Who's he with tradutor Espanhol
2,367 parallel translation
I was living with my dad, but he's the kinda guy who can't really deal...
Vivía con mi papá, pero es del tipo de hombres, que no puede... Socializar.
- Devore had the boy when he was 60-something with some Vegas showgirl who's no longer in the picture, of course.
Devore tuvo ese hijo a los 60 y algo, con una chica de Las Vegas... que ya no está en su vida, por supuesto.
He's the one who wanted to dance with the strippers.
No. Él quiso bailar con las bailarinas exóticas.
He's an ancient seer who helps many on their quest with added insight.
Es un antiguo vidente que con sus poderes ayuda a muchos.
He will be put back in his tiny cage with 10 other dogs who will bully and rape him until he's eventually euthanized.
Lo meterán en una celda con otros 10 perros que lo violarán hasta que le llegue su hora.
Yeah, but if he really is happier with her and you make him stop, then you're the one who's being selfish.
Sí, pero si realmente es más feliz con ella y tú logras que se detenga, entonces tú serás quien está siendo egoísta.
He's the one who broke off contact with me he's the one... he said he never wanna
Fue él quien cortó del todo conmigo, él nunca ha querido...
- He's with a tribe of people who are very fond of Jews.
- Está con una tribu de gente que tiene mucho afecto por los judíos.
He's stuck me with some fresh-faced graduate who thinks modern policing is all about the interweb.
Me encajó un recién graduado, que cree que la policía moderna es acerca de interweb.
He's the one who, with Gassman, would do Othello one evening..... and lago the next, they'd swap parts.
Era aquel, que con Gassman, hacían una noche de Otelo... -... y la siguiente de Yago. - ¡ Eso es!
On the one hand, he's an esteemed professor who retired with dignity, and on the other hand, he's an end-of-days prophet of doom.
Por un lado es un profesor querido que se retiró con dignidad por el otro lado, es un profeta de la muerte.
~ And he's friends with Davy Who's still in the Navy
De Davy era amigo que sigue de marino
The sniper who shot me, he's out there working with the rebels.
El francotirador que nos disparó está aquí trabajando con los rebeldes.
Does the guy that hired you know who he's fucking with?
El tipo que te contrató, ¿ sabe con quién se metió?
Unless he was influenced by little Jimmy, the most traumatized of Delay's sons, who inundated the school with tales of a highly sexual nature.
A menos que él fue influenciado por pequeño Jimmy, los más traumatizados de los hijos de DeLay, que inundó la escuela con los cuentos de una naturaleza altamente sexual.
But she can't do anything about it because he's all chummy, chummy with the chick who owns the joint.
Pero no puede hacer nada, porque es muy manito suelta.
And it's the same way like I've said to you before with someone who's been going out with a woman and then he's found out that she's got a twin sister.
Y es lo mismo que te he dicho antes, de alguien que ha estado con una mujer y luego se entera de que tiene una hermana gemela.
Who said he's up there with Einstein?
¿ Quién dijo que está al nivel de Einstein?
I'm sure there's some nutjob in Argentina who's pretty fucking out there, but can he battle the molestee with the cream-filled molester inside?
Estoy segura hay algún loco en Argentina que está jodiendo mucho por allá, ¿ pero puede luchar el abusado teniendo al abusador dentro?
Well, you're the one who says that you can't argue with the choices that Broadsky makes on who he's gonna shoot.
Eres quién dice que no puedes justificar las opciones que toma Broadsky, a quién va a disparar.
He's a homeless dude who pushes a shopping cart around with a surfboard hanging out the back.
Es un vagabundo que empuja un carrito de la compra con una tabla de surf en la espalda.
He's on his way to brief SECNAV, who in turn has an appointment with the president.
Va de camino a la Secretaría Naval para informarles, ya que tienen una reunión con el presidente.
He's the son of a Saudi Prince, who's a close confidant with the king.
Es el hijo del principe Saudí, que es un confidente cercano del rey.
I'll bet he's some loser who lives with his parents.
Apostaría que es algún perdedor que vive con sus padres.
We think he gave it to Russell who's gonna try to blackmail her and Chuck with it.
Creemos que se la dio a Russell que tratará a chantajearlos a ella y a Chuck con eso.
The Agency wants you to run the op with Sam and Jesse, send them into the chemical plant to figure out who Resnik's working for and what he's doing.
La agencia quiere que hagas la operación con Sam y Jesse, envíalos a ellos a la planta química para averiguar para quién trabaja Resnik y qué está haciendo.
You're just lucky he's working with one of the good guys... Who's actually a good guy.
Tienes suerte de que esté trabajando con uno de los buenos... y que de verdad es un buen tío.
I chose my dinner with Andre, because it's about a guy who has an unexpectedly enjoyable evening with a weird friend he's been avoiding lately.
Elegí "Mi cena con André", porque trata sobre un tipo que inesperadamente disfruta de una velada con un amigo raro que había estado evitando.
