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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ T ] / They're all good

They're all good tradutor Espanhol

492 parallel translation
They're all in good hands.
Todas en manos firmes.
And all those people who tell about the good things I've done, they're fakes too.
Y todas esas personas que dicen sobre las cosas buenas que he hecho, son falsas también.
- Where are your good clothes? - They're all gone.
¿ De dónde has sacado esa manta para caballos?
Oh, they're rotten. They're no good at all.
Están podridas, son inútiles.
Kid, if they ask me, I'll have to tell them you're all pretty good. Ha-ha.
Si me pregunta, le diré que todos sois malos.
That's all they're good for.
Solamente sirven para eso.
Coged la escalera y bajadla.
Mess deck bulkheads are being shored up. It looks as if they're all right. But there's a good deal of damage aft.
La segunda cubierta está OK, pero hay muchas lesiones en la popa.
For now they lie all together with the ship we loved, and they're in very good company.
Ahora ellos duermen con el barco que amamos... y van a estar en muy buena compañía.
They're not gonna look so good all empty either.
Tampoco lucirá bien si están vacías.
They're all good children.
Son todas buenas muchachas.
That's all they're good for now.
Eso es para lo único que sirven ahora.
- They're all good.
- Son todos buenos.
We are happy to have him here with us, because he provided another incident... which reaffirms our belief that all men are good if they're shown the light.
Estamos contentos de tenerle aquí porque representa nuestra creencia de que todos Ios hombres son buenos si ven Ia luz.
- They're all good boys at heart.
- Todos son buenos niños.
If they're good for the mother-in-law... isn't it all the same soup?
Mientras le vayan bien a la suegra, todo irá sobre ruedas.
All those speeches, those cries were bought against you. I said, it means they're innocent, they're good people.
- Aquellos discursos, aquellos gritos pagados contra vosotros, he dicho, esto quiere decir que son inocentes,
Well, that's not good baseball percentage, but they're going all the way with Monty.
Bueno, no tiene buen porcentaje, pero van a por todas con Monty.
They're all good strong climbers, Sheriff.
Son muy buenos, sheriff.
They're all good people who care for him but... they wouldn't compromise themselves.
Es toda buena gente, le aprecian mucho, pero... no quieren comprometerse.
they're good people after all!
¡ Tranquila, en el fondo es buena gente!
They're no good at all.
El vidrio :
We have fougère, rose-scented and soap with l'eau de Cologne, they're all of good quality!
Tenemos la fougère, jabón a la rosa y jabón de eau de Cologne, ¡ de muy buena calidad!
- Once upon a time, they're all good Yankees now.
Lo fueron, ahora son yanquis.
And I recommend, my good friends, that you should start thinking about what you're going to the Americans for, because I'm giving you my word of honor that they'll remain a great amount of time here, spending all their money!
¡ Y yo recomiento, mis queridos amigos, pensar en qué pediréis a los americanos, porque doy mi palabra de honor que se quedarán mucho tiempo gastando el dinero que traen!
- Very good. - They're all assembled.
- Si han terminado con los negocios...
Those herds aren't any good, they're all horns and bone.
Las manadas no son lo que eran antes. Están puro huesos.
We're basing all our strength of faith in the good of our community hoping someday that they will rise up and throw off this ugly reputation it has... Our town has had for the past 100 years.
Basamos toda la fuerza de nuestra fe en la bondad de nuestra comunidad esperando que, algún día, se levanten y se deshagan de la horrenda reputación que tiene que nuestro pueblo ha tenido durante 100 años.
They're just no good, that's all.
- No saben bien, nada más.
( Dovitch ) They're all good models.
- Buenas modelos.
Beware of all those who don't know, what the key to the truth is, They say that you're not good, and they could compare you to the lily.
# Mira que todo el que no sabe cuál es la llave de la verdad, # dicen que no eres buena y a la azucena te pudieran comparar.
Her fingerprints are all over that car, and there's a good chance they're on the body too.
Sus huellas dactilares están en el auto... y, posiblemente, también en el cuerpo.
They're all good guys, all friends. You'll see, you'll see!
Todos son buena gente y buenos amigos. ¡ Ya lo verás!
Well, they may make noise, keep the pirates confused. That's about all they're good for.
Quizá hagan ruido y asusten a los piratas, pero poco más.
They're — They're all good pipers, sir.
Son todos buenos gaiteros, señor.
Yes, they're all very good friends. I never led any of them on.
Sí, los considero a todos muy buenos amigos... pero nunca les he dado ninguna esperanza de otro tipo.
Oh, they're good for a laugh, all right.
Para reírte un rato no están mal.
- They're all good or bad, depending on whether the stars are aligned in a positive or negative way.
Todo depende de si las conjunciones de los astros son benéficas o no.
They're all good ones.
Todas son buenas.
Anyone, after all, they're all good.
Cualquiera, si al final son todos buenos.
All good people, you know, my competition, they're always trying to put me out of business, but never quite manage it!
Sí, pase. Pase usted, pase.
All they're good for is making love.
Sólo sirven para hacer el amor.
I feel sorry for people who don't drink, Dork, because when they get up in the morning, that's as good as they're gonna feel all day.
Lo siento por los que no beben, Dork, porque tal como se levantan, es como van a estar el resto del día.
They're all good, as long as they're in Switzerland.
Todos son buenos, siempre que estén en Suiza.
But they're all good men, very fine.
Pero estos son todos los hombres buenos.
They're all good.
Son todos buenos.
- All they're good for is regularity.
- Sólo sirven para el estreñimiento.
He has terrible mottos written all over his walls like : "If a good soldier dies with his boots on, rest assured they're polished."
Tiene lemas terribles en sus paredes, como "Si un soldado muere con las botas puestas, seguramente las tendrá limpias."
" I mean, after all, they're not doing anyone any good lying around in the top drawer.
Después de todo, a nadie le sirven de nada metidas en el cajón.
They're not good for you at all.
Nada buena.
We know all about them, I know everything, because I am psychic, I read their fucking minds, and they're no good, they're money-changers, Judases, and that's all.
Sabemos todo de ellos, o por lo menos yo sé todo, porque soy psíquico, leo sus mentes jodidos, y no son buenos, son mercaderes, son unos Judas, y eso es todo.

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