Is that so hard tradutor Espanhol
792 parallel translation
Is that so hard, you idiots?
¡ Por qué no entiendes eso! ¡ Tonto estúpido!
Is that so hard to believe?
- ¿ Y usted se llama Jondrette?
Things like this Henrietta Lamb dance, now, is that so hard to bear?
Asuntos como el baile de Henrietta Lamb, ¿ son tan insufribles?
- Is that so hard?
- ¿ Tan difícil es?
- Is that so hard to understand?
- ¿ Es tan difícil entenderlo?
- Is that so hard to understand?
- ¿ Tan difícil es de entender?
Is that so hard to understand? I was scared.
Es muy simple, tenía miedo.
Is that so hard to understand?
¿ Acaso es tan difícil de entender?
Is that so hard?
¿ Es muy difícil?
Why is that so hard for you to believe?
¿ Por qué te cuesta tanto creerlo? No, te creo.
Is that so hard?
¿ Es tan difícil?
That is why I like to work so hard.
Es por eso que me gusta trabajar tan duro.
I see your point. People are so skeptical. Might be hard to grasp that the first lady is a witch.
Sí, te comprendo, la gente es escéptica no podrían creer que la primera dama del estado es una bruja
* Kissed so hard he raised a blister * * - What is that?
La besó tan fuerte que le hizo una ampolla. "
But the worst of it is that it's been so hard for him to have me along... because I've made him that way, too.
Para él ha resultado muy difícil tenerme a su lado. Porque he podido contagiarle.
Doctor, we are so fond of thee and we respect you so greatly. We assured that you will finally realize that realism untempered by sentiments of humanity... is really just a mean hard cold outlook on life. A frightened outlook.
Doctor, Ie queremos y Ie respetamos mucho, seguro que termina dándose cuenta de que eI realismo no templado por eI sentimiento y Ia humanidad resulta una actitud vital de Io más fría, algo que debe combatir.
Johnny, I know it's hard for you to understand but it just so happens that there is another you.
Johnny, sé que te cuesta entenderlo, pero resulta... que hay otro tú.
Maybe she should not be author, but is hard to give up something that has meant so much.
-... que significa tanto. - Estoy de acuerdo.
I know it's a hard thing to consider but we must be realistic. The Singleton stock, that you've inherited is largely worthless. The factory was mortgaged and so is the house.
Es difícil aceptarlo, pero hay que ser realista, las acciones Singleton no tienen ningún valor, la fábrica y la casa están hipotecadas.
The most amazing, heroic thing so far... is that this man, Charles Dunnigan, is a traffic cop - just one of New York's average, hard-working traffic cops.
Lo más asombroso y heroico de momento... es que este hombre, Charles Dunnigan, es un guardia de tráfico. Sólo es un guardia de tráfico corriente y trabajador de Nueva York.
Is it so hard to believe that I can still take an interest in you?
¿ Tanto cuesta de creer que pueda seguir interesándome por ti?
You have been unreal to me for so long it is hard to believe that all of this is not something I dreamed a long time ago
Has sido irreal durante tanto tiempo que es difícil creer que todo esto no es algo que soñé hace mucho tiempo
It's useless to say that that is not what I want. You are so hard.
De nada sirve que le diga que no es eso lo que quiero.
Sometimes it is so cold that the lakes and rivers freeze and the water becomes so hard that you can walk on it.
A veces es tan frío que los lagos y ríos se congelan y el agua se pone tan dura que se puede caminar en ella.
But is it so hard for you to believe that a man could fall in love with you?
¿ Le es tan difícil creer que alguien pueda amarla?
I was sure the serum would save her life but I never dream that it will restore her normal health so quickly It is hard to believe.
Estaba seguro de que se salvaría, pero no que se recuperaría tan rápido.
It is east of the mountain and west of the forest, and so large that you must press your neck hard against your back to see the battlements.
Está al este de la montaña y al oeste del bosque, y es tan grande que tienes que apretar el cuello contra tu espalda para ver el techo.
It is so hard, realizing that one has made such huge mistakes.
Es tan triste comprender que uno ha cometido tantos errores.
Why is it only in training that you punch so hard?
¿ Por qué tienes golpes fuertes solo durante entrenamientos?
The only surprise is that it took your people so long to find us when we were trying so hard to be found
Lo que me sorprende es que tardaran tanto en dar con nosotros.
If you don't destroy the pojector, he is going to believe that i... i, it's so hard...
Si no destruyes el proyector creerá que yo... yo, es tan duro...
What is there about you that makes you so hard to believe?
