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Show yourself tradutor Espanhol

1,526 parallel translation
Show yourself.
Show yourself, you coward!
¡ Muéstrate, cobarde!
Show yourself and say what you want!
¡ Sal y di qué quieres!
Show yourself!
¡ Adelante!
I suggest you show yourself with three things up in the air :
Sugiero que te muestres con tres cosas en el aire :
Show yourself!
¡ Muéstrese!
But you can't bear to show yourself naked with me.
Pero tú nunca te mostrarse desnuda conmigo
You need to show yourself back to your table, Big Dog.
Y tú tienes que volver a tu mesa, grandulón.
You go into these rooms and... you audition and you have to show yourself and... these people don't like you and it's like you can't... you can't be yourself because you're always being judged.
Entras en ellos y... audicionas y debes mostrarte a ti misma y... no le gustas a esta gente y es como si no pudieras ser tu misma y siempre serás juzgada.
Show yourself, demon!
Muéstrate, demonio!
You dare show yourself here?
¿ Cómo te atreves a aparecer aquí?
Mr. Buffalo could you show yourself please.
Sr. Búfalo podría por favor presentarse
Show yourself.
¡ Muéstrese!
Show yourself.
The opportune time to show yourself which nears.
Al momento oportuno para que aparezcas Lo que se aproxima
Colonel Walter, show yourself!
Coronel Walter. ¡ Muéstrese!
If you can't give her that, then show yourself out.
Si no puedes dárselo, entonces vete.
Show yourself or die
Salid ahora y nadie morirá.
Come out, show yourself!
Sal, ¡ dejate ver!
Show yourself immediately or I'll call a servant!
¡ Salga enseguida o llamo a uno de los criados!
If you show yourself as an unworthy queen, The love of your people can become very despicable.
Si te muestras como una reina indigna, el amor de tu pueblo puede volverse fácimente despreciable.
You are afraid to show yourself.
Tienes miedo de mostrarte.
Show yourself, you ugly bastard!
¿ Dónde estas bastardo feo?
This is the police. You're on the tower, show yourself!
Es la policia, si estan en la torre deben salir.
Don't fool around and show yourself!
¡ Deje de jugar y aparezca de una vez!
- Show yourself!
- ¡ Aparezca!
Show yourself! - Show yourself!
¡ Aparezca!
Show yourself!
- ¡ Aparezca!
Show yourself!
Sal de ahí.
Step forward and show yourself!
¡ Da un paso al frente y muéstrate!
Show yourself!
¡ Muéstrate!
Ji-woo, show yourself! Ji-woo, show yourself!
¡ Ji-woo, sal de allí!
Stop it and show yourself. Stop it and show yourself.
Sal de una vez.
I will shoot him in the head if you don't show yourself immediately.
Le dispararé en la cabeza si no se muestra inmediatamente. - ¡ Curtis!
If anyone's in here, show yourself now!
¡ Si hay alguien ahí dentro, salga ahora mismo!
I thought, seeing all the hospitality you " ve enjoyed courtesy or Lee... that when his number one fan came down... you might show him gratitude by paying the bill yourself.
Pensé, viendo la hospitalidad de que ha disfrutado, cortesía de Lee que cuando su fan número uno se retirara querría mostrar su gratitud pagando la cuenta usted.
Before you finally commit yourself let me show you round.
Antes de que se decida, le enseñaré nuestro sanatorio.
Unfortunately, a man in my position is expected to entertain young and attractive ladies like yourself. Because in this world, if I were to invite who I desired I would undoubtedly find myself without a home, let alone a television show.
Por desgracia, se supone que un hombre de mi posición ha de salir con chicas jóvenes y guapas como tú porque en este mundo, si invitara a quien yo quisiera al día siguiente me vería sin casa y, por supuesto, sin programa.
You wore her clothes padded yourself out to show her gain in weight.
Ud. llevaba su ropa, se puso relleno para imitar el aumento de peso.
When you can fold it all by yourself, you come show me first.
Cuando puedas doblarlo sola, ven a mostrármelo.
Show yourself.
¡ Hágase ver!
Show yourself!
¡ Hágase ver!
Don't second - guess yourself. Every time we tighten the search grids, more bills show up.
Cada vez que reducimos el área a buscar, más billetes aparecen, sé paciente.
Show such mercy to every man that deserts Pompey, you will pauperize yourself.
Si le demuestras tanta piedad a cada hombre que deserte a Pompeyo, quedarás pobre.
- You're making a show of yourself. Go indoors.
- Verónica, estas exagerando.
- That's your show Jack, you just found yourself a co-host! What?
Encontraste una coanimadora.
Show yourself.
Quién ha hecho eso?
hes such a show off, what an idiot mao, isnt that yourself?
que idiota. no es que tú sientes algo?
You gotta center yourself, and you gotta march back in there... and you show them who's the boss.
Céntrate y regresa ahí y muéstrales quién es el jefe.
And sometimes you can even convince yourself that he'll see the light and show up at your door.
A veces te convences de que él va a ver su error y aparecerse.
You'll have to defend yourself. Then everyone will know. Go ahead, show them what you can do.
Tendrán que pelar conmigo, así todos lo verán, muestren lo que saben hacer.

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