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I came tradutor Espanhol

75,206 parallel translation
- I came to get you.
- He venido a por ti.
I came all this way.
He llegado hasta aquí.
Because I didn't call them before I came in.
Porque no los llamé antes de entrar.
Nothing to do but plan how to take him down. You don't think I came up with anything?
Tres años en el trullo.
I've been trying to tighten things up since I came on board.
He intentado cambiar eso desde que entré al cargo.
Sir, I hope you don't think I came here to undermine Grace in any way.
Señor, espero que no crea que vine a desautorizar a Grace.
I came in on my own steam. - I leave the same way.
Vine voluntariamente y me voy igual.
I came for the funeral.
Vine para el funeral.
I mean, remember that time I came with you to confront Mom when you secretly gave her that loan?
¿ Recuerdas cuando te acompañé a enfrentarte a mamá después de hacerle un préstamo?
I came here to warn you and you're threatening me.
Vine a prevenirte, ¿ y me amenazas?
No, because I came... with an ace... up my sleeve.
No, porque vine con un as bajo la manga.
Glad I had a drink before I came.
Menos mal que bebí antes de venir.
After we were done, when I came to the kitchen, you stayed in the bedroom, and made that noise.
Cuando acabamos y vine a la cocina, te quedaste en el cuarto e hiciste ese ruido.
I came back in as soon as I got home.
Vine apenas volví.
Uh, I came to apologize.
Yo... vine a disculparme.
You know, when I was a young man, studying in Mesopotamia, I came across a map that claimed to foretell the Almighty's whereabouts if He ever walked the Earth.
Cuando era joven, estudiando en Mesopotamia, me encontré con un mapa que decía predecir el paradero del Todopoderoso si alguna vez caminaba por la Tierra.
I came here for the video game expo.
Vine a una exposición de videojuegos.
I came up with Big Fat Liar, and I am never going to admit otherwise.
A mi se me ocurrió Gordo mentiroso, y nunca admitiré Lo contrario.
Sorry I came up short, hoss.
Lamento no haber hecho más, compañero.
The ship I came in on, the crew.
La nave en la que vine, la tripulación.
I saw him whenever I came to England.
Lo veía cada vez que venía a Inglaterra.
That's all I came to ask.
Eso es todo lo que vine a preguntar.
- No. No, I came straight here.
No, vine directo aquí.
When I came into the nursery, she was on the ground.
Cuando llegué al cuarto ella estaba en el suelo.
It's a lot better than when I came back and found
Es mucho mejor que cuando volví y me di cuenta que
So I just came by to make sure that all your windows and doors are secure and nothing could happen, you know...
Sólo pasaba a verificar que tuviera todas las ventanas y puertas cerradas, y que no le sucediera nada...
I just came to pay my respects.
Sólo vine a presentar mis respetos.
I dunno where that came from.
No sé qué pasó.
I can't believe the bastards came back.
No puedo creer que los bastardos volvieran.
You came to my work, so I thought I'd return the favor.
- No es eso lo que quiero. - ¿ Desde cuándo?
I don't know, he sounds... like this guy that came into the station a couple days ago. He left before I could get his name or even who he was looking for, but, God, I don't know, there was something about this guy, he made my... my fuckin'Spidey sense tingle.
Se marchó antes de que pudiera preguntarle su nombre o a quién estaba buscando, pero, Dios, no lo sé, había algo en este tipo, que hizo que mis putos sentidos arácnidos se estremecieran.
I mean, they got what they came for.
Digo, tienen lo que buscaban.
I'm glad you came by to see me.
Me alegra que hayas venido a verme.
When you came to visit me in jail, I honestly wanted to be a better mother to you.
Cuando fuiste a visitarme a la prisión, quería honestamente ser una mejor madre para ti.
Yeah, I'd like to think that if it came down to a choice between...
Sí, me gustaría pensar que si todo se reduce a escoger entre...
I think he came this way.
Creo que huyó hacia aquí.
I mean, if it came to that.
- Si fuese necesario...
I know where that gate came from.
Sé de donde ha salido esa puerta.
I can safely say that none of the number codes we came up with led to anything.
Puedo asegurarles que ninguno de nuestros códigos numéricos nos llevó a nada.
I can't believe you came back for me.
No puedo creer que volvieras por mí.
Do you know how unhappy I was before Cinethrax came?
¿ Sabes lo infeliz que era antes de que llegara Cinethrax?
I don't know, when you came out of the hospital and said you were fine something didn't feel right about that.
No sé, cuando saliste del hospital y dijiste que estabas bien, hubo algo que me dio mala espina.
If you had just let them be, like I asked you to, no one would have paid any attention and they would have just crawled back under the rock they came from.
Si los hubieras dejado en paz, tal como te pedí, nadie les habría hecho caso y habrían vuelto al tugurio del que salieron.
I got suspicious when you came home last night covered in grave dirt.
Te seguí. Sospeché de ti cuando llegaste a casa anoche cubierto de tierra de tumba.
Well, I um... came to in the early hours, briefly.
Bueno, me desperté de madrugada, brevemente.
But I don't remember any mention of a car the first time the police came round.
Pero no recuerdo ninguna mención de un coche la primera vez que vino la policía.
That's what I came to see you about.
Por eso lo vine a ver.
- No. I don't know where it came from.
No sé de dónde vino.
Until we figure out what this is and who it came from, I think it'd be best for you to stay with us.
Hasta que descubramos qué es y de dónde vino, creo que será mejor que se quede con nosotros.
Renard came home while I was there.
Renard volvió a su casa mientras estaba allí.
She has amazing abilities, ones I don't understand, and I don't know where they came from.
Tiene habilidades sorprendentes, habilidades que no comprendo y que no sé de dónde vienen.

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