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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ T ] / The hospital called

The hospital called tradutor Espanhol

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The hospital called up a little while ago.
Llamaron del Hospital hace un rato.
Yes, I wasn't here 20 minutes when the hospital called.
Sí, no llevaba aquí ni 20 minutos cuando han llamado del hospital.
Uh, Lieutenant. The hospital called. And, uh, she didn't make it.
Teniente, el hospital ha llamado... y no ha sobrevivido.
When the hospital called, I was so upset.
Cuando me llamaron del hospital, me puse tan nerviosa...
The hospital called an hour ago.
Llamaron del hospital hace una hora.
Somebody called up, wanted to know if this was the maternity hospital.
Era alguien que preguntaba si el hospital de maternidad era aquí.
Mr Durrell called, and a Mr Wilson. And Miss Heath from the hospital.
Ha llamado el señor Durell, el señor Wilson, y la señorita Heath desde el hospital.
So he called right away, and they rushed me to the hospital.
Hizo una llamada y me llevaron de inmediato al hospital.
We called the hospital and they knew nothing at all about it.
Llamamos al hospital y no sabían nada de la consulta.
The one in which we were to spend most of our time was called the "hospital lateral".
Uno, por el que íbamos a pasar Se usó como "hospital lateral".
What is it called, the story?
¿ Cómo se llama el cuento? Se llama : "Mamá y el Hospital".
It's called, "Mama and the Hospital." - You...
- Tú... ¿ Escribiste sobre mamá?
I called the hospital.
Hablé con el hospital.
A fellow called Harbin, a medical orderly at the General Hospital.
Se llama Harbin, un enfermero del Hospital General.
She's an older edition of her daughter. A nurse out at the hospital, called Julie Benson.
Me imagino que es una versión madura de su hija,... una enfermera del hospital llamada Julie Benson.
- Who called from the hospital? - His lawyer.
- ¿ Quién llamó del hospital?
He was called to the hospital because of the bombings.
Lo movilizaron en el hospital a causa de los bombardeos.
Oh, a fella named Ray Diker called up while you were in the hospital.
Un tipo llamado Ray Diker llamó cuando estabas en el hospital.
I called the hospital from the airport.
Llamé al hospital desde el aeropuerto.
Mimi has called from the hospital.
Mimi ha llamado desde el hospital.
I called your home, but your mother wasn't there Do you want to call at the hospital?
He llamado a tu casa, pero no había nadie ¿ Quieres que llame al hospital?
So when Julian came home he told us yours and said that Anna was going to have the best room of the hospital and who had called to the great Dr. Clash of Philadelphia and that she was already on a plane on the way here.
Así que cuando Julian vino a casa nos contó lo vuestro y dijo que Anna iba a tener la mejor habitación del hospital y que había llamado al gran Dr. Clash de Filadelfia y que ya estaba en un avión de camino hacia aquí.
You were called in to the hospital to attend Pilar Artiguez mother of Manuel Artiguez.
Se le pidió que vaya al hospital para atender a Pilar Artíguez madre de Manuel Artíguez.
The town's called Dubovo. hospital number...
La ciudad de Dúbovo, en el hospital número...
In that hotel in the mountain, when they called us to tell that Hiroshi was at the hospital I thought I received the punishment from God
En ese hotel de la montaña, cuando llamaron para decirnos que Hiroshi estaba en el hospital, creí que era un castigo de Dios.
The hospital just called. His condition is no longer critical.
Han llamado del hospital.
You never even called him at the hospital.
Ni siquiera le llamó al hospital.
We called them just before we left the house and they said they'd meet us here at the maternity hospital.
Los llamamos antes de salir. Dijeron que irían al hospital de maternidad. - ¿ Maternidad?
When we called the hospital, they had no record of any such ambulance.
Hablamos al hospital y no tenían registrada dicha ambulancia.
I've been associated with this hospital for six years... and yesterday afternoon, Dr. Gilley called me... to tell me he was cutting off my privileges with the hospital.
Estuve trabajando en este hospital por seis años... y ayer en la tarde, me llamó el Dr. Gilley... para decirme que acababa con mis privilegios en el hospital.
I called the hospital, the police...
He telefoneado a todos los hospitales, a la comisaría...
Dr. Jalnik called from the hospital.
El Dr. Jalnik llamó del hospital.
When we saw it was all empty, we called the hospital and got your current number.
llamamos al hospital y conseguimos tu nuevo número.
I called the hospitals.
¡ Llamé al hospital!
Salerno had its first big success as a medieval mash, you know, crusaders stopping off on their way back for repairs, and then moving on to tell the folks at home all about this amazing, new thing called'curing people'.
Salerno tuvo su primer gran éxito como hospital de campaña medieval, se sabe, cruzados haciendo una parada en su camino de regreso para reparaciones, y luego movilizándose para contarle a su gente en casa todo sobre esta increíble y nueva cosa llamada'curar a la gente'.
Sir, the 121 st Evac just called, and Dr. Monroe up there just operated on your spinal patient.
El 1 21 ° Hospital de Evacuación llamó... y el Dr. Monroe acaba de operar a tu paciente.
I called the hospital.
Llamé al hospital.
He has been called to the asylum.
Lo han llamado del hospital.
When I was in the hospital, the President of this community college in Northern California called me and he asked me to go out and teach.
Cuando estaba en el hospital, El presidente de una comunidad universitaria al norte de California me llamó Y me pidió que fuera a enseñar lo mío.
Then Margit called and told me to be brave. Because she had broke her leg, and she had to go to the hospital.
Margie me llamó para decirme que fuera valiente, porque se rompió la pierna y tiene que ir al hospital.
The hospital just called.
- Han llamado del hospital.
Excuse me, they called from the hospital to say my mother Was bad.
Perdone. Me han llamado del hospital, que mi madre está mal.
- I called an ambulance to take her to the mental hospital.
Llamé una ambulancia para que la lleven al hospital mental. Estarán aquí en cualquier momento.
Someone called Carol McDermott at the hospital.
Alguien llamó a Carol McDermott al hospital.
Then you called her at the hospital and arranged to - to what?
Entonces llamaste al hospital y planeaste qué sé yo.
Elliot called me at the hospital, said there was something very important he had to talk to me about.
Elliot me llamó al hospital. Dijo que tenía que hablar conmigo de un asunto muy importante.
So I called Mr. Danner immediately then drove to the hospital, I got my head stitched up then went back to the hotel.
Así que llamé al Sr. Danner immediatamente luego me dirigí al hospital, suturaron mi cabeza después volví al hotel.
He's heavy...! and a group of hooligans called the Clowns picked a fight with you. which is why eight Clown members are now in the hospital.
¡ Que pesado! Bien, tú y tus amigos salieron por la noche.... .. en sus motocicletas para visitar a su madre moribunda.
He died in the emergency room at Roosevelt Hospital once called the guiding spirit of the Beatles, dead tonight at the age of 40.
Murió en la sala de emergencia del Hospital Roosevelt... el llamado guía espiritual de los Beatles, murió a los 40 años.
I asked the hospital, it's called...
En el hospital me dijeron que se llama...
He called his daughter and son-in-law, and they took him to the hospital.
Llamó a su hija y a su yerno y lo llevaron al hospital. ¿ Y el tupé qué?

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