There were tradutor Espanhol
57,017 parallel translation
No, I'm saying there were two guns one of which is still missing just like Jenna Marshall and Mary Drake.
No, estoy diciendo que había dos pistolas una de las cuales aún está en paradero desconocido como Jenna Marshall y Mary Drake.
Oh, I didn't realize there were two of you.
No sabía que había dos.
There were no accidents with Noel.
Con Noel no había accidentes.
I mean, if there's any bright side to Dr. Kupps being the one they sent, she's the absolute last person who would conclude there were... You know, in Seattle.
Si hay un lado bueno de que mandaran a la Dra. Kupps, es que es la última persona que llegaría a la conclusión de que hay... ya sabes qué en Seattle.
When you destroyed the City of Light, there were a thousand Azgeda warriors inside the city of Polis.
Cuando destruiste la Ciudad de la Luz, había un millar de guerreros de Azgeda en la ciudad de Polis.
Well, I thought there were no Barons in your perfect new world, only free women and men.
Bueno, creía que en tu nuevo mundo perfecto no había lugar para Barones, solo para hombres y mujeres libres.
There were moving parts.
Había elementos al azar.
There were some dark moments.
Hubo algunos momentos oscuros.
But the medical examiner testified that there were no other injuries.
Pero la forense testificó que no había otra heridas.
It's all there were.
- Es todo lo que había.
There were doubters out there, we know that.
Había escépticos por ahí, lo sabemos.
There were two of you.
Había dos tús.
There were a few disturbances, and it's better to be safe than sorry.
Hubo algunos altercados y es mejor prevenir que lamentar.
- In the'90s, there were the riots, the Northridge earthquakes, OJ.
En los noventa, fueron los disturbios, los terremotos de Northridge y OJ.
I think there were about six.
Creo que eran seis. ¿ Seis?
I just wish there were a way that he could stay in town.
Desearía que hubiera una manera de que se quedara en la ciudad.
And cops would kind of like it if there were less people out there with guns.
Y a los policías les gustaría más que hubiera menos gente con armas allá afuera.
- And there were these strange symbols.
Y hubo símbolos extraños.
There were no witnesses.
No hay testigos.
I spent every single one of those nights fighting against those chains... If there were a way out,
Pasé cada una de esas noches luchando contra esas cadenas...
I was back at the lake, drowning, and... there were these two swords coming at me.
Estaba de vuelta en el lago, ahogándome, y... había dos espadas que venían hacia mí.
There were witnesses.
Hubo testigos.
Why were you even down there?
¿ Por qué estabas allí?
I was there behind the door when you were begging her to let you in.
Yo estaba detrás de la puerta cuando tú le suplicabas que te dejara entrar.
I'm gonna find out once and for all what you were really doing there.
Voy a descubrir de una vez por todas qué hacías realmente allí.
They were gonna eat my lunch down there, pretty boy like me.
Allí iban a abusar de un niño bonito como yo.
And when I went back down there, she and her mercenaries were snacking on Rob Thomas'brain.
Y cuando volví ahí abajo, ella y sus mercenarios estaban comiendo del cerebro de Rob Thomas.
You were there.
Tú estabas allí.
Yeah, because you were sleeping with your best friend over there.
Sí, porque te acostabas con tu mejor amiga.
'Cause you were there, and so were you.
Porque tú estabas allí y tú también estabas.
We had good intel that rip and the hostages were in there.
Teníamos información segura de que Rip y los rehenes estaban allí.
Who were you there for?
¿ Por qué estabas allí?
They were just really worried about how I lost my mind up there on the altar.
Estaban muy preocupados por cómo se me fue la cabeza en el altar.
Yeah, but everyone were on at me to go out there and say something.
Sí, pero todo el mundo estaba sobre mí para que saliera... - y dijera algo.
There's a rumour she were at Craig's uncle's.
Hay un rumor de que estaba con el tío de Craig.
If you were telling the truth, there would be only one account, would there not?
Si estuviera diciendo la verdad, sólo habría un relato, ¿ verdad?
Julie and me were sat there in t'back of t'car willing her to admit t'truth.
Julie y yo estábamos sentadas en la parte trasera del coche... esperando que ella estuviera dispuesta a admitir la verdad.
No one even knew you were there.
Nadie sabía que estabais allí.
Now, if you weren't you... and you were just some other patient, I would say that you lack insight, but I know there's more you're keeping from me.
Ahora, si no fueras tú y fueras cualquier paciente, diría que careces de introspección. Pero sé que me estás ocultando cosas.
She would not do any good if she was there when you were inside.
No serviría de mucho que estuviera afuera y tú adentro.
I was sure we were all going to die there.
Estaba segura de que todos íbamos a morir.
You were moving pretty slow there.
Te movías muy lentamente.
My point is, if any vampire were to find out, there'd be a bullseye on your carotid artery.
Lo que quiero decir es que si se enterara algún vampiro, habría una diana en tu arteria carótida.
Of course, we were stuck there all day.
Claro que tuvimos que estar ahí todo el día.
Hey, did you notice last night, there was a point where I was spooning you and then you were spooning Grandpa?
¿ Te diste cuenta de que anoche te abracé, y después tú abrazaste a Abuelo?
Yeah. Well, you were up there a long time.
Estuviste arriba un buen rato.
How many were there?
¿ Cuántos chicos habían?
There have been juniors that were allowed to start their senior project early, and if he builds the tree house in a park or playground, he could apply for some of ABCC's community outreach budget and he can fund raise through the school.
Ha habido estudiantes de secundaria que comenzaron antes su proyecto de grado, y si construye la casa del árbol en un parque o área de juego, podrían darle la extensión económica de la comunidad de ABCC y levantar fondos por medio de la escuela.
A little while ago, I worried to John... That the personal connections that I had were making me vulnerable because as long as there are people in my life that I care for, I have to be something else to protect them.
Hace poco tiempo, preocupaba a John... que las conexiones personales que tenía me estuvieran haciendo vulnerable, porque mientras haya personas en mi vida por las que me preocupe, tendré que ser algo más para protegerlas.
Growing up you were always there for me, you, always had my back with mom, and when everything went to shit I should've been there for you.
Siempre estuviste presente para mi, apoyando a mi madre, y cuando todo se fue... a la mierda, tendria que haber estado contigo.
- You were there.
- Tú estabas ahí.
there were none 18
there were two of them 39
there were over 22
there were no survivors 16
there were two 42
there were three of them 19
there were only 25
there were complications 24
there were three 17
there were witnesses 20
there were two of them 39
there were over 22
there were no survivors 16
there were two 42
there were three of them 19
there were only 25
there were complications 24
there were three 17
there were witnesses 20
there were no witnesses 29
there were others 52
were 205
werewolf 58
were you there 127
were you not 46
were you talking to me 24
were you alone 34
were you here 16
were you sleeping 48
there were others 52
were 205
werewolf 58
were you there 127
were you not 46
were you talking to me 24
were you alone 34
were you here 16
were you sleeping 48
were they 152
were you drunk 20
were you waiting for me 17
were you 840
were you aware of that 16
weren't they 183
were you hurt 19
were you close 42
werewolves 74
were you surprised 19
were you drunk 20
were you waiting for me 17
were you 840
were you aware of that 16
weren't they 183
were you hurt 19
were you close 42
werewolves 74
were you surprised 19