the Second Order, but I believe it was you who taught me the element of surprise is everything.
Puede que solo sea un Mago de la Segunda Orden pero fuiste tú quien me enseñó que el elemento sorpresa es todo.
It was a bomb and I believe it was meant for you.
Fue una bomba y creo que era para ti.
I just knew that no one would believe That it was an accident.
Yo sabía que nadie creería que eso fue un accidente.
So I believe, as a child, Adam Saber began carrying around a mental picture of David so that no matter where he went, no matter how horrific things became, there was always someone who had it worse.
Creo que de niño, Adam Saber comenzó a llevar una imagen mental de David para que, sin importar dónde estuviera, o Io espantoso que le sucediera, siempre había alguien que estaba peor.
Maybe this is gonna sound stupid and, believe me, it's not like I was expecting, you know, fireworks or a string quartet or anything but I always thought pretending to lose my virginity would be a little more I don't know, special?
Tal vez esto va a sonar estúpido Y, créeme, no es como Yo estaba esperando, ya sabes, fuegos artificiales O un cuarteto de cuerda o cualquier cosa Pero yo siempre pensé que fingir de perder mi virginidad Sería un poco más No sé, especial?
Would you believe it was only two months ago when I walked in here to find you?
¿ Creerías que hace apenas dos meses entré aquí para encontrarte...?
I was blond, believe it or not.
Yo era rubia, aunque no lo crean.
I believe that it was above
Creo que era mas arriba
Okay, I used to think, believe I was going make it as a writer.
Muy bien, solía pensar, o creer, en que triunfaría como escritor.
You may not believe this, but I was actually holding out hope that it might not be true, that there was some other explanation.
Puede que no creas en esto, eso puedee no ser cierto, eso tiene alguna otra explicacion.
I couldn't believe when I heard about Shawn. It was just...
No pude creerlo cuando supe lo de Shawn.
I can't believe nobody picked up on it.Nobody was looking for them.
No puedo creer que nadie se percatase. Nadie lo buscaba.
Believe me, if I thought I was capable of doing it, I wouldn't be leaving.
Créame, si supiese que soy capaz de hacerlo, no me iría.
He was actually saving it for you, I believe.
De hecho, él lo guardaba para ti, me parece.
It's hard to believe, but I was pretty mashed up.
Es difícil de creer, pero quedé muy lastimado.
I know it's hard to believe with us married and all, But it was random.
Sé que es difícil de creer estando casados y todo, pero fue aleatorio.
I loved to believe it was a special gift.
Me encantaba pensar que era un regalo especial.
It was river rafting, I believe.
Rafting en río. Creo.
I find it hard to believe that Cammy wasn't privy to what his son was doing.
Me resulta difícil creer que Cammy no sabía lo que estaba haciendo su hijo.
I just do not believe it ; Dante was as healthy as a hyena.
No puedo creerlo, Dante era tan saludable como una hiena.
( Grant Morrison ) And that's what I was interested in the nuts and bolts of it, not whether it was an angel or demon. because I don't believe in angels or demons to tell the truth.
Y es por eso que estaba interesado en los aspectos prácticos, no en si era un ángel o un demonio, porque no creo en ellos, a decir verdad.
And I'm saying well, that's not realistic nobody's going to believe that, and then doing it because the realization was that in a comic, you can do that.
Y yo digo : "Eso no es realista, nadie se lo va a creer." Y después lo hago, porque la idea era darse cuenta de que en un cómic lo puedes hacer.
I can't believe you didn't know it was a trick.
No puedo creer que no supieras que era un truco.
Hey, come on. Is it so hard to believe that I'm not the same person I was at 17?
Hey, vamos hombre. ¿ Tan difícil es de creer que no soy la misma persona que era a los 17 años?
I liked to capture those people because I thought it was nice, what they were doing, and they really believe it.
Me gusta capturar a esta gente porque pensaba que era lindo lo que hacían y realmente creían en ello. Lo amaban de verdad.
- I was a kid once too, believe it or not.
- Fui niña una vez, lo creas o no.
It's hard to believe, but within living memory it was impossible to stand where I'm standing now.
Es difícil de creer, pero en la memoria viviente era imposible pararse en donde estoy parado ahora.
I couldn't believe I was expected to keep it on me all the time.
No podía creer que estuviera obligado a tenerla todo el tiempo conmigo.
It was what I was taught in the army and I believe it.
Fue lo que me enseñaron en el ejército y lo creo.
He said it was buried, why'd I believe him?
Él dijo estaba enterrado, ¿ por qué le creería?
I just- - I cannot believe it was Perry.
No puedo creer que haya sido Perry. Digo, trabajé con él.
♪ It took too long to see ♪ ♪ I was wrong to believe ♪ ♪ in me only ♪
â ™ ª It took too long to see â ™ ª â ™ ª I was wrong to believe â ™ ª â ™ ª in me only â ™ ª
In my youth, I was an actor... and one of the good ones, you'd better believe it.
De juventud, fui actor, y de los buenos, cuidado.
I just felt like I was going to heaven, except I don't believe in it.
Yo sentí como que me iba al paraíso, pero no creo en eso.
No, I was saying I don't believe that one person is worth the energy it takes to heat 80 gallons of water for a bath.
No, quise decir que no creo que una persona valga La energía que toma calentar 80 galones de agua para un baño.
I mean, like, you would never even believe it was possible Unless you saw the evidence yourself.
Es decir, como, nunca creerías que fuera posible a menos que vieras la evidencia.
I believe Jake regurgitated the knife, it was used to kill Leoline and then he swallowed it again.
- Creo que Jake regurgitó el cuchillo, fue usado para matar a Leoline y luego se lo tragó de nuevo.
Now I'm thinking to myself... if it was all as neat and decided as you'd like me to believe, then why would you be so desperate to get rid of me?
Ahora estoy pensando... si todo estuviera tan claro y decidido como quieren hacerme creer, entonces ¿ por qué están tan desesperados por librarse de mí?
And believe me, I was all for it.
Y créeme, es todo lo que deseaba.
Would you believe me if I told you it was an accident?
¿ Me creerías si te dijera que fue un accidente?
And believe me, if there was something wrong With my kids, I'd know it.
Y créeme, si hubiera algo mal con mis hijos, lo sabría.
No. No, you can't just show up here like this and then - - believe me, I wish it was different.
No, no puedes tan solo aparecerte aquí de esta forma y luego...
It's a very complicated situation. She doesn't want to leave your sister. Can't believe how stupid I was.
es una situación muy complicada ella no quiere abandonar a tu hermana no puedo creer lo estupido que fué pero no importa ahora una disculpa siempre importa, verdad?
My love life may not be in the same shape it was when I started funding this project, but, uh, I still believe in the story.
Tal vez mi vida amorosa no sea pero sigo creyendo en la historia.
I don't believe it. Roth was a guy who was gonna live forever.
Roth era un tipo que viviría por siempre
Oh, my God, I can't believe it! Who was it, Ali?
¡ Dios mío, no me lo puedo creer!

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