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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ S ] / Show them to me

Show them to me tradutor Espanhol

445 parallel translation
Monsieur, would you be good enough to show them to me once more?
Monsieur... ¿ tendría la amabilidad de mostrármelas una vez más?
Gonna show them to me Sunday.
Me los va a enseñar el domingo.
Possibly, Olivia's too Tired to show them to me. Nonsense.
Seguramente Olivia está demasiado cansada para enseñármelas.
¿ Por qué no me las enseñaste?
I asked him, "Show them to me."
Le pedí que me los enseñara.
May the young lady show them to me?
- ¿ Podría mostrármelos la señorita?
If you have any credentials, please don't show them to me.
Si tiene credenciales, no me las enseñe.
Please, show them to me.
Enséñamelas, por favor.
Show them to me from far away!
¡ Deja que la vea de lejos!
To tell you the truth, I was hoping you'd show them to me.
A decir verdad, esperaba que usted me las enseñara.
Show them to me.
I'll help you if you show them to me.
Te ayudaré si me las muestras.
You must show them to me.
Debes enseñármelos.
Show them to me once more and I'll bash them in.
¡ Como vuelva a vértelos, te daré con esto!
- Show them to me from a distance - I will, Zbyszko
- Me los mostrarás de lejos.
Then show them to me.
Show them to me.
To the bastards that have looked down on me my earnest sincerity with a bloody, mighty rule, I'll show them!
Para esos bastardos que me han ignorado hasta ahora... mi honesta sinceridad... con mi sangriento poder e influencia... será vista por todos.
Yeah, come here and let me show them to you.
Sí, vengan aquí y permítanme mostrárselas.
Well, I have a luncheon engagement at 12 : 00, but if you want to show them to someone, I'd be glad to leave them here.
Tengo una cita para comer a las 12, pero si quiere enseñárselas a alguien, me encantaría dejárselas.
- I'll tell you what, get him to show you the light, him and the other fellow. - Do you want me to them there?
Pídele que te enseñe el faro junto al otro tipo.
I sure would like to be in them river towns and see your show.
Me encantaría estar en los pueblos del río... y ver vuestro espectáculo.
where all the mistress sits with their pipe and I'll show myself and my son to all of them.
Y me presentaré a mí misma y a mi hijo a todo el mundo.
I'd just love to show them to you.
Me encantaría enseñártelas.
You wanted to show them that you approved of me.
Usted ha querido mostrarles que me aprobaba.
You can show them both to me in Los Angeles.
Pueden mostrarme ambos en Los Ángeles.
I'd like to show them the laboratory notes, Richard.
Me gustaría enseñarles las notas del laboratorio, Richard.
Remind me to show you the rest of them sometime.
- Otro día le enseñaré el resto.
The younger man asked me if I'd show them the way to the brook.
El más joven me pidió que les mostrara el camino al arroyo.
Then, when you've finished your drink, you can take me home and I'll show them to you.
Pues cuando te acabes la copa puedes llevarme a casa... y te los enseñaré.
I'll show them, these pasty-faced aristocrats. I am not my mother, to be sent away and turned into an ugly, broken-hearted woman and made an exile even after she was dead.
Demostraré a esos aristócratas de cara pálida que no me echarán como a mi madre para convertirme en una horrible mujer y hacer del exilio la muerte.
I would like to show them to you sometime in a good light.
Me gustaría mostrártelos cuando haya mejor luz.
I like to show them once to all of you.
Me gustaría mostrárselos algún día.
That's silly, if there was any such place I'd made them show it to me But oh..
Si hubiera un lugar así, los habría obligado a decírmelo.
But I would like a chance just to show them I'm not through yet.
Pero me gustaría demostrar que no estoy acabado.
I wear them to dance and to show myself but I feel afraid in shoes
Me los pongo para bailar y para que la gente los vea pero siento miedo con ellos
I'll show you respect in front of the whole tribe, when I ask them to free me from your name, my husband who wasn't a husband!
¡ Mi marido no era un marido!
- one tree in the background. - Show them to me, Jonathan.
El E-I no tiene ninguna pintura con el menos 1 árbol de profundamente.
Of course you can. Let me show them to you.
- Por supuesto, se los diré yo.
Because I married you against everybody's advice. I don't want to look like a fool and show them they were right.
Porque me casé en contra de lo que opinaban todos y no quiero ahora demostrarles que tenían razón.
Let me show them to you.
Déjeme enseñárselas.
I'm going to show them what you've taught me.
Voy a demostrarles lo que me ha enseñado.
You won't be able to show your face in this entire city... If you don't give me a divorce. How do you like them apples?
- No podrás dar la cara en esta ciudad si no me das el divorcio. ¿ Qué te parece eso?
I'm entitled to show them what I can do with it, but they won't even give me that.
Tengo derecho a mostrarles lo que puedo hacer, pero ni siquiera me dejan.
¤ Looking at them I think I can guess... ¤ which one of them steals away my heart,... ¤ and ask that they show me a way... ¤ to send this song up my star.
# Mirándolas parece que adivino # Cuál es la que me roba el corazón, # y pido que me enseñen un camino # que lleve hasta mi estrella esta canción.
Why didn't I think to show this to them?
¿ Porqué no se me ocurrió mostrarles esto?
Don't raise your voice, Fordyce, if you really want to show them mercy.
No me suba la voz, Fordyce, si de verdad quiere mostrarles compasión.
I promise to defend them and to show them favour, as I defend and show favour to those who were ever loyal to me.
Prometo defenderles y favorecerles al igual que a los que me guardaron lealtad.
I travelled with them from village to village, from town to town, I joined their show and did everything, but for one thing that I was not allowed to do :
Viajé con ellos de villorio en villorio, de pueblo en pueblo, me uní a su show e hice de todo, salvo una cosa que no se me permitía hacer :
I called out to them. And, uh, i expected that they would show themselves, at which point they said that they were going to kill me.
Los llamé... y esperé a que se mostraran pero dijeron que me matarían.
I'm going to show them there.
¡ La que me aguarda!

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