I went back tradutor Espanhol
4,747 parallel translation
So, I went back through Steven Hill's records, all of which confirm what his wife said.
He vuelto a analizar el historial de Steven Hills el cual confirma todo lo que su esposa dijo.
I went back to sleep. Which I never do by the way.
Me volví a la cama, cosa que por cierto nunca hago.
I went back with the idea that I was gonna ask her to marry me and get engaged.
Regresé con la idea de pedirle matrimonio. Comprometernos.
So, like, every time I left the house, my backpack was full of stuff just in case I went back in time.
Así que cada vez que salía de casa llevaba un montón de cosas en la mochila por si acaso viaja al pasado.
Even after I went back to bed, all I could hear was the hideous music she must be playing.
Incluso después de que me volví a la cama, todo lo que podía oír era el horrible música que debe estar jugando.
I got the IP. I went back and got the Can and it had the IP in it.
He conseguido la IP volví y cogi la lata y tenía la IP en ella.
I hate it so much that I went back to the levee today.
Lo odio tanto... que he vuelto al dique hoy.
'.. I went back to my happy married life.'
Dejando mi vida de soltero atrás, volví a mi vida de casado feliz.
Then I went back for the bags with the real money.
Y luego me encargue yo de ira recogerlas bolsas del dinero auténtico.
And then, after I drank again I went back, to shut her up.
Y luego, después de volver a beber, volví para callarla.
So I went back.
Así que volví.
I went back undercover for you.
Volví a trabajar de incógnito por ti.
That night, after coach apologized to us, I went back alone.
Esa noche, después de que el entrenador se disculpara con nosotros, volví yo solo.
So I went back after lunch, and she said that he was gone for the day.
Así que volví después de la comida, y ella me dijo que se había ido todo el día.
I went back in time, And I expect that's what'll happen to the audience.
Retrocedí en el tiempo, y es lo que espero que les pase a los lectores.
I went back through the Pyrolicious web site.
Revisé el sitio web Pyrolicious.
So, I went back through the files, all of the building inspector reports, and he was right.
Entonces, revisé los archivos, todos los reportes del inspector de construcciones, y él tenía razón.
I went back, and I reenlisted.
Volví, y me realisté.
So... I went back to the mom's house.
Pues... he vuelto a la casa de la madre.
Afterwards, he went back to his office, I went back to mine and the next time I saw him, he...
Después, el regresó a su oficina, yo a la mía y la siguiente vez que lo vi, él- -
I then went to sleep for three hours, and when I woke up, everything seemed back to normal.
Después estuve durmiendo tres horas, y cuando desperté, todo parecía haber vuelto a la normalidad.
I don't know where she went, and honestly, I would love to never find out, which is why I need you back in your body, shouting from the rooftops about what happened here.
No sé a dónde se fue, y honestamente, me encantaría nunca saberlo, por lo que te necesito de nuevo en tu cuerpo, gritando a los cuatro vientos sobre lo que pasó aquí.
I never left her side till late the next afternoon to go to the hotel, freshen up, and went back to spend more time with her.
No me fui de su lado sino hasta la tarde siguiente. Fui al hotel, me arreglé y regresé a pasar más tiempo con ella.
I-I pushed back at him, and he just... just stumbled back and went all the way down the stairwell.
Me aparté de él y él... tropezó y se cayó por las escaleras.
But when they went back to supersizing, so did I.
Pero cuando volvieron al menú enorme, yo también.
But when I went to the cabin to put the camera in that morning the girl came back early.
Pero cuando fui a la cabina para poner la cámara en esa mañana la chica regresó temprano.
I'm still really hurt by Mom turning her back on me when I went to rehab.
Todavía estoy muy dolido por mamá volviendo la espalda a mí Cuando fui a rehabilitación.
He tried but..... I fell back and it went off.
Trató, pero... me caí y se escapó un tiro.
I wanted the bills paid before we went back to sea.
Quería pagar las cuentas antes de volver al mar.
I went in there and I saw how it all started and, now, maybe something followed me back?
Fui allí y vi como empezó todo y, ahora, ¿ puede que algo me siguiera de vuelta?
No matter what I went through back then, no matter what happened and why, when I was faced with the chance to cheat, I kept my knees together, and I said no.
No importa lo que pasé entonces, no importa lo que ocurrió ni por qué, cuando me enfrenté a la oportunidad de engañar, mantuve juntas mis rodillas, y me negué.
Were you not listening just now when I told you I went to see him, told him what would happen if he ever came back?
¿ No me estabas escuchando cuando te dije...? ¿ Qué fui a verlo y le dije lo que pasaría si volvía?
I can't even begin to imagine what you went through to get back here.
No puedo ni imaginarme por lo que has tenido que pasar para volver aquí.
I really wanted this girl who went all-county as a freshman, but she won't call me back.
Realmente quería esa chica que fue al condado como novata, pero no me devolverá la llamada.
