With all due respect tradutor Espanhol
2,862 parallel translation
With all due respect, Dr. T'Soni, that ship was nothing more than a dreadnaught piloted by a rogue Spectre agent.
Con el debido respeto, Dr. T'Soni, esa nave no era más que un gran acorazado pilotado por un agente Espectro renegado.
With all due respect, Robin, I'm against him.
Con el debido respeto, Robin, estoy en su contra.
Listen, ladies, with all due respect, I've been instructed not to discuss any company business outside of the boardroom.
Escuchen, damas, con el debido respeto, he sido instruido para no discutir ningún asunto de la compañía fuera de la junta.
With all due respect, Mr. Seville, these kidnappers aren't playing around.
Con todo el respeto, Sr. Seville, esos secuestradores no se andan con juegos.
Therefore I tell you with all due respect, Your plan will take at least a year.
Por eso les digo con todo respeto, para hacer su plan se debe disponer de por lo menos un año.
With all due respect admiral, are you sure you're doing the right thing?
Con todo el debido respedo almirante, ¿ Esta seguro que hace lo correcto?
Hey, look, Violet, with all due respect, I am not being naive, okay?
Eh, mira, Violet, con todo el respeto, no estoy siendo un ingenuo, ¿ vale?
Um, with all due respect, ma'am, wouldn't it be better if it came from you?
Con todo el debido respeto, señora, ¿ no sería mejor si lo hiciera usted?
With all due respect to you...
Con el debido respeto a usted...
- With all due respect, Mr. Morgan,
- Con el debido respeto, Sr. Morgan,
With all due respect, that's bullshit.
Con todo el respeto, eso son gilipolleces.
And with all due respect, Captain...
Y con todo respeto, capitan...
Sir, with all due respect, the 2nd Mass is going on the mission.
Señor, con todo el debido respeto, la Segunda de Mass irá a la misión.
With all due respect, sir, but, given who you are,... wasn't it unwise to go riding around like that, without an escort or anything?
Con todos los respetos, señor, pero, siendo usted quien es, ¿ no le parece una imprudencia salir a cabalgar así, sin escolta ni nada?
Okay, uh, with all due respect, he's got a lot of issues tied up in that arm.
De acuerdo, con el debido respeto, tiene muchos problemas relacionados con ese brazo.
Lieutenant, with all due respect, if Kate Jordan doesn't show up, your case is already damaged, and not just a little.
Teniente, con el debido respeto, si Kate Jordan no aparece, su caso ya está dañado, y no solo un poco.
With all due respect, I was told my microphone was off.
Con todo el respeto, lo dije con el micrófono apagado.
Sir, with all due respect, it's the second time you send me.
Señor, con todos mis respetos, es la segunda vez que me manda.
With all due respect to Diego and Carlos and his video,
Con todo mi respeto a Diego y a Carlos, y a su video.
With all due respect.
Con el debido respeto.
Well, with all due respect to Thurston, I know my metals, and this here is aluminum.
Bueno, con el debido respeto a Thruston, conozco los metales, y esto de aquí es aluminio.
With all due respect, ma'am, I believe the sun has set on our conversation.
Con el debido respeto, señora, creo que el sol se ha puesto sobre nuestra conversación.
- With all due respect, I don't have time for this.
- No tengo tiempo para esto.
With all due respect, warden, I'm a thief.
Con todo el debido respeto, alcaide, soy un ladrón.
With all due respect, it's just not practical to move that quickly.
Con el debido respeto, es solo que no es práctico moverse tan rápido.
Gentlemen, with all due respect, the city has done a tremendous amount of business with both your institutions.
Caballeros, con el debido respeto la ciudad ha hecho una tremenda cantidad de negocios con sus respectivas instituciones.
With all due respect, Mr. Cano, your fraudulent deal was with my brother, not with me.
Con el debido respeto, Sr Cano, su trato fraudulento fue con mi hermano, no conmigo.
With all due respect, for whatever feelings of loyalty you might still harbour for that woman, I wish to inform you that I can no longer protect your Doctor MacMillan.
Con todos mis respetos por cualesquiera que sean los sentimientos de lealtad que puedas seguir albergando hacia esa mujer quiero informarte de que no puedo seguir protegiendo a tu doctora MacMillan.
With all due respect, your cousin can't pick the difference between fairytales and reality.
Con todo respeto, tu primo no puede distinguir la diferencia entre los cuentos de hadas y la realidad.
