Is that a no tradutor Espanhol
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Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but Dr. Addy's assertion is that he didn't murder anyone, but that the previous apprentice killed the lobbyist.
- Sí. Ahora corrígeme si me equivoco, pero el Dr. Addy afirmó que no había matado a nadie, sino que el anterior aprendiz había matado - al lobista.
Yes. It does that, but also the acacia itself is inedible and poisonous, which is the perfect symbol for a poisonous, outcast apprentice.
Sí, es eso, pero también la acacia en sí misma no es comestible y es venenosa, lo que es el símbolo perfecto de un aprendiz desterrado y venenoso.
Dr. Brennan, want to make sure you know that Cam is right here next to me- - I don't want there to be any chance you think I've falsified evidence.
Dra. Brennan, quiero asegurarme de que sabes que Cam está justo aquí a mi lado. No quiero que haya ninguna posibilidad de que creas que he falsificado pruebas.
Look, it's just, my whole life is here, and, um, I'm not ready to take that next step with you, and it made me realize, I think, maybe, we should actually take a step back.
Mira, es solo que toda mi vida está aquí y no estoy preparada para dar el siguiente paso contigo, y eso me ha hecho darme cuenta de que creo que, tal vez, debamos dar un paso atrás.
You're saying you had no idea Costley was going to kill George Selway and Costley is admitting that he acted on a reckless impulse of his own.
usted está diciendo que no tenía... ni idea de que Costley iba a matar a George Selway y Costley admite... que actuó en un impulso temerario propio.
Look, there is no need for that. She's not going to run away!
Mire, no hay necesidad de eso. ¡ No va a huir!
He has a niece that's good at science, is that right?
Él tiene una sobrina que es buena en ciencias, ¿ no?
You will hear medical evidence concerning the claim of the first defendant, Mark Liam Costley, that he should be found not guilty of murder on grounds of diminished responsibility, that he is not responsible for killing George Selway because he has a personality disorder.
Oirán pruebas médicas relacionada con la reclamación del... primer acusado, Mark Liam Costley, que no debe ser declarado culpable de homicidio por... responsabilidad reducida, que no es responsable de... matar a George Selway porque tiene un trastorno de la personalidad.
Yvonne Carmichael, that she is entirely innocent, that she knew nothing of Mr Costley's intentions when she drove him to the doorstep of a man who had viciously assaulted her.
Yvonne Carmichael, que es completamente inocente, que no sabía nada de las intenciones del Sr. Costley cuando... lo condujo a la puerta de un hombre que la había asaltado violentamente.
The first defendant, Mark Liam Costley, claimed that he is not responsible for the killing of George Selway because he has a personality disorder.
El primer acusado, Mark Liam Costley, afirmó que no es responsable del asesinato de George Selway... porque tiene un trastorno de la personalidad.
But the pursuit of extramarital sex and a tendency to embroider the facts do not mean that he is mentally unwell.
Pero la búsqueda del sexo extramarital... y la tendencia a exagerar los hechos... no significa que esté mentalmente enfermo.
They're missing the fundamental point of my thesis, which is that personality is not a binary concept but a spectrum.
Falta el punto fundamental de mi tesis, que es que la personalidad no es un concepto binario sino un espectro.
You should know that a marriage is not what it seems from the outside.
Debes saber que un matrimonio no es lo que parece desde el exterior.
Yeah, I-I'm not sure that this is gonna be the most productive mix.
No estoy segura de que vaya a ser la combinación más productiva.
Yeah, I keep on trying to tell myself that this is just a town but I can't make a convincing argument.
Ya, sigo intentando convencerme de que solo es una ciudad más, pero no encuentro un argumento convincente.
And it gives us somethin'to bicker about so that we're not focused on finding out who A.D. is.
Y nos da algo sobre lo que discutir para que así no nos concentremos en descubrir quién es A.D.
Look, I know it's a little early and I know it's not going to be a permanent situation but I just figured while the baby is here, that...
Mira, sé que es un poco pronto y sé que esta situación no va a ser permanente, pero he pensado que mientras el bebé esté aquí...
We have to play the game until the end or that body is gonna end up in somebody else's hands piece by piece, and it's not gonna be ours.
Tenemos que jugarlo hasta el final o el cadáver terminará en manos de otra persona pieza a pieza, y no será en las nuestras.
Please, look me in the eye and tell me that Hanna is not in any kind of trouble.
Por favor, mírame a los ojos y dime que Hanna no tiene ningún problema.
That smoking'district attorney is never gonna fall in love with old drug-dealing, murdering'Blaine.
La maciza de la fiscal del distrito no se iba a enamorar nunca del viejo Blaine, asesino y traficante de drogas.
My life is no longer linked to you, and the city that you like to say you built... it's mine.
Mi vida ya no está unida a ti, y la ciudad que te gusta decir que construiste... es mía.
It is weird that you can code when you're not a coder, though, right?
Aunque sí es raro poder codificar cuando no eres codificador, ¿ verdad?
No one else is gonna come even close to that.
Nadie más se va a acercar a eso.
There's no reason to believe 6 or 7 or 100 new rigs is gonna change that.
No hay razón para creer que seis, siete o cien nuevas torres vayan a cambiar eso.
I think that's what being a mom is supposed to be about... you know?
Creo que ser mamá es eso, ¿ no?
What I don't do is drag out a B.I., getting us into a gunfight that could have been avoided.
Lo que no hago es empezar un interrogatorio y meternos en un tiroteo que podría haberse evitado.
