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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ P ] / Put that thing down

Put that thing down tradutor Espanhol

234 parallel translation
Now, put that thing down before someone gets hurt.
Suelte esa cosa antes de que alguien acabe lastimado. ¿ Hola?
Put that thing down.
Suelte esa cosa.
Only if you put that thing down.
- Pues baja eso.
Now, wait a minute. Now, put that thing down.
Haz caso a lo que te digo y suelta eso.
Will you put that thing down and be quiet.
Te están escuchando todos. Está el consejo.
Put that thing down and get out of here.
Baja eso y vete de aquí.
But if that guy runs out of fuel between here and the airport, I don't know where he'll put that thing down except in the middle of Market Street.
Pero si se queda sin combustible de aquí al aeropuerto, no sé dónde va a aterrizar... si no es en la calle Market.
Put that thing down, for Pete's sake.
Deja ese cubo en el suelo.
Look kid, put that thing down, it's liable to go off...
Mira, chico, bájala, o puede ser que se dispare...
Now put that thing down, Seymour, you might hurt yourself.
Baja el arma. Podrías hacerte daño.
Put that thing down!
Deje eso.
Put that thing down!
¡ Baja eso!
Clod, put that thing down.
Suelta eso, Zoquete.
- Blore, put that thing down.
- Blore, suelte eso.
Put that thing down, huh?
Baje eso, ¿ quiere?
Put that thing down!
Baja esa cosa!
You can put that thing down now.
Ahora puedes bajar el rifle.
Jo, put that thing down.
Jo, deja esa cosa.
So put that thing down.
Así que tira eso.
Boy, you better put that thing down.
Chico, será mejor que la bajes.
Why don't you just put that thing down and come and fold yourself up in my arms and I'll make all this crap go away, like it's never been.
POrque no bajas esa arma un poco. Yo borrare toda esta basura como si nunca hubiese pasado.
- Put that thing down.
- Baja eso.
- Put that thing down!
- ¡ Deja esa cosa!
- Put that thing down!
¡ Baja esa cosa!
Flagg, put that thing down.
Flagg, bájela.
Put that thing down!
¡ Suéltala!
What you doin'? Put that thing down!
- ¿ Qué está haciendo?
Put that thing down!
¡ Deja eso!
Oh, put that thing down!
- ¡ Baje ese cacharro!
Gus, put that thing down and sit up.
Gus, deja eso y siéntate un minuto.
For God's sake, Oz, put that thing down.
Por el amor de Dios, Oz, baja esa cosa.
Will you put that thing down? !
¡ Guarda eso!
Seriously, the only way out of here is for you to put that thing down.
En serio. Si quiere salir de aquí, lo mejor será bajar esa cosa.
Would you put that thing down and relax?
¿ Puedes dejar esa cosa y relajarte?
Put that thing down, Psycho, and we'll go for a test drive.
Baja eso, Loco, ytomemos un examen de manejo.
Yo, put that thing down.
Tú, baja esa cosa.
Put that stupid thing down!
Guarda esa estúpida cosa!
Father, please put that horrid thing down and listen.
Padre, deja ese horrible chisme y escúchame.
You put that ball in there. And then it goes down and around. Pull that thing.
Se mete esta bola por ahí baja rodando hasta aquí se aprieta esta palanca...
And self-sacrifice is a thing that should be put down by law.
El altruismo es algo que la ley debería suprimir.
I was saying to the wife, we did the right thing having him put down like that.
Le estaba diciendo a mi mujer que hemos hecho lo correcto haciéndolo así. - ¿ Qué?
- Will you put that bloody thing down?
- ¿ Te importa dejar esa puñetera cosa?
Then the simplest thing in the world for you to do is to put it down on paper that if any docker is redundant, you, the union that is, will call a national stoppage.
Muy bien. Entonces lo que debes hacer es la cosa más simple del mundo. Dejar asentado en un documento que si cualquier estibador es despedido, ustedes, y me refiero al sindicato, convocarán a una huelga nacional.
Put that confounded thing down, damn you.
Suelta ese maldito peine, condenada.
Tell him we're not poachers and put that god damn thing down.
Dile que no somos cazadores furtivos y baja ese puñetero chisme.
But the smell and stuff was so terrific... we'd even sit down in the evening time to our meal... and the only thing that hit your nostrils... wasn't that good piece of meat you were about to eat... or the vegetable... or the nice dessert that's put on your table.
Pero el olor y todo eso era tan repugnante... que nos sentábamos a la mesa a la hora de cenar... y lo único que llegaba a nuestras narices... no era el aroma de ese buen trozo de carne que íbamos a comer... o de las verduras... o del postre sabroso que estaba sobre la mesa.
Put that goddamn thing down before you hurt somebody with it.
Baja esa maldita cosa antes de que lastimes a alguien.
Put that thing in your pocket and sit down!
¡ Guarda eso en tu bolsillo y siéntate!
We came down to the studio and thought we'd put together a little thing... that you could take along with you on your trip.
Bajamos al estudio y pensamos que nos reunió una pequeña cosa... que se pueda tomar a lo largo de su viaje.
If you're not going to buy that thing put it down, or I'll blow your heads off!
¡ Si no van a comprar, dejen eso o les vuelo los sesos!
You put that thing away, put it down before you poke somebody's eye out.
Guarda esa cosa antes de que le saques un ojo a alguien.

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