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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ Q ] / Quiet laugh

Quiet laugh tradutor Espanhol

37 parallel translation
The quiet laugh of a wolf.
La silenciosa risa de un lobo.
He laughs with the quiet laugh of the wolf.
Se ríe, con la silenciosa risa de un lobo.
( quiet laugh ) And I would prefer not to put him through a trial.
Y preferiría no llevarlo a un juicio.
Oh... ( quiet laugh ) yeah.
Yeah. ( Quiet laugh )
( quiet laugh )
( Risa tranquila )
( quiet laugh ) How can you be mad at me?
¿ Cómo puedes estar enfadada conmigo?
( Quiet laugh ) Jamie's argument... is that there was a pattern of corruption.
El argumento de Jaime... es que ahí hay un patrón de corrupción.
Good afternoon. ( Quiet laugh )
Buenas tardes.
ALL : Hi, Sherlock. ( quiet laugh )
Hola, Sherlock.
( quiet laugh ) Yes.
Okay. ( quiet laugh )
Está bien.
( quiet laugh )
( risas tranquilo )
( quiet laugh ) A break would imply that I'm going back out there.
Un descanso implicaría que voy a volver ahí fuera.
Rachel... ( quiet laugh )
( quiet laugh ) okay?
¿ De acuerdo?
( quiet laugh )
( quiet laugh ) hi.
( quiet laugh )
( Risas tranquilo )
( quiet laugh )
( Risas silencioso )
I will get pregnant the old-fashioned way and carry her or - him... - [quiet laugh]
Me voy a embarazar de la manera antigua y yo la portaré a ella... o a él... hasta que nazca.
To laugh, or just be quiet with him.
Reírme o estar callada junto a él.
- But I didn't laugh! - Quiet!
¡ Pero si yo no me ha reído!
My little laugh was a kind one. I was merely curious in view of your quiet background. As to where you might have observed these mature and worldly passions.
Sólo tengo curiosidad, a la vista de su poca experiencia, por saber... dónde ha observado todas esas pasiones mundanas que tan bien describe Ud.
Do me a favour! Be quiet, before people laugh at you!
Pero, hágame el favor de callarse, porque hace reír lo que dice.
I bet they laugh at us sometimes, on the quiet, eh?
Apuesto a que se ríen de nosotros, a escondidas, ¿ eh?
( Boys laugh ) ( Yells ) Quiet!
Later on, in the quiet and safety of some delicatessen, we can write a biting satire and expose all their foibles and have a great, big laugh.
Más tarde, en la tranquilidad y seguridad de un café, podemos escribir una sátira mordaz, exponer todas las manías y reírnos mucho.
If he wants some little quiet wallflower to cook him dinner and laugh at his jokes, he can go look somewhere else for that.
Si quiere una pequeña y silenciosa flor salvaje que le cocine y se ría de sus bromas, puede ir a buscar a alguien más.
( quiet laugh ) Dr. Allison Fuller?
¿ Doctora Allison Fuller?

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