¿ Por qué resulta siempre tan difícil creer todo lo que dices?
I gave my eyes that look, with her hair loose medium and my tongue between my lips, going for him, savage brute! Ah, well I could still find someone to give me what I want so much, that is to have something hard inside. We no longer have the same chances we had before!
puse aquella mirada con el pelo un poco despeinado y la lengua asomando hacia él el muy bruto gracias a Dios que tengo a alguien que me da lo que necesito que da vida a mi corazón ya no hay nada que hacer no es como antes
- So you can't believe in god. - That is true... But it's kinda hard without him all of a sudden.
- Eso es verdad... se hace difícil.
But a restaurant worker, for instance, earns so many times less, though the work is hard. Is that fair?
Un camarero gana bastante menos, aunque no lo declare todo, pero el trabajo es muy duro, ¿ le parece justo?
It's hard to believe that something which is neither seen nor felt can do so much harm.
Cuesta creer que algo que no se ve ni se siente... -... pueda hacer tanto daño.
That's not so hard, is it? I love you, too.
No fue tan difícil, no es así?
You work hard, spend your whole life with this rabble... so that your son gets an education, and then he is unemployed.
Trabajas duro, y tienes que pasar toda la vida con esta gentuza... para que tu hijo reciba una educación, y para que entonces se encuentre sin empleo en casa.
To you this is so much bad land, rock, scrub desert, and then more rock, a hard land that the sun has sucked all the good out of.
Para ti, esta tierra es muy mala rocas, maleza, desierto y más rocas una tierra a la cual el sol le ha absorbido todo lo bueno que tenía.
The truth is first of all, that your head aches so badly, that you're having faint hearted thoughts of death,... and it's even hard for you to look at me.
La verdad es que en este momento te duele tanto la cabeza que piensas con terror en la muerte. Hasta te cuesta mirarme a la cara.
You have both learned so well that it is hard to choose between you.
Los dos habéis aprendido tan bien, que es difícil elegir entre ambos.
It saddens us that dialogue is so hard with the unions.
Nos entristece que el diálogo sea tan difícil con los sindicatos.
So, if that hard edge on the photograph is a bus, then this is the place to be, isn't it.
Entonces, si ese contorno en la en la fotografía es un ómnibus éste es el lugar donde debemos estar, ¿ no?
You know how it is, there work you so hard there. Is that a fact?
Ya sabes como es, habia trabajo duro alli.
That drive shaft is tapered so that, as the chain unwinds, the first parts inwind down here, where the hard work has to be done by the spring.
Este eje es ahusado, entonces, mientras la cadena se desenrolla, las primeras secciones se desenrollan aquí abajo, donde el resorte debe hacer el trabajo duro.
- What the fuck is so hard about that?
- ¿ Qué tiene eso de difícil?
You drove this fool crazy with that cinema of yours so every decent job is hard for him.
Has vuelto loco a este tonto, con ese cine tuyo. Cualquier trabajo decente es duro para él.
The reason why I am pushing you guys so hard, - is that I am hoping you guys will become tougher.
- El motivo por el que os trato con tanta dureza... -... es que intento haceros más fuertes.
It's hard to believe that this lady is so quick!
Es difícil creer que esta mujer es tan rápido!
Is that why we have worked so hard?
Es por esto que he trabajo tanto?
Is it so hard for you to admit that something's wrong there?
¿ Te cuesta tanto reconocer que algo anda mal allí?
is that so hard to believe 19
is that you 2352
is that it 2484
is that so 1463
is that right 2297
is that your dog 17
is that your sister 22
is that okay with you 61
is that 1576
is that all you can say 40
is that you 2352
is that it 2484
is that so 1463
is that right 2297
is that your dog 17
is that your sister 22
is that okay with you 61
is that 1576
is that all you can say 40
is that all there is 18
is that understood 245
is that your car 43
is that what you want 740
is that a threat 163
is that your daughter 28
is that all you got 152
is that what this is 151
is that all you've got 42
is that all you care about 23
is that understood 245
is that your car 43
is that what you want 740
is that a threat 163
is that your daughter 28
is that all you got 152
is that what this is 151
is that all you've got 42
is that all you care about 23
is that a 177
is that what i think it is 170
is that clear 774
is that what this is about 217
is that all 744
is that better 164
is that possible 215
is that bad 219
is that true 1272
is that her 187
is that what i think it is 170
is that clear 774
is that what this is about 217
is that all 744
is that better 164
is that possible 215
is that bad 219
is that true 1272
is that her 187