They come to me tradutor Espanhol
2,122 parallel translation
Kids get sick, they come to me, I take care of them.
Los niños se enferman, vienen a verme, yo los cuido.
I'm like a guru- - they come to me for help, and I gently guide them along the path to truth and wisdom.
Soy como un gurú. Vienen a mí buscando ayuda, y yo, amablemente, les guío por el camino de la verdad y la sabiduría.
I take women as they come to me. Oh, that's - -
Yo voy a las mujeres como ellas vienen a mi
From now on, they come to me.
De ahora en más, ellos vienen a mí.
Bang! , right up, right from the start when they come to me... I pretend I'm more psycho than they are you know, get them off guard.
Desde el primer momento, cuando llegan a mi me mostraría más psicópata que ellos y me apartaría del papel de guardia.
The kids called and they told me to come over right away.
¿ Qué? Los chicos me llamaron y me dijeron que viniera de inmediato.
They're proud to have me come to their school for career day.
Se enorgullecen de que vaya a su escuela el día de las profesiones.
I told you, if anyone tries to come near me they'll explode it.
- Si alguien intenta entrar la explotarán.
They always come to me.
Siempre acuden a mí.
They want to come in. Send a TV crew and it's over.
Que me manden un periodista, y terminara
Yeah, but before they do, I will come up with an idea that will save the company millions, and they'll be forced to promote me.
Sí, pero antes de que lo hagan, se me ocurrirá una idea que le ahorrará millones a la compañía, y tendrán que ascenderme.
I come home and my parents close the windows and blinds because they don't want the neighbors to see me tic.
Mis padres cierran las ventanas y corren las persianas Para que los vecinos no se quejen.
As head of the dynasty, they should come to me!
- ¡ Soy el cabeza de la dinastía, deberían venir a mí!
Y ellos me dijeron que tenia que venir aquí personalmente.
I thought that they'd... I didn't even have the courage to come in.
Ni siquiera me he atrevido a entrar.
I believe that they are using you to come to me.
Creo que te están usando para llegar a mí.
I'm going to run through the mangrove, and when they come after me, you go running to her house.
Voy a correr a través de los pantanos, y cuándo vengan por mí, corres a su casa.
Come to think of it, the pants that I'm wearing, they don't have pockets.
Ahora que lo pienso, los pantalones que me pondré no tienen bolsillos.
It surprised me in my clinical years that nobody was interested in the patients'diets when I spoke to my profs, they weren't interested in diets, the patients weren't interested in diets and neither were the hospitals so diet didn't come into it.
Me sorprende que en mis años clínicos... nadie estaba interesado en las dietas de los pacientes. Al hablar con mis maestros, no estaban interesados en las dietas, los pacientes no estaban interesados en las dietas... y tampoco los hospitales. Por lo tanto la dieta no apareció.
If they knew I ran away, they'd have to call T. Ray to come get me.
Si supieran que huí, llamarían a T. Ray para que viniera por mí
- Hi, they told me to come right back here.
- Hola, me dijeron que viniera aquí.
I just wish they'd come up to me.
Querría que ellas vinieran a mí.
If they were here, why didn't they come talk to me?
Si estuvieron ahí, ¿ porque no vinieron a hablarme?
So listen, Amanda, the reason I'm in town- - your mom and your aunt asked me to come because they're worried about you.
Escucha, Amanda. La razón por la que vine a la ciudad es... tu mamá y tu tía me pidieron que viniera porque están preocupadas por ti.
But I got this call and they told me to come here and tell you that it's gonna be $ 50,000 by tomorrow.
Pero recibí una llamada y me dijeron que viniera aquí y le dijera que serán $ 50.000. Para mañana.
No, they probably... You know, they probably sent him, that guy back there. They probably sent him to come and get me.
Ellos probablemente mandaron a ese tipo para atraparme.
Let me ask, why you think they even bothering to come at you the way they do?
Déjame preguntarte, ¿ por qué crees que se molestan en atacarte de la manera en que lo hacen?
When they come for me, I'II do everything I can to hide what you knew and when you knew it, but don't deIude yourself.
Cuando vengan por mí, trataré de ocultar lo que usted sabía, pero no se engañe.
Hi, they told me I had to come here.
Hola, - Me dijeron que tenía que venir, espero que no creas que...
These supposed to come true, I think, but they don't make any sense to me.
Se supone que esto va a pasar, creo, pero no tiene sentido para mí.