Chuck, if that tape is useless in a court of law and no help in the court of public opinion, what's the point?
Chuck, si la cinta es inútil ante un tribunal y no ayuda ante los medios, ¿ qué sentido tiene?
Excuse me, this is very hard for me to admit... That I was nothing more than a hired assassin who committed war crimes.
Perdonadme, es muy difícil para mí el admitir... que no era más que un asesino a sueldo que cometía crímenes de guerra.
Point is that I had zero, nobody, till you recruited me.
La cuestión es que no tenía a nadie hasta que me reclutaste.
That applies to Professor Keating, who... let's be clear... Is being framed for a crime she didn't commit.
Eso sirve para la profesora Keating, la cual, siendo claros, está siendo incriminada por un crimen que no cometió.
You know what's good is that now that Annalise is out of jail, it's her job to take care of everyone, not yours.
Lo mejor es que ahora Annalise ha salido de la cárcel, es su trabajo cuidar a todo el mundo, no el tuyo.
The fact that you don't know is exactly why you should re-hire you lawyer.
El que no lo sepas es exactamente el motivo por el que deberías contratar a un abogado.
I think that Denver is gonna see right through it, and Connor may be already cracked.
Creo que Denver no se lo va a creer y quizás ya hayan conseguido corromper a Connor.
Either way, we go to jail, and the one thing that I can't handle about that is not knowing what happened to Wes.
De cualquier manera, vamos a la cárcel y lo único que no puedo soportar al respecto es no saber qué le pasó a Wes.
Mm, I'm no sailor, but I know that no boat in that harbor is gonna get us that far.
No soy un marinero, pero sé que ningún barco de ese puerto va a llevarnos tan lejos.
But I believe that talking and exposing what's bothering you is the healthiest, and coupled with things like meditation, leading a balanced life, and... if I find that there's no other option, medication.
Pero creo que hablar y exponer lo que le está molestando es lo más saludable, complementado con cosas como meditación, llevar una vida equilibrada. Y si considero que no hay otra opción medicación.
I'm sorry, Mrs. Andrews, but I do not know. There is a great risk that she loses sight and will not get it back.
Lo siento, Sra. Andrews, no puedo asegurarlo, pero hay una buena probabilidad de que pierda la visión y no la recupere.
Makes him feel that he has a purpose, even if he is not allowed to bring one home.
Le da un propósito, aun si no puede llevarse uno a casa.
Some doctors have tried to deal with strong corticosteroids, which are synthetic drugs that are used for a variety of ailments, but with mixed results. And it is not a proven treatment.
Algunos doctores han probado suministrando corticosteroides fuertes, que son medicinas sintéticas usadas para muchas condiciones distintas, pero han tenido resultados variados y no es un método de tratamiento probado.
We're not going anywhere till that thing is dead.
No vamos a ninguna parte hasta que esa cosa esté muerta.
That is not going to work.
Eso no va a funcionar.
If you're trying to protect me, I don't think an explosion that size is going to do what you want.
Si intentas protegerme, no creo que una explosión de ese tamaño vaya a hacer lo que quieres.
The guy that kidnapped your brother, is not gonna come back to the house looking for him.
El tipo que secuestró a tu hermano no vendrá a su casa a buscarlo.
Not that I wanna tell you how to conduct your business, but she is a pretty little girl.
No pretendo decirte cómo hacer tu vida pero es una chica bonita.
And I can come to no other conclusion that Jace Wayland is a traitor to the Clave.
Y no puedo llegar a otra conclusión que no sea que Jace Wayland es un traidor a la Clave.
As a parent, your greatest hope is that your children don't inherit your worst traits.
Como padre, tu mayor esperanza es que tus hijos no hereden tus peores rasgos.
But if you do not open that door, he is going to kill us.
Pero si no abres esa puerta... nos va a matar.
Yeah, well, that ain't gonna happen, is it, mate?
Si, bien, eso no va a pasar, ¿ o si amigo?
The woman in that photo's name is Laurel, and I didn't return home because after... Everything I've been through, everything I've done...
La mujer de la foto se llama Laurel, y no he vuelto a casa porque después... de todo por lo que he pasado, de todo lo que he hecho...
John did not think that he would get a fair trial in the court system, which is where you come in.
John no creyó que conseguiría un juicio justo en el sistema judicial, y ahí es donde entras tú.
Now whether or not that is true, she was going to give us valuable intel on him.
Sea o no sea cierto, iba a darnos información valiosa de él.
is that you 2352
is that it 2484
is that so 1463
is that right 2297
is that your sister 22
is that your dog 17
is that okay with you 61
is that 1576
is that all you can say 40
is that all there is 18
is that it 2484
is that so 1463
is that right 2297
is that your sister 22
is that your dog 17
is that okay with you 61
is that 1576
is that all you can say 40
is that all there is 18
is that understood 245
is that your daughter 28
is that what you want 740
is that what this is 151
is that your car 43
is that all you got 152
is that a threat 163
is that all you care about 23
is that all you've got 42
is that what i think it is 170
is that your daughter 28
is that what you want 740
is that what this is 151
is that your car 43
is that all you got 152
is that a threat 163
is that all you care about 23
is that all you've got 42
is that what i think it is 170
is that a 177
is that what this is about 217
is that clear 774
is that better 164
is that all 744
is that possible 215
is that bad 219
is that him 366
is that all of it 17
is that her 187
is that what this is about 217
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is that better 164
is that all 744
is that possible 215
is that bad 219
is that him 366
is that all of it 17
is that her 187