I'd feel a lot better if we all went back inside.
- Será mejor que regresemos adentro.
I went through hell and back.
Fui al infierno y volví.
Did you really think I went to all this trouble to come back just to see you... any of you... dead?
¿ De verdad crees que iba a pasar por todos estos problemas solo para volver a veros... a cualquiera de vosotros... muertos?
I would leave al in the back seat with his date to have at it while whatever girl was stuck with me would be sitting in the front seat with her hands in her lap, wondering why I suddenly went paralyzed.
Dejaría a Al en el asiento de atrás con su cita para montárselo mientras que la chica que me tocara en gracia se sentaría en el asiento de delante con las manos en el regazo, preguntándose por qué de repente yo me quedaba paralizado.
I went home, and I took out all the old photo albums back from when I was a kid.
Volví a casa, Y saqué todos los álbumes de fotos antiguos de cuando era niña.
I mean, back in my day, when you shivved your crazy-ass boss, you went for a vital organ and you twisted that fucker.
Quiero decir, en mis tiempos, cuando apuñalabas al loco de mierda de tu jefe, ibas a por un órgano vital y retorcías a ese hijo de puta.
Back when I was about your age, I did a stint in Austin where I could only come home on the weekends for... for a couple of years, see my daughter before she went off to boarding school.
Hace tiempo, cuando tenía tu edad, estuve una temporada en Austin, en la que solo podía venir a casa los fines de semana para, durante un par de años, ver a mi hija antes de que se fuera a un internado.
I feel like our viewers really loved the tribe despite everything that every character went through, we still came back and had this, like, core tribe group, which, I think, is so nice.
Siento que nuestros televidentes realmente amaba la tribu a pesar de todo lo que cada personaje tuvo que pasar, todavía nos volvimos y tenía esto, como, grupo tribu núcleo, que, creo, es tan agradable.
And I'm gonna go back to the house, and you know. So she went to the airport with Willie and called me from the airport to tell me that he indeed got on the plane with the team and they had left and during that road trip, I got a few things that I wanted from the house, and I came back to California.
Así que fue al aeropuerto con Willie y me llamó desde ahí para decirme que se había tomado el avión con el equipo y habían despegado, durante ese viaje tomé algunas cosas que quería de la casa y regresé a California.
And so, I got up and got dressed and went to the hospital and never went back.
Así que me levanté, me vestí, fui al hospital y nunca regresé.
I'd like to go back to when things were simpler, before I went dark, before Henry, before everything got so messy.
Me gustaría volver a cuando las cosas eran más sencillas, antes de ir a la sombra, antes de Henry, antes de que todo se liara.
I don't think you went around my back.
No creo que fueras tras de mí.
One year I went to The Unholy Masquerade dressed as Whoopi Goldberg from uh, Sister Act 1 and Sister Act 2 : Back in the Habit.
Un año fui al Carnaval vestido de Whoopi Goldberg en Sister Act 1 y Sister Act 2 : de vuelta al convento.
Look, Rafferty, um, I just want to say that, you know, I went through a really rough time a little while back, and I... I didn't reach out to anyone.
Mira, Rafferty, solo quiero decir que, tu sabes, he pasado cosas muy duras recientemente, y yo... yo no acudí a nadie.
Thinking I'd get back before it went 100 percent to shit.
¡ Pensaba que volvería antes de que se fuera a la mierda del todo!
Pop, I'm not going back to the last century where the top spots went to the guys with hooks.
Papá, no voy a volver al siglo pasado donde los mejores puestos iban a parar a los tipos con enchufe.
And I shut the door, went back upstairs and watched TV...
Y cerré la puerta, Volví arriba y vi la tele...
i went for a walk 44
i went shopping 18
i went 167
i went to the bathroom 21
i went over there 16
i went to 26
i went home 97
i went to college 32
i went to harvard 21
i went inside 19
i went shopping 18
i went 167
i went to the bathroom 21
i went over there 16
i went to 26
i went home 97
i went to college 32
i went to harvard 21
i went inside 19
i went too far 34
i went there 77
i went to see him 27
i went to bed 25
i went to sleep 16
i went to see her 17
i went crazy 19
i went out 40
i went in 23
i went to him 16
i went there 77
i went to see him 27
i went to bed 25
i went to sleep 16
i went to see her 17
i went crazy 19
i went out 40
i went in 23
i went to him 16
i went away 19
back 1915
backup 83
backstrom 34
background 48
backs 42
backgammon 25
backwards 110
backstage 37
backpack 27
back 1915
backup 83
backstrom 34
background 48
backs 42
backgammon 25
backwards 110
backstage 37
backpack 27
back the fuck up 47
back it up 216
back to the future 36
back to work 469
back to the beginning 16
back in town 16
back up 1292
back off 1570
back then 441
back home 188
back it up 216
back to the future 36
back to work 469
back to the beginning 16
back in town 16
back up 1292
back off 1570
back then 441
back home 188