Oh, and I call an AM radio station every night and pretend to be a history teacher at a local high school who dedicate Miley Cyrus songs to the sophomore girl he's having an affair with.
Oh, y llamo a la estación de radio AM todas las noches y me hago pasar por un profesor de historia en una secundaria local que le dedica canciones de Miley Cyrus a una chica de 2do año con la que está teniendo un romance.
What if he's a crackpot who likes to mind meld with squirrels.
¿ Y si es un chiflado que le gusta fusionar las mentes con ardillas
Look, Hank, he's a sweet man with a heart condition, who owes the government some money.
Mire, Hank, es un hombre dulce con una afección cardíaca, que le debe algo de dinero al gobierno.
A person who's never been in a relationship with someone he actually trusts, someone who's always been alone.
Alguien que nunca ha mantenido una relación con nadie en el que confiase de verdad, alguien que siempre ha estado solo.
A man's got to know who he's saddled up with.
Un hombre tiene que saber con quién trabaja.
He's an emotionally retarded arty boy who's in love with another woman.
Es un chico emocionalmente retardado que se las da de artista que está enamorado de otra mujer.
But he was iced along with a killer who's wanted all over.
Pero se lo han cargado junto a un asesino buscado en medio mundo.
And there's Xorro who spelled his name with an X and with his sword he'd make an X mark.
Y está Xorro que escribía su nombre con X y con su espada hacía una marca de X.
And who is Noel when he's not with you?
Quiero decir, ¿ quién es Noel cuando no está contigo?
My darling murdered child, who's lived here all these years with friends he could never have.
Mi querido niño asesinado quien ha vivido aquí todos estos años con amigos que nunca tuvo.
He says she's with the white soldiers who were there the day when - the day Sam died.
Dice que ella está con los soldados blancos que estaban allí el día que... El día que Sam murió.
Three months ago he tracks her down only to find out she's involved with a guy who inflates his own ego by making women feel bad about themselves.
Hace tres meses la localizó para descubrir que salía con un sujeto que infla su ego haciendo que las mujeres se sientan mal consigo mismas.
- so he's been living with his uncle, who...
- así que está viviendo con su tío, quien...
He wants to know who he's dealing with.
Quiere saber con quién está tratando.
No, he's like the kind of guy who would show up in a new place, and he's like, "oh, I'm gonna ditch orientation and go for a swim with a bunch of people I barely know."
No, él es como el tipo de hombre que se presentaría en un lugar nuevo, y diría, "oh, voy a pasar de la orientación y voy a nadar con un montón de gente a la que apenas conozco."
Okay, uh, there's a guy in Wisconsin who's a registered offender with a blue van, but he is currently incarcerated.
Bien, uh, hay un tipo en Wisconsin con antecedentes sexuales y con un monovolúmen azul, pero está actualmente en la cárcel.
He was only an orderly, so that could hardly reflect on Tranquility's mission of providing care and nurturing to our guests who have entrusted us with their destiny.
Era un guardia, así que difícilmente encajaba en la misión de Tranquility de proveer cuidado y contención a los huéspedes que nos habían confiado su destino.
He's speaking with a Johnny Roselli, who is a small-time- - Sure. I know who Roselli is.
El está hablando con Johnny Roselli, quien es alguien de poca monta...
Tim's... And then this really weird guy came up who was like, tall, he's skinny, he's really annoying, with like, crazy weird hair. Love her.
La quiero.
... deciphering the human genetic code, but he's also one of the most controversial... iconoclast with a brilliant mind and an outsized ego who has flaunted the conventional wisdom, and tweaked the staid scientific establishment at every turn.
descifrando el código genético humano, pero él es también el más controvertido iconoclasta de mente brillante y un ego desproporcionado, que ha alardeado de la sabiduría convencional, que ha esquivado las sobrias normas establecidas cuando ha podido.
He's the one who tried to attack us with that pole.
Él fue quien trató de atacarnos con ese palo.
He's a 46-year-old billionaire who still lives with his mother.
Es un millonario de 47 años que aún vive con su madre.
Fix what's wrong with elan medically, But I-I can't change who he is.
Arreglar lo que va mal con Elan médicamente, pero no puedo cambiar quién es.
who's here 116
who's he 503
who's he talking to 40
with 1352
without 110
within 177
withdraw 82
with you 1138
with me 1243
with all due respect 1080
who's he 503
who's he talking to 40
with 1352
without 110
within 177
withdraw 82
with you 1138
with me 1243
with all due respect 1080
with you by my side 17
with all my heart 134
with your family 23
with men 23
with your permission 239
with your mother 23
with this ring 42
with your wife 28
with your help 124
with your 48
with all my heart 134
with your family 23
with men 23
with your permission 239
with your mother 23
with this ring 42
with your wife 28
with your help 124
with your 48
with your dad 25
with pleasure 453
with her 211
with whom 203
with your father 34
with that in mind 45
without me 305
with good reason 53
with us 243
with your life 24
with pleasure 453
with her 211
with whom 203
with your father 34
with that in mind 45
without me 305
with good reason 53
with us 243
with your life 24