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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ P ] / Put that thing away

Put that thing away tradutor Espanhol

247 parallel translation
Put that thing away!
¡ Guarde eso!
- Put that thing away.
- Deja esa cosa.
You can put that thing away now, Watson.
Ya puede retirar eso, Watson. ¿ Dr. Tobel?
Put that thing away.
Guarde esa pistola.
Will you put that thing away before you put somebody's eye out?
Aparta eso antes de sacarle un ojo a alguien.
Now he sings "Pistol-Packin'Mama, Put That Thing Away."
Ahora canta "Mamá pistolera, guarda tu arma".
Now, put that thing away and get back on your Job!
- ¡ Guarde eso y vuelva al trabajo!
Will you put that thing away?
¿ Puedes guardar esa cosa?
And don't put that thing away, in case.
Y no te lleves eso, por si acaso.
Put that thing away.
Guarda eso.
Now will you put that thing away?
¿ Ahora apartarás eso?
Why don't you put that thing away?
¿ Por qué no guardas eso?
Put that thing away, boy.
Guarda eso.
Put that thing away, Linus!
¡ Aparta eso, Linus!
Why don't you put that thing away?
¿ Porqué no guardas esa cosa?
Just put that thing away.
Aleja esa cosa de mí.
Will you put that thing away!
¿ Quieres hacer el favor de guardar eso?
Now come on, now. Put that thing away.
Vamos, guarde esa cosa.
Put that thing away!
Llévate eso de aquí.
Put that thing away, Fendall.
Guarde eso, Fendall.
- Sulu, put that thing away.
- Sulu, guarde eso.
Put that thing away.
Guárdate ese chisme.
Why don't you put that thing away and lend me a smoke.
Guarda esa cosa y dame un cigarrillo.
Put that thing away. I don't want any trouble while she's here.
Guarda esa cosa. No quiero problemas mientras esté ella.
Bethel, put that thing away. Father Paul, I told you...
Guarda esa cosa.
Why don't you put that thing away, let me interview you for a change?
¿ Por qué no deja eso y lo entrevisto yo, para variar?
Put that thing away, Billy.
Guarda eso, Billy.
You've been trying to save my life, I realise that. Put that thing away.
Ha intentado salvarme la vida.
Put that thing away!
¡ Baja eso!
Just wanna ask you some questions. Put that thing away, will ya?
Sólo quiero preguntarte algo.
Put that thing away. Fast.
Guarda esa cosa, rápido.
Put that thing away, will you?
- Guarda eso, ¿ sí?
Put that thing away and help him, will you!
Guarda eso y ayúdalo, ¿ quieres?
Put that thing away.
Suelta esa cosa.
So you might as well put that thing away.
Así que será mejor que guarde eso.
Look, put that thing away.
Mira, guarda eso.
Put that thing away!
¡ Guarda eso!
Put that thing away!
¡ Guarden esa cosa!
And please put that thing away. You could hurt yourself.
Y por favor aleja esa cosa, te podrías hacer daño.
Why don't you put that thing away and show me your controls?
¿ Por qué no alejas esa cosa y me enseñas los controles?
Aren't you going to put that thing away?
¿ No vas a alejar esa cosa?
Will you put away that thing?
Deja esa cosa.
Put that silly thing away and get into bed, now.
Deja eso y métete en la cama.
Put away that thing, man.
Guarda eso.
- Put that silly little thing away.
- Guarde esa ridiculez.
Ruth, put that darn thing away.
Aquí llega. Ruth, guarda eso.
Put away this thing, how many times must I say that?
Guarda eso, ¿ Cuántas veces debo decirtelo?
There's only one thing left, and that's to put him away where his illness can't harm others.
Encerrarlo para que su enfermedad no pueda dañar a otros.
The shitty thing is that after you can never put it away.
Lo malo, ves, es que ya no la puedes soltar.
Put that thing away.
Why don't you just put that thing down and come and fold yourself up in my arms and I'll make all this crap go away, like it's never been.
POrque no bajas esa arma un poco. Yo borrare toda esta basura como si nunca hubiese pasado.

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