You know, with all due respect,
- ¿ De verdad? - Sí.
Well, with all due respect, are you sure that I know all there is to know about this case?
Bueno, con todos mis respetos, ¿ estás seguro de que sé todo lo que hay que saber sobre este caso?
With all due respect, Mr. Tate, someone's taking it pretty personal.
Con el debido respeto, Señor Tate, alguien lo está tomando como algo bastante personal.
But with all due respect, your highness,
Pero con el debido respeto, su alteza,
With all due respect, I believe we're talking about ten million dollars.
Con todo el respeto, creo que estamos hablando acerca de 10 millones de dólares.
Republians who want to burn the place to the ground and Democrats with all due respect, who want to offer a plan that gets it through the end of their second term of their presidency and then screws me and my kids when it's over.
Los republicanos que quieren destruirlo todo hasta las cenizas y de los Demócratas que con todo el respeto, quieren ofrecer un plan que los lleve hasta el fin del de su segundo periodo presidencial y entonces joderme a mi y a mis hijos cuando se acabe.
And with all due respect, Chief, we need to find out if this rug is from the priest's room or - -
Gracias. Y con todo el debido respeto, Jefe, tenemos que averiguar si esta alfombra es de la habitación del sacerdote o...
Generally speaking, Paul, and with all due respect, I think you're slick, uncommitted and opportunistic.
Hablando en términos generales, Paul, y con el debido respeto, creo que eres hábil, no te comprometes, y eres un oportunista.
With all due respect, last night, Mason dumped the dinner I made him on the floor, ran out the door, and scared the hell out of me because he is worried about you.
Con todo el debido respeto, anoche, Mason tiró la cena que le preparé, en el suelo, corrió por la puerta, y me asustó como no tienes idea. porque está preocupado por ti.
- With all due respect, we know what we're defending against.
- Con todo respeto, sabemos ante lo que nos estamos defendiendo.
Well, with all due respect, sir, I think you're being myopic.
Bueno, con todo el debido respeto, señor creo que está siendo miope.
Smaller measures like these can help, but, with all due respect, they're a drop in the bucket given the city's deficit.
Medidas menores como estas pueden ayudar pero, con todo respeto son insignificantes dado el déficit de la ciudad.
Well, with all due respect, you touted your family values as your ticket into office.
Bien, con el debido respeto, trataste de vender tus valores familiares...
With all due respect, letting Merle talk to those women unsupervised is a mistake.
Con el debido respeto, dejar que Merle hable con esas mujeres sin supervisión es un error.
With all due respect,
Con el debido respeto,
With all due respect, Michael, she was corrupt as hell.
Con todo respeto, Michael, ella era corrupta como el infierno.
With all due respect, ma'am, that's because you won't show me the file.
Con el debido respeto, señora, eso es porque no me enseña el archivo.
With all due respect, sir, that's agency BS, and we all know it.
Con el debido respeto, señor, Eso son gilipolleces de la agencia, y todos lo sabemos.
With all due respect, it's not gonna matter what you are if Harvey gets disbarred.
Con el debido respeto, no va a importar qué eres si Harvey es inhabilitado.
So is, with all due respect, Miss Reagan.
Igual que, con todo el respeto, la señorita Reagan.
With all due respect sir, I am unwilling to stand down because if nothing is done my partner dies.
Con el debido respeto, señor, no estoy dispuesta a retirarme porque si no hacemos nada mi compañero muere.
With all due respect, we lost a man out there.
Con el debido respeto, hemos perdido a un hombre ahí fuera.
with all my heart 134
with all respect 40
with all this 27
all due respect 374
due respect 39
with you 1138
with me 1243
with you by my side 17
with your family 23
with your permission 239
with all respect 40
with all this 27
all due respect 374
due respect 39
with you 1138
with me 1243
with you by my side 17
with your family 23
with your permission 239
with men 23
with your 48
with your mother 23
with this ring 42
with your help 124
with your wife 28
with pleasure 453
with your dad 25
with your father 34
with her 211
with your 48
with your mother 23
with this ring 42
with your help 124
with your wife 28
with pleasure 453
with your dad 25
with your father 34
with her 211
with that in mind 45
with whom 203
with us 243
with your life 24
with your hands 23
with good reason 53
with it 82
with that said 19
with that 162
with a knife 24
with whom 203
with us 243
with your life 24
with your hands 23
with good reason 53
with it 82
with that said 19
with that 162
with a knife 24