They've asked me to come here and make sure that when you leave you're not just doctors or surgeons but benders of time. Now, it's your job to use this 10 blade on a 50-year-old woman and take her back so when she looks in the mirror, she sees herself when she was 30.
Me pidieron que viniera y me asegurara que cuando partan no sean sólo doctores o cirujanos, sino manipuladores del tiempo y es su trabajo usar este bisturí nro. 10 en una mujer de 50 años y conseguir que cuando se vea en el espejo, parezca de 30.
I thought that if I took it and showed it to Vernie and JoJo, they'd come back to me.
Pensé que si se los mostraba a Vernie y a JoJo, ellas volverían a mí.
They come out of nowhere, destroy my car, tell me to leave my home, and you say nobody...
Salen de la nada, destrozan mi auto, y me dicen que me vaya. ¿ Y dicen que nadie sabe nada?
Carl, if you don't open that gate, they're going to come in here looking you, you understand me?
Carl, si no abres la puerta van a venir a buscarte ¿ entiendes?
They want to get rid of me so way to hide, and come.
Se quieren deshacer de mí para poder ocultar su culpa.
Even if they come in for something specific, I just figure out their weakness and get them to do whatever I want.
Incluso si vienen buscando algo específico, Yo solo me imagino su debilidad y consigo que hagan cualquier cosa que yo quiera.
Let's drink to hydrate while what you expect to come here and to do what they want with us?
- No me quedaré aquí. Vamos a refrescarnos con agua, mientras esperamos a que vengan por nosotros cuando les dé la gana?
Then they sent sweet things to come get me.
Entonces enviaron una cosa tan linda por mí
- They're calling for me to come back.
- Me están pidiendo que regrese.
They said to stop our nonsense and told me to come back.
Me dijeron que era una tontería que terminara y volviera
Then they forced me to come with them to...
Luego me obligaron a ir con ellos a...
The villagers, the past few years, they've come to depend on me to guide them in their affairs, keep order.
Los aldeanos, los últimos años, han llegado a depender de mí para orientarlos en sus asuntos, mantener el orden.
Yeah, except all my friends are there and they want me to come tonight.
Sí, excepto que todos mis amigos están allí y quieren que valla esta noche. Así que...
And the thought that my legacy has come to this, that my life's work will bring about the devastation that I'm sure will come if they are not stopped, it's unbearable for me to even contemplate.
Y la idea de que mi legado haya llegado a esto... Que el trabajo de mi vida será el que traiga la devastación... Eso es lo que estoy seguro que pasará si no se les detiene...
How many cities, we must crush before they come to their senses?
Me pregunto cuántas ciudades tendremos que destruir... para que entren en razón?
They've come down to earth to make you and me happy tonight.
De los que descienden a la Tierra para hacer dos hombres felices.
They want me to come work with them.
Quieren que vaya a trabajar con ellos.
There's a pack of reporters on the street waiting for me to come out so they can stick microphones and cameras in my face.
Hay una manada de periodistas en la calle esperando a que salga para poder meterme micrófonos y cámaras en la cara.
If I'm not gonna do any better by my kids and they're not gonna come and see me till I'm about to die, then we are all hopelessly screwed.
Si no voy a ser mejor para mis hijos y ellos no vendrán a verme hasta que esté por morir entonces todos estamos completamente sonados.
- I guess what I'm trying to say is that these people come to me, they want me to fix their problems, and the truth is, I think all I can do is just
Creo que lo que estoy tratando de decir es que estas personas vienen a mí y quieren que resuelva sus problemas, y la verdad es que, yo pienso que todo lo que puedo hacer es caminar con ellos por un tiempo,
Then why didn't they try to come find me?
Entonces ¿ por qué no intentasteis encontrarme?
they come 53
they come in 23
they come here 17
they come and go 32
they come back 19
come to me 469
to meet you 22
to mexico 17
to me 1767
to meet 21
they come in 23
they come here 17
they come and go 32
they come back 19
come to me 469
to meet you 22
to mexico 17
to me 1767
to meet 21
they are coming 72
they are 1447
they are my friends 21
they can't see you 17
they aren't 58
they are everywhere 27
they have 241
they said 545
they are cute 16
they are beautiful 39
they are 1447
they are my friends 21
they can't see you 17
they aren't 58
they are everywhere 27
they have 241
they said 545
they are cute 16
they are beautiful 39
they are delicious 17
they don't 727
they are my family 17
they are here 88
they can't 247
they do 1025
they told me 111
they don't like me 19
they did 777
they are good 26
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they are my family 17
they are here 88
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they did 777
